From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Haha, you guys are funny. I have never clicked on that thread once but now maybe I should, haha.


It was good and informative for a while, until your boy showed up haha.


Oh shit! Now I definitely have to check it out, haha.


Whatā€™s the story with those? I have a pack of Bye-ya x Drama Queen and the TK/Prayer Tower genetics has me intrigued, but I donā€™t know the behind the scenes stuff you guys are referring to.


And it has gotten even stupider in the past couple weeks, that thread is like a carbon copy of the IC haze threads. Same players, different field.


I deleted my post because i donā€™t have data to back up my dislike of GGG or MMS.
In fairness, GGG is way over priced, but there is dank to be found.
MMS iā€™ve read many places, takes credit for other breederā€™s work. So my issue is his Ethics, not the strains.

Iā€™m hoping orhers will give their opinion.


The story is the owner of GLG breeds with the uber expensive GGG/Gage Green gear and gives em out as freebies to anyone that orders. Saves ya having to drop ~$1000 per bean. A good portion of us donā€™t appreciate gage greenā€™s insane prices though and would rather not run nor spread anything having to do with him. Even crosses with his gear is still like supporting his (price gouging) work.

MMS has been accused of stealing, among other things, Buckeye Purple from Melvaneticā€™s and renaming it to Star Pupil in order to launch his ā€œcareerā€. Plus he runs on the back of everyone elseā€™s work. His ā€˜Mystery Maleā€™ was stolen from Professor_P (Dynasty Genetics). When P called him out on it he said he was quitting, sold off a bunch of gear at high prices, and then whaddyaknow, he never actually quit and just kept doing what he was doing anyways. Thereā€™s moreā€¦


Butā€¦ donā€™t you want to know if it has Thai influence and at what percent?

I still am excited about it but plant counts and current plans and all that. I donā€™t know Iā€™m halfway receptive to the idea of popping some for next round but weā€™ll see. Still deciding what Iā€™m going to do and that last poll didnā€™t help any with the 3-way split.

Itā€™s one of those threads where there will be 30+ posts in one night that end up getting deleted the following day, so a lot of context may be lost.

In a sense but I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily the psychology at play with people who would potentially buy one of their packs. Hardly anyone grows out freebies (though some definitely do) and I just see them as marketing to increase name recognition among brands. Anyone whoā€™s spending 300$+ per pack of seeds I would guess is probably not going to be germinating free seeds that everyone has. If GLG has access to ALL these various seeds and they consistently decide to go with GGG then that helps establish a level of legitimacy.

I canā€™t speak for anybody else but I made the post after putting my new seeds in the fridge and it was fresh on my mind. I take it as marketing towards an obviously indefensible breeder in the community such as GGG. Would be cool if GLG promoted some of the lesser-known and less controversial breeders they deal with in my eyes but it is what it is. They are freebies and at the end of the day it doesnā€™t matter.


Thanks for the responses guys.
The ethos of a breeder is important to me, so I appreciate having a bigger picture here.
I havenā€™t purchased GGG (due to the insane prices, and because Iā€™m not interested) , nor Mass Medical, and now I can confidently say i wonā€™t!
That said, Iā€™ll run these beans, and if I make seeds, Iā€™ll just change the name to ā€œJusticeā€ and I wonā€™t credit them :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Looks like I quit watching it at the perfect time then haha.

Sighā€¦ Youā€™re right. Maybe Iā€™ll have to start following that thread againā€¦ haha. Knowing how much Thai influence my plants are exhibiting is extremely important to me, especially when those opinions are coming from verifiable morons. Or one verifiable moron, anyway.

As many threads as Iā€™ve read on icmag, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever checked out the one youā€™re referring to. I actually really like that site for researching old-school stuff and even more recent-school stuff, like from 10-15 years ago. Thereā€™s a LOT of good info there, but I guess you just have to avoid the bullshit. I also donā€™t really ever engage on icmag, mostly just lurk, maybe that makes a difference haha.


Still thinking of possible options for what to do this fall. Eventually I have to pick a road to go down though. I feel like I shouldnā€™t wait more than a week to make up my mind.

I really want to get a decent OG leaning mother so that I can consistently have a nice OG on hand while I explore. My Redeye Jedi would have actually been perfect but the reveg failed. So next up Iā€™m as close as positive as Iā€™m going to get that Iā€™m going to do an OG x 88g13hp run of some sort.

Not turning this into a 2nd poll yet just putting my brainstorming into words because it makes it easier to think. Input never hurts either. I definitely want to do Redeye Jedi & Secret Chief because I just bought those. My current policy is Iā€™m not buying seeds unless Iā€™m willing to germinate them for my next grow. Helps keep the hording impulse in check a bit.

Just hypothetical here : Iā€™m going to assume Iā€™m up for doing 1 full pack - 10-12 seeds. Either just one (REJ would be the one if I did that) or a mix of seeds.

6 Redeye Jedi seems reasonable with the hopes at seeing 3 or 4 females if luck should be on my side.
3 Secret Chief
3 Devilā€™s HP

When I write it out like that only 3 secret chiefs seems a bit low. Could see myself getting 2 males and 1 88g13hp leaning female. The struggles of having plant limitsā€¦ Anyways these are the type of considerations and scenarios Iā€™m playing out in my head.

Ya Iā€™m not a haze person so Iā€™m not sure either. The only thread I remember really that he may be talking about is that ultimate sativa thread. I remember skimming that a few times and seeing a lot of good info early on when it was created.


Why not five of each? I mean, whatā€™s an extra few plants? Haha. In any event, I donā€™t think youā€™ll have a problem finding an OG leaner from that lineup or any variation thereof.


Ya but itā€™s the ratios still. If Iā€™m doing 14 plants then why not 7 and 7 or just 14 of one. Just have to psyche myself up for whatever path Iā€™m going to settle on.

Iā€™m assuming my REJ wasnā€™t heavily OG dominant so Iā€™ll probably be happy regardlessā€¦

REJ structure doesnā€™t look lanky or how most people describe OGs to me


Or pop 3 whole packs and cull down to however many plants you need :wink:

Also, found this on Bodhiā€™s 88g13hp



With this current run I kind of wish I ran 4 of each. I ran only 3 LL and wish I had one more to choose from even after getting 2 females out of those 3.

After this current run, I may run 6 varieties so 4 each would be my max only to cull down to 12. Plant limits really are lame. Its such a hindrance for exploring/hunting.


I believe you are correct, long time since I bothered going over there. Really I could have said any thread there that mentions haze. It becomes Sam v Nevil and what is really haze etc, same argument over and over.

Yeah, I only ever lurked there. Well, I signed up once, but was banned like 4 hours later haha. I hadnā€™t even posted anything :man_shrugging: Iā€™m sure the argument is the same still haha.


Itā€™s mostly a concern of logistics. I know I donā€™t have enough space to do that much with the flower area occupied. By the time they are showing gender they will likely be stressed out in a 1 GAL pot needing a transplant and thatā€™s something I cant handle currently. Wish I had the space!

Iā€™d be OK with doing a larger germination and culling if I knew what to look for but I would just be guessing. That Redeye Jedi I posted was a pretty compact plant and would have been culled if looking for viney OG like characteristics. Iā€™m open to doing that with Secret Chief if anyone thinks they can identify SFV leaners though.


Ah, okay, right, I didnā€™t even think about space. How big is the tent again? 3x3? 4x4?

I donā€™t feel comfortable doing that haha. Iā€™d imagine the SFV grows like a lot of other OGā€™s, but Iā€™m not sure. I know Iā€™ve read SFV threads before, but I canā€™t really remember much about what Iā€™ve read. And who knows if those people were even growing legit SFV.

So youā€™re gonna trash any plant that doesnā€™t exhibit that ā€œvine-yā€ growth pattern during the upcoming grow, even if it turns out female?


Iā€™m not sure if structure is linked to anything or not, but Iā€™m fairly positive stem rub and/or leaf morphology are.