From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

I also decided on the fall project last night and made up the tags. 4 of each. Will pop more later as I lower the plant count via Trip Sun A coming down.


One REJ damped off and will replace it. Everything else seems good to go. Excited to see all the horrible 88g phenos I read about in the Bodhi thread (joking)

All the authoritative or matter-of-fact talk recently makes me think of Robert Anton Wilsonā€™s bit though


I wasnā€™t familiar with that, but I just watched it. He makes good points. I dunno if Iā€™d call that a ā€œbit,ā€ though haha. I mean, when I hear the word ā€œbit,ā€ I think of, like, a comedy bit. For the first couple minutes, I was like,ā€Okay, when does the funny start?ā€ haha! Then I realized it wasnā€™t supposed to be funny. Or not ā€œfunny haha,ā€ anyway.

Yeah, Iā€™m not too sure what people were talking about there, but Iā€™m not gonna involve myself in that discussion. I got the impression that they were mostly just bitching about having to run a decent amount of seeds of the 88G13HP crosses to find plants that leaned towards the female, which, sure, that is definitely a legitimate concern. But to say that youā€™ve gotta run an entire pack or two to find a keeper seems to me to only be a valid point if the ONLY thing youā€™re interested in is finding mom leaners. The 88G leaners typically produce some good smoke, too; they just smoke like 88G13HP haha.

Iā€™m trying to think of any of those crosses Iā€™ve run that I thought were ā€œweakā€ or ā€œnot goodā€ or not worth running or whatever, but I canā€™t think of one offhand. That male seems to produce pretty consistently good plants (or good smoke, anyway), regardless of whether or not they lean towards the male or the female. Of the various Bodhi crosses Iā€™ve grown that utilized different males (Snow Lotus, GHash, OMG, Wookie), Iā€™d say that the 88G13HP is probably the most reliable, if nothing else.



I do agree with that as well. Not what Iā€™m looking for when considering a mother plant but very rarely have I had any that I thought were bad. Buds were always high quality with good effects. I got tired of it for a bit after running so many back to back but am ready to try more a year later.

Wouldnā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s true as weā€™ve seen that one around the longest with an insane amount of crosses. The ssdd (male) appears to resonate with me a bit more but variety wins at the end of the day.


Yeah, when I re-read my post just now, Iā€™d forgotten that I grew one SSDD cross, the Mendo Sunshine. I think that may have been before Bodhi found a new SSDD male, though? Iā€™m not sure. I wasnā€™t impressed with those plants, but that was also the grow where I totally fucked up and thought Iā€™d try fulvic acid every two weeks but measured it out wayyyyyy wrong, gave the plants five times the amount youā€™re supposed to give them and I did that twice a month haha.

That was in 2018. Heā€™s using a different SSDD male now, right?


Iā€™ve only tried the newer male. I assume mendo sunshine was the new male as well but donā€™t see it on the '17 tester list. Supposedly the older SSDD male was great as well.

Highlighted the ones that Iā€™ve tried (blue) or am growing out currently (green). Also tried gg4 x ssdd but liked space monkey (pine) a bit more than that one.


Did you have some prehistoric looking plants with crazy growth? One year I was adding fulvic acid to my early season IPM foliar spray for my tomato plants and I had some ridiculous looking and crazy growth, wasnā€™t even over measuring or anything but I guess for tomatoes, it was too much, haha. They still did really well, just some crazy looking growth where youā€™re like ā€œthat is not how tomatoes typically grow/lookā€, haha.

Now I only water in fulvic acid on occasion for cannabis in a soil drench but not on any schedule or anything and I think I go with 20 ml a gallon which is under the amount stated on the bottle.


Okay, so I guess it was the new SSDD male. I got them from the fall 2018 tester list and grew them then, think I harvested around December or January of 2019. Maybe February haha, I canā€™t remember. They finished really, really quickly, though, 6-7 weeks.

Ummm, not really. I was testing the Mendo Purps x SSDD and the Big Sur Nigerian x NL2 when I fucked up with the fulvic. The Mendo cross (4 or 5 plants) yielded really, really horribly, but they looked fine. I mean, besides the super-tiny flowers. The Big Sur Nigerian cross (think it was four plants) just got totally fried. They looked really bad, super-embarrassing, but the smoke actually still turned out excellent. That cross is one of my favorites Iā€™ve ever grown, wish Bodhi woulda released that one.

I actually posted pics of those Big Sur plants on the first Bodhi thread (along with a shitload of other Bodhi stuff) when I joined OG in June 2020, just to prove my bona fides haha. Theyā€™re on that thread.

Yeah, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used it in a foliar and when I drench with it now (which is only once or twice a grow, although sometimes I donā€™t water with it at all) I use like half the recommended amount.

The problem was that I was using this dropper thing I found in a kitchen drawer to measure out the fulvic; it has a 1, 2 and a 3 on the side of it. I thought that was milliliters, but it turns out it was teaspoons haha. So I was sitting there, all like,ā€Man, I gotta fill this dropper seven times? That seems like a lot, but okay!ā€ Didnā€™t even think to measure out one full dropper to find out exactly how much it was equal to until I saw those Big Sur plants starting to fry up, at which point it was too late anyway.

I mean, really, it shoulda been obvious to me that a dropper-full was much more than three milliliters, but I guess it wasnā€™t. I dunnoā€¦ haha.


Cool video. Always good to remember that how I perceive something, is not how someone else will. I try not to think in absolutes, and keep an open mind most of the time, but it would be damn hard for me to remove ā€œisā€ from my vocabulary, haha! I get what heā€™s saying thoughā€¦

Pretty sure this BBHP F2 is a heavy 88g13hp leaner, going from what else Iā€™ve seen online, and growing a few other 88g13hp crosses. Doesnā€™t remind me of the SC Blue Dream in the slightest. Definitely remember it having the kind of blander ghash terps. Didnā€™t smoke bad, just not the tastiest. But a good example of the bud shape and structure of the 88g13hp.

Damn, youā€™ve grown a bunch more with the SSDD male than I thought. What is at the top of that list so far?


Probably Kush4 or Triple Sun-A for my preferences. Waking Dream was the least interesting (but not bad) and I harvested the Sunshine Queen (3 Kings OG) a week or two too early. All were good though and would grow any of them out again.

I was really disappointed with my Blueberry HP. Not gonna judge the line off one female just noting a similar experience.

Do you have any other SSDD crosses in storage? Would be cool to see you grow one out at some point!


Uh uh. I was so disappointed in the yields (seriously, some them didnā€™t even fill up one small mason jar and none of them filled up two)(although that was probably my fault with the fulvic and all haha) that I never bought any of those crosses.


Donā€™t blame you, I feel similar ways about the OMG dad for no logical reason. Having 2/2 herms on Madre Azul didnā€™t help any hahaā€¦

Seeing lots of amber on the SSDD. May take it tomorrow.

Could only get some no flash shots tonight but wanted to make sure to get enough of Triple Sunshine A as itā€™s the one most likely to stay as a mother going into the fall but not 100% still. All the talk about big SSDD projects makes me hopeful that by the time I want pure SSDD again a good cut will be floating around OG and my medical rights will be expandedā€¦ Hopefully.

Wizard Hat look on this first bud shot

Mostly lower bud shots because they arenā€™t bleached by the light and look good to me when you donā€™t focus on the dog hair and gnats haha.

Top of TS - A plant

Buds smell really strong and are very dense. Not the biggest fan of dense buds but it is what it is.


What kind of smells are you getting on that TS? This your first time flowering her out?


lookin good when are you thinking about giving it the chop?


I already chopped half of them so am letting these go a bit longer to get a better feel for the pheno. Going by the leaves really : meaning as long as I can without the leaves getting ultra necrotic and crispy inside of the buds. Would like to see a decent amount of amber on some of them to feel it out more.

This is the 2nd time running this Triple Sunshine but last time was fully seeded. I have never sampled an unseeded version of this but I really do like the seeded samples Iā€™ve had. Opinions all are subject to change as always.

Rubbery, gassy, earthy is the best I can do. Wish I was better able to identify and articulate smells. Not the rubbery I think of when I think of SSDD either. It definitely does not have an SSDD odor to me. Smells a bit like one of my Goji F2s but much stronger smelling. This is not a low odor plant by any means. Triple Sunshine C was low odor last time until around day 70 and got obnoxiously strong so I donā€™t want to write that one off either in the smell department.


I mean, I donā€™t have any personal feelings towards that SSDD male haha, Iā€™m not ā€œantiā€ him or anything. I just didnā€™t like the yields on that Mendo Sunshine, which again, in retrospect, was more than likely my fault.

Re the OMG dad: I actually like that that one is just a pure Afghani and not some crazy polyhybrid. I feel like Iā€™m kinda getting to the point where I want at least one side of the cross to be sorta ā€œnormalā€ or ā€œpureā€ or at least a worked and stable line. The other side of the cross can be crazy haha, but Iā€™m kinda liking the idea of either the male or the female to be, you know, like the OMG or the 88G13HP or Docā€™s A5/Thai male (is that one pretty ā€œstabilizedā€?) or whatever, where thereā€™s fewer ā€œinputs,ā€ for lack of a better word. I dunno why, really, I just like that.

Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m gonna quit growing ridiculously complex polyhybrids haha; Iā€™ve got those Yesca x Jaros growing right now, for fuckā€™s sake. But I do like having a few things growing each round that has at least one relatively ā€œuncomplicatedā€ parent plant haha.

Plants look good, btw haha!


Ya for sure I just mean my bad luck introduction to that pollen donor made me hesitant to buy anymore, even though Iā€™m sure itā€™s fine. I also hear you on the poly x simple lineage cross being an appealing choice.


Flash photo dump - side note Herer HP is the only plant in the area that has zero odor. Donā€™t like the look of the pistils either. Will give it a few more weeks but itā€™s reminding me of a really disappointing Devilā€™s HP. The Triple Sunshines are really starting to smell good. Packing on the frost & gnats and dog hair.


2 different Lav Jacks that havenā€™t been photographed much recently


Triple Sunshine C

Triple Sunshine A


Hmm I was gonna say maybe that Herer Hashplant is a hashplant pheno

but that first HHP pic and that second Lavender Jack pic both look really similar in structure :thinking:
What do the leaves look like on the HHP? Stem rubs any similar between the two?

That Trip Sun A is a keeper for sure :heart_eyes:


Also the tall Lav Jack has very thin leaves, is twice the size of the others and has what Iā€™m assuming to be a strong terpineolene odor. I have to assume this one is the most Jack dominant but donā€™t know for sure.

The other 2 lav jacks do not have this smell, will try to get a more accurate description later. Also going to take pictures of the SSDD tonight and will check stem rub on the HHP. It looks in person like my first Devilā€™s HP which ended up throwing a lot of nanners on the undersides of the buds. Will keep my eye on it for now.