From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Ya always in the back of my mind.

It’s complicated as there’s a crawl-space like area near it with limited height, but that’s the flower setup.

The “veg / mother” setup is probably more like 18"x5’ or something like that, not sure.

No I’m saying the exact opposite, that the REJ showed me that it’s not a good idea to rely on structure because of how good my compact REJ was. I’d cull if someone points out an obvious 88g leaner but despite running a decent amount of them I still can’t pick them out with confidence.


Also leaves are getting real necrotic & crispy on the TS-A’s. I imagine a combination of heat, stress from high gnatrol doses & senescence. I don’t know what day they are on but we can see from an earlier post of an early bud shot I would guess to be somewhere between 7 to 14 days flowering.

That would put us around Day 58~ or so I think. They smell really good and may pull them within a week. Will have to see when I pulled them last round, I know they went down a week or 2 before C did. Going to get some pictures later and try to prune off some of the ultra crispy leaves.


Another photo dump - going with Day 58 on these just for simplicity. May be off by a few days. Not everything has crispy necrotic leaves but it feels like all are moving in that direction. Pots were bone dry again today when I went in there. I’d prefer to run these in 2.5-3 GALs in the future, even doing 12/12 from clone.

Triple Sunshine A

Crispy leaves first

Side by Side variation in height

portrait shot

Large flowers that look like “Wizard Hats”. Don’t think it has anything to do with the ssdd wizard hat pheno, probably just foxtailing from the heat. Only second run though so what do I know haha.

SSDD - looking very frosty in person. Starting to develop that smell.


I think it’s a bit of both. Definitely foxtail but I can see the ssdd bracht’s in the TK shape. Nice blend of the two imo. Pics look gorgeous despite any foxtail :heart_eyes:


I don’t think I’d ever cull an otherwise healthy female without smoking it first


Thinking about making a new thread for the fall project. Not sure I want to do that in case there is failure and it fizzles out though. I’m halfway committed at this point and got 4 SC and 4 REJ wet. May do more of both or something else in the coming days. Since it’s all going to be OG x 88 crosses it doesn’t seem relevant to the topic (ssdd) really. Seems to make sense to have a thread for posting Goji , SSDD and 88g crosses separately to me.


Just take pics while they’re growing and then start the actual thread when you’re sure they’re not gonna fizzle out.

You know, like me haha.


More SSDD shots because I’m not sure how much longer the mom is going to be around. Taking pictures while I still can because they may be useful for anyone who has F2s.

Top of plant

Bottom of plant


Forgot to post this earlier : The tall lav jack smells exactly how I remember my “trainwreck” cutting smelling. Not a fan at all of that smell. Obviously aromas change throughout the lifecycle of the plant so am not culling it (yet). If this is terpinolene then I hate it haha.


Just let it grow, man… haha.

For real, though, don’t cull it; I really wanna hear what you think about the dried-and-cured flowers. I think it’s gonna be good.


I was only kind of kidding about hating and hinting at culling later on. I think the smell isn’t so bad when blended in with other aromas but straight up I really dislike it in cannabis. On its own it’s actually a kind of nice and pleasant smell. Really strong floral sweet smell and almost has a bubblegum or slight mango element. I thought it was eucalyptus from memory but smelling it in again I can see it isn’t that. I read online that Lilacs have a similar aroma and that may possibly be close, sadly none are in bloom around me to compare.

That said if anything (including mothers) start up with intersex issues they have to go…So far so good though.


Reposting shots from today that I posted in the B thread, a few more shots included here to avoid being spammy there.

Chem 91 skunk VA x SSDD

Lavender Jack

Herer Hashplant - I’m thinking this is typical Hashplant leaf shape / structure. Anyone more knowledgeable able to confirm?

Triple Sunshine A (tk x SSDD)

Triple Sunshine C (tk x SSDD)

Sunshine Daydream F1 - bubbashine pheno


Pretty pics, as usual! Everything looking perfect. :slight_smile:

Leaves look typical HP - perfectly symmetrical and fairly wide - but the pistils look Jacked up to me.

Similar structure to mine that was like a more intense Jack with bigger everything.

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


Awesome, appreciate the opinion w/ respect to 88g13hp influence! I also just posted a link to your review to someone asking about Herer HP in the B thread. Re-reading it those buds all sounded very interesting and different from each other. Pheno #6 sounds really cool for just the novelty aspect. It’s been a while since I’ve had some extreme appetite stimulation flowers. #8 sounds cool too. I’m guessing that picture is the ultra potent housework pheno haha.


Took half of the Triple Sunshines today on Day 62. Humidity & temperature have both been on the higher side for the past week and will be going into the fall here. May buy a small dehumidifier to stick in the drying tent, not sure though. Going to be hard to get these buds to jar / bag ready status even.


The cut of Jack I grew a while ago was a lanky thing. The Herer HP was not. I attributed that to the HP, but whadda I know? :slight_smile:
HHP 22 days from flip.


Did you just pollinate it? or is the fan blowing on that flower or something? :face_with_monocle:


No, she was never pollinated, and I rotated her 1/4 turn daily, so all nugs got the same blow job :slight_smile: I see why you ask, though. Must be the early sign of extreme potency, she was an ass kicker, lol!


Looks like that fan leaf was rubbing up against it. That’s my guess.


Both of your Herer HPs appear to have thinner fan leaves than mine is the main thing I’m noticing. My tall lav jack has thin leaves that look closer to yours than my HHP does.

Finally got around to shucking the Triple Sunshine A (x SSDD #1)