From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Make me want to bust out my old Pentax from photo class and go take some shots. Haha Keep posting up cool pics! Always fun to see.


my pics of weed in the full/direct sun always end up looking weird, over-exposed from all the shiny trichs.

But, my photos outside of weed in non-direct sun look great, itā€™s too much easier to get good shots with that much light coming into the lens.

Nice shots of the honeybees and salvia!


Also Iā€™m not an ingrate or the type to complain about free stuff but I almost feel disgust getting these freebies. I donā€™t know why but it feels like Iā€™m supporting GGG and would rather just not get freebies w/ my order haha. Donā€™t want to scatter them in the wild even for the slight chance of spreading these genetics any further.

Ya that makes sense. I always hear and read about the ā€˜golden hourā€™ but almost never am out with the nikon camera when the lighting is correct haha. I noticed with dog pictures that the angled / warmer light can create some really nice and dramatic effects. I struggle a lot with contrast issues in outdoor settings, especially with shepherds black muzzle against a brighter background. Maybe HDR or a lens filter is the answerā€¦



I guess you mean GLG? Iā€™ve seen some good grows of DBJā€™s stuff. I havenā€™t grown any, but donated a bunch to the server auction. What is your beef with the genetics, unless yer being sarcastic, lol!


They are from GLG but I was talking about propping up and further legitimizing parasitic ā€œbreedersā€ like GGG / Gage Green.


Ok, ya lost me, whatā€™s GGG have to do with those GLG seeds in the pic of packs? You wonā€™t pay 7000 willies for a pack, sheesh :slight_smile:


Those freebie seeds that syzygy posted are hybrids of Gage Greenā€™s, you kind of have to blow up the pic to see it. Or I had to, anyway haha. And Genetic Designer is Gage Greenā€™s attempt at rebranding.

$7000 for a pack of seedsā€¦ I meanā€¦ Is anybody taking that seriously? I would LOVE to know if anybodyā€™s actually bought even one pack of those. I saw he was selling packs for a grand or two, hadnā€™t seen that one for seven, though. What a jokeā€¦

Plants look good, syzygy! Haha.


Found the old photo of what we got back then.


Those bee photos are awesome, Great shots!


Thanks! Love the color of those blue salvias, they really pop in person. The dahlias do as well actually.

Hereā€™s some photos from tonight. Lav jack was extremely dry when I got home but managed to water it before it started to droop.

Lav Jack - tall pheno

TS - C - thinking about ā€˜ā€˜retiringā€™ā€™ this

TS - A - Foxtailing quite a bit. Was at least 90 in there today, probably closer to 100 when I was gone.


SSDD - lowest bud on the plant


Vaped Trip Sun A & SSDD #3 all last night and had a whole wordpad doc of notes on each. Somehow I accidentally closed it without saving. Not going to try to do an in depth review from memory but my impressions so far are positive on the TS. Disappointed with SSDD.

TS-A - fully seeded

Medium-High potency.

Feel good alert energy boost coupled with a sense of feeling content. Nice and relaxing. Some components linger but Iā€™d say the majority of the psychoactivity is short lived (2H~). Functional and great cannabis to unwind after work where you also arenā€™t ready to go to sleep.

SSDD #3 (vaporized a seedless plant, picture is a seeded plant)

Medium potency.

Spacey, tired, calm. I vaporized 2 to 3 times the amount I usually do and still felt it was on the weaker side. I thought I may end up regretting an early cull on this one but it turned out to be the right call. Thereā€™s nothing special to me about this plant. Even saw a late stage nanner in one of the buds as I was cutting them up to throw away (I kept the seeded flowers just in caseā€¦). Triple Sunshine cuts right through the ā€˜tired / sleepyā€™ effects of this SSDD #3 and wakes you up with the mental energy boost.


Pics look great! :heart_eyes: Especially the TS-A!

Canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised on that ssdd #3. Thatā€™s how the #2 I recently ran out was. Seen a bunch of that in the SSDDā€™s. Iā€™m almost amused these days when I see people clamoring for a single pack of it. Just heard of an auction going on where an F1 pack was going for $400 :eyes: The chances of actually finding a standout plant in a single pack are actually kinda small. I think you may be on the money about the outcrosses with Bodhiā€™s ssdd male being better overall :thinking:


400$ on a single pack. The world is mad. :grin:

Curious what your minimum number of seeds you like run to find your keepers?


Thanks and ya I try to be as careful and accurate as Iā€™m able to when talking about this stuff. I donā€™t like speaking too much about the potency of A because itā€™s fully seeded but to me currently Iā€™d say its about a 7/10 or so. Perfect for me but I could see others being disappointed. Weā€™ll see how this sensi run turns out and if itā€™s any stronger. I also feel like I tend to rate things lower on the potency scale than others do and I donā€™t think itā€™s because of tolerance as Iā€™m a lightweight. Not every flower can be a 10/10 on every single attribute.

TSA reminds me a lot of k4 x ssdd only it has that nice boost of energy and mental stimulation. This to me is my idea of a good ā€œindica / sativaā€ hybrid if weā€™re going to use those words. Or heady indica. Combines the most desirable traits (to me) of both. No racy or uncomfortable come-up like many of the hybrids.

Ya I agree. I still donā€™t regret buying this pack in shoeā€™s fundraiser because it was for a good cause. My intent was just to dust my SSDD mom with some males so I can retire my SSDD mom but at this point Iā€™m not even sure I want to go through more. 4/4 of the SSDDs were disappointing to me out of that pack.

Ya itā€™s definitely more in line with what Iā€™m looking for at least. No clue about pain relief properties but the psychological side of things it seems very easy to find a quality ssdd plant. Every ssdd male cross has been nice so it seems like you donā€™t have to do some huge hunt to find a good sample.


Iā€™m just perpetually going through stuff and am not a breeder. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get garbage. Personally I donā€™t feel confident judging a line unless I go through 2 to 3 packs but getting burned by bad luck can still sour me if I havenā€™t gone through that many.

As for keepers : something is a ā€˜keeperā€™ until something better comes along and bumps it off its pedestal. Iā€™m not claiming anything I find is ā€˜eliteā€™ or anything like that, although I genuinely do believe that most people here would have found my Space Monkey pine pheno to be quite special. Thatā€™s probably the closest that Iā€™ve seen to an ā€˜eliteā€™ in the seeds that Iā€™ve popped. Even still though after a few years the desire to try new stuff prevails.

I donā€™t believe that Iā€™ve sampled any SSDD or SSDD cross that would score higher than an 8/10 on potency except maybe TS-C. Weā€™ll see about A on the sensi run. Thatā€™s fine with me though because I like mild and functional herb. Communicating preferences is really important when reviewing and talking about this stuff.


Yeah what syzygy said. Iā€™ve gotten standout keeper plants on the very first bean that came up. And Iā€™ve had others where Iā€™ve been through numerous packs worth just to find something and still come up short. My ssdd keeper was the first and only f2 that came up out of 20 beans. Iā€™ve since been through 3+ F1 packs and another 60+ F2ā€™s and still havenā€™t found a comparable male, much less a better girl.


Thanks I wanted to get an idea of how far some people exploring the lines will go.

Space monkey peaked my interest the other day while window shopping. The Pirate Booty stood out to me with the Vintage Black Afghani. Iā€™ll have to go back and read up on that Space Monkey grow.

Yea I agree, Preferences vary wildly is cannabis.


I did a quick overview of the 4 females that I saw in the pack here :

and have posted about it on riu as well as here many times.

I have no idea at what the frequency this pheno shows up. I have heard a lot of people rave about Space Monkey but I never got the impression anyone else got a pure pine / Christmas tree smelling pheno. I didnā€™t care for the lavender pheno at all. I considered ordering another pack but realistically know Iā€™ll never go through it. I have enough similar genetics I can go through if the desire is there.


Also I lost my keeper space monkey due to relying on an unreliable person to keep it. I really respect this person and appreciate them immensely so I donā€™t mean that in a hostile way. They helped me out tremendously when getting into the hobby and passed me many ā€˜eliteā€™ cuttings when I started out. Lifelong friend that I appreciate way beyond cannabis. Just the reality of some personalities, they arenā€™t as obsessive as we are about these things and thatā€™s fine.

I gave them SSDD and SM mothers and they kept them without issue for a long time. I kept SM after retiring my SSDD but eventually needed my SSDD back to make SSDD x Goji OG. I retrieved the SSDD without issue and made the SSDD x Goji. After that I made some SM x Goji with my SM mom and eventually decided to retire the mom so that I could explore more stuff (plant count, space were both concerns). I forget exactly why I kept the SSDD around but I think it was because I planned on going through some F2s to chuck at it before letting it go. I figured it was no big deal because I havenā€™t given said friend anything better than SM.

My friend at some point asked me for some cuttings to flower out of what I had at the time ( I donā€™t remember ). Fast forward some time and discovered that he assumed that the cuttings I gave him from a seed exploration must have been superior, otherwise why would I have them. He let his SM & ssdd flower out without keeping moms. Whatever was being explored was definitely not worth keeping. I believe it was the madre azul & Blueberry hashplant but not 100%.

I would have rather had the SM in reserve than the SSDD but it is what it is.


Thanks for this, I just am getting going in the chucking and like syzygy said iā€™m nowhere close to a breeder.

This kind of answers my next question which is,

Do you hunt both male and female out of the F1s to ensure the best F2 traits you are selecting for?