From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

I remember those lungs, oh the stuff we used to smoke out of :rofl:


No ETA on power now. Really apparent how necessary carbon filters are when they go off.


The real problem is when the buzzards start circling


Could be their fate when all is said and doneā€¦ The Triple Suns are untested and have no idea how theyā€™re going to respond to these stresses. Same can be said for the new stuff. I found out the cause of the power outage was a giant tree falling on a power line nearby, hoping by tomorrow I have power. Not worried about mold really just intersex issues at this point.


Brutal. Super sorry to hear that. Just spending the night with no ac yourself sucks. Hope you can at least get some sleep and itā€™s back on tomorrow.


Thanks , I donā€™t like the heat but I felt really bad for the dogs. High heat + shepherd coats has to be brutal. Weā€™re back on now thankfully!

That sucked though, hopefully no herms. If anything does throw nanners itā€™s getting culled regardless. Not even joking at all about the carbon filter thing. Smelling it at the end of your driveway is always a sickening and paralyzing feeling when all your neighbors are outside because no power / high heat.

Anyways I got a few pictures when the lights were off.

here you can see the undersides of the leaves being lit up by my phone laying on top of a pot shining the light upā€¦


Hahaha yes! I remember making those in a bathtub with a half cut open 3 liter soda bottle and a little bowl pieceā€¦ some chewing gum to maintain the suction and keep it airtight. :laughing:

Youā€™d seriously cough a lung up and fall over after taking a hit off of that thing.


I only had garbage compressed stuff back when I made a gravity & waterfall (?) bong but I do remember the gravity bong hitting very hard. Think we used a 5Gal bucket or something like that but donā€™t remember for sure.


Nobody mentioned hot knives. Haha. If weā€™re talking dumb kid stuff.


I remember reading about hot knives and a dome or straw for hash right? Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever done that. Never really had access to hash until I started growing and by then the flower was more than potent enough.


Weā€™d use an empty paper towel roll. It was so stupid. Moms would be pissed about their knives. Haha


Ahh I think steamrollers as well as stuffing paper towel rolls with dryer sheets to exhale through and mask the smell was the only use of them for me.

I remember a family member making Bhang and that was one of the most devastating modes of consumption Iā€™ve come across w/ cannabis at that point. Forgot where the recipe was sourced, maybe even old OG but I think it only used bud leaves and was mashed in a mortar and pestle. Was ridiculously tasty too and didnā€™t have that cooked cannabis taste. If I was an edibles person Iā€™d love to mess around with that more.


Use to think I was sly and did when I took showers to hide the smoke when I first started smoking never worked always had my sister yell at me about the smell afterwards :joy:


Hahaha Good old sploofs. Sooo many kids thought they were slick with those.


Yes, a chef buddy made me some in the late 90s/ early 00s and I still remember that crushing feeling! You know when you think to yourself, ā€œHoly Fuck! Maybe I had too much!ā€ Devastating is a good way to describe it! Maybe soon is a good time to revisit!


Ya skimming through that it looks very similar to the recipe I am talking about. I made it at least 10x since I was given the Bhang & the recipe (Pretty sure it was from original OG or at least re-posted there). I remember steeping the herb in hot water for 7-10 min and then pulverizing it in the mortar and pestle with all the spices. Donā€™t remember that much pepper but maybe there was pepper in this recipe. I heard him mention that the herb is not decarboxylated in the process and it definitely doesnā€™t taste like it is. It is by far the best tasting canna edible Iā€™ve made.

I donā€™t understand the chemistry involved or why it works but to me it also feels more potent than edibles, but maybe itā€™s just because itā€™s easier to take a larger dose in liquid form when it tastes so goodā€¦

Itā€™s awesome to hear your anecdote as well, makes me feel less insane haha. Iā€™ll make some bhang at some point as well whenever I actually decide to do edibles nextā€¦

The recipe called for 1oz - I remember that much. This recipe looks very much like it. Probably is / was it.


Bringing back memories haha. Funny how we thought it would work.


Just read through this whole thread, and wow you take some amazing pictures. Are you a professional photographer, or just a hobbyist? I definitely want to put some ssdd crosses on my short list of things to grow after seeing what youā€™ve done with them.

I voted for the devils hp on the poll earlier. Thatā€™s one Iā€™ve wanted to see for awhile now but I donā€™t see too many grow journals online


Nope just a hobbyist, thanks for the kind words! Seems flash photography is hit or miss with people and itā€™s nice to hear when people enjoy the pictures. Iā€™m trying to improve my skills when taking pictures without flash as well but I figure under a static artificial light itā€™s not the biggest deal anyways haha. Excited for the days when I can take outdoor pictures under actual natural lighting!

Ya I havenā€™t either. I think Iā€™m the only one who has publicly posted pictures of it at least and I only went through 3 plants. Interested to see what else is in those packs.


Even in full sun (which apparently is not a good time to take pictures) my camera seems to perform much better without flash than under grow lights. I quickly took these earlier today and got some pretty nice shots just doing it handheld. Should have used a bit more narrow of an aperture but it was hard to see the screen in direct sun to know how focus was. I really do like my lens, but wish my camera supported more lenses natively. Great lens for portrait shots and decent for macros as well.

oh hereā€™s a MAIL CALL