From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Nice thanks for letting me know it arrived safe!

Haven’t tried it yet but here’s a picture of a poorly trimmed SSDD #3 at least if nothing else -

Very sticky, smells chemmy , sharp, sour - I assume the smell is appalachia leaning. Definitely doesn’t smell like my bubbashine leaning mom at all.

Don’t know what respect OG is but that one seems good to me given it’s a freebie and you can’t get it anywhere. Don’t have to wait for old stock or wonder if Bodhi is going to send more to banks at any time. Also seems like less people are going to have it. Same goes for ACDC cbd x 88G13Hashplant.


I wish I could pop them now :sunglasses:
Nice shot!


I usually leave it on, but honestly not sure if I’ve noticed much difference with my lens.

This one looks good! Lots of clarity on the trich stalks and heads through most of the photo.

You may not be able to get as close to the subject as I am with my lens, that will surely make a difference too.

Have you sampled the Waking Dream yet?

Yeah man, every time I smoke that Baba Kush 5… well, first I really enjoy it, then I lament that I didn’t keep a cut :frowning:

Yeah I don’t think there’s much cross-over there, beyond Hazes/Piff just being the new new. It’s stupid. Just the latest fad / money making scheme everyone is getting into. Grow what you want to grow because it interest you, not because everyone else is growing it. I think HST was right though, the magic of the psychedelic movement died with Nixon, for a variety of reasons… I think it’s seeing a resurgence though, just hope it doesn’t fall into the hands of too many capitalists. People are tired of numbing themselves with Xanax and GSC, or at least, I hope they are!


Haha, this is a great point. I don’t write the most coherently… usually, I write like I talk, which isn’t so great either sometimes! I do appreciate it though, it’s a rare skill in this day and age to be able to write well, with proper grammar, and punctuation. I appreciate @minitiger 's write-up’s for this reason, you’re a good writer dude, have you ever thought about trying to make money using that skill?

This one looks kinda similar to the SSDD I grew, would agree that it’s appy leaning.


That one SSDD picture from early in your thread looks incredible. That had an appy smell to it or was it a diff pheno? I’ve seen a very similar to #3 pheno before in my first pack and am not the biggest fan. The few chucks I tried with it were lackluster too.

Yes 2 times but I don’t like to make comments early on unless it’s positive usually. Nothing bad, just doesn’t stand out at the moment. Never tried Wifi before to compare either. Seemed like it would be decent night time meds but nothing spectacular. This was uncured sampling though so subject to change.

Ya the working distance sucks on my lens (12" I believe), kind of wish I had the 50mm Z mount lens instead at times.

Will have to play around with stacking one of these days. I downloaded CombineZP which is an open source program for combining images but haven’t messed around with it yet. I refuse to pay a monthly fee for Lightroom and am not going to use a cloud application for cannabis pictures anyways haha.

Ahh OK. I haven’t noticed a difference either but I’ve heard a few different people suggest turning it off if using a tripod.


Just a note so I don’t forget

7/6 - Lav Jack , Chem 91 x SSDD & Herer HP moved to flower

May have to cull a triple sunshine or 2 to make room if stretch is unbearable.
Not intending on taking cuttings - will plan on a reveg if something looks or smells worthy
Unsexed - will cull any males.


What a lineup curious to see how that herer hp does seems like his jack cut is something special


Don’t hold your breath there… haha.

Yeah, sure, I’ve thought about it. My best friend’s a writer. Like, a legit “that’s how she makes her living” writer, she’s always telling me to “do something” with it. I sent a sample to Vice like twelve years ago, talked to them about writing a weekly or bi-weekly thing, but once they said,”Okay, we’re down,” I lost interest haha. I dunno why. I always do that, though. It’s like I just wanna see if I can get somebody on board with an idea I have, but once they are, I’m just like,”Never mind, I don’t wanna do that…” haha!

Didn’t you just plant those pretty recently? Like a month ago?


I don’t know when, they were root-bound as hell though and had to be transplanted. I put them in 1 GAL pots and figured if I waited they would get too big so it’s go time. I don’t want to have to transplant them again.

edit - 27 days ago → image

Not going to pull out every plant to take a picture at this stage but here’s a Lav Jack

And here’s a c91 sva x ssdd - the garbage on the leaf isn’t mold it’s spilled gnatrol.


Okay. Interesting. So you transplanted into the one-gallons and then immediately moved them into the flower tent? No, like, “adjustment period” or whatever?

I only ask because I’ve been considering trying something new and slightly similar to that starting next grow, but I haven’t decided yet if I’ll actually go through with it haha.


That’s what I do when I keep stretch down… Transplant and straight into flower with no adjustment period. Maybe a day or two but that’s it.


My last run I made the mistake of going from 1g to 3g, and giving them a week to adjust, and they got all vine-y when they stretched. Maybe if I had waited another couple weeks after transplanting, they would have filled out more and been stronger. Or just flip same day and not mess with any of that. Straight into flower. Don’t give it time to calculate how much extra space it has lol.


Ya. The area they’re in is pretty restricited vertically. If it comes to it they’ll have to move into the triple sunshine tent but then I’d have to cull a few. Roots will continue to grow even in 12/12. Plants will still probably get rootbound to the point of being a problem this way, but it would get really bad if I waited.

Hershey Squirt pheno hunt?


Golden :joy::ok_hand:t2:


Thinking I’m going to do something along these lines do a bunch of 1 or 3 gallons in a 3x3 I have in the works to do some pheno hunting and run the keepers in the 4x4 in the 20s I have going


You gonna F2 that fire?


Ya both work well. I think with 3 gals you can usually get about 9 but it can be a bit tight, especially with saucers. 1 Gals from memory you can comfortably do 12-16.


Some may have benefited from some pre-flower veg time. Thinking of this one when I make that comment :

overall most seem vigorous enough to handle it though



I see some pistils withering so I will have to be vigilant and inspect on my next day off. It’s been really hot in the tent and these are still relatively untested. Gotta keep an eye out for the bananas.


Yeah, I know that, but only for a couple three weeks. I was thinking about ditching the half-gallon veg pots and just planting directly into the seven-gallons from the little starter pots, even though I probably won’t know the sex after thirty days (which is usually how long it takes before they’re ready to transplant, Time Bandits notwithstanding). Veg for two weeks after I transplant and then flip and find out what’s what afterwards. I figure it’ll shave two weeks off the veg time and I maybe won’t have to veg 20+ plants for two months before I find out I only ended up with eight females haha.

Fuck. You. Haha. I hate that guy.

That’s actually pretty funny.

But fuck you, too! Haha!

Where do they come from? Wherrrrrre do these idiots come from…?


Ya just a matter of figuring out how to make the most out of the space and materials you have on hand.

For my setup 1 Gals seem best for cycling through variety. That’s not to say that 1 Gals are the best though, far from it, but it’s a compromise I’m willing to make. Too many times I’ve grown something I ended up hating in a 20gal+ pot and feel like I wasted months. If I dislike or have to toss a 1Gal pot it doesn’t bother me at all.


This is what I’m coming to terms with while I’ve enjoyed most of what I’ve grown 1 20 gallon being 25 percent of my space If I get a herm or have issues and have loss it’s a whole quarter or more loss not counting the time to fill out the tent would be nice to run proven quality in them over gambles