From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

How far along is she again? Looks like maybe three weeks? Four, at the most? Give her some time. You know as well as anybody that sometimes it takes a little bit for plants to start developing flavors. Don’t throw in the towel just yet! Haha. Maybe she’s just leaning super-hard to the “Sativa” side of that cross.


Around day 35 so week 5. I noted in this thread that I moved them into flower 7/6. It’s possible they hadn’t reached full maturity because I moved them in fairly early from seed so Week 3-4 is a good guess as well realistically.

Ya I’m just keeping an eye on whether or not it’s the same pheno I encountered in Devil’s HP. Will dig up a picture of that one later on too. I’m not doing anything yet regardless just throwing out my concerns.


Oh, wow, really? Okay. That’s interesting haha.

Well… Maybe you lucked out and got a super-“Sativa” leaner or something. Like a pheno of Herer Hashplant nobody’s ever seen before… haha.


Yeah but plants really don’t flower until they’re ready, even if you 12/12 from seed. I moved these in after ~30 days of veg so it may just not have been mature enough to start forming flowers for 2-3weeks.

Here’s the Devil’s HP that had hardly any odor, other than sweet smelling. Large buds with hidden nanners on the under sides that I didn’t notice until harvest.

Day 56(don’t have many/any later pictures from this project)~

And my cedar smelling pheno of SFV x Wookie15 also day 56


Wanted to get a lot of SSDD shots continuously until I harvest but I took 1 picture and then the flash battery died. Going to be taking this within a week probably, there’s a ton of amber at this point. Could have been grown much better. I’m a bit more hyped on TS & finding a good OGx88 mom at the moment so right now I don’t really care too much about it.


Ahhh, I see what you’re talking about there in comparison to that Herer Hashplant. They’ve both got like kinda “thorny”-looking pistils, almost like cactus needles or something. Interesting… You think that might be an indicator of shitty weed? Haha.


OH! I see it now!

Yeah… good chance its likely the same pheno then despite any structural differences. If it looks like a duck(pointy/hairy bud structure) and it quacks like a duck(no/low odor), probably a duck :thinking:
That must be something hidden in the hashplant side…


Ya definitely, and the size. The flowers are really large in diameter when compared to the others. It looks very similar to how the Devil’s HP looked early on. Don’t have pictures of early flower that run but I remember the pistils and flower size standing out the same way to me that run. Was the only thing that had issues that run with intersex and lack of odor.

No clue but it does remind me of phenos that I’ve had before that I don’t like, including a previous Herer HP. Whether it’s from HP, HP-Herer fusion, or Herer I couldn’t say. I just consider it luck of the draw and move on when I find something I dislike.

I’m a superficial POS and I’m not too interested in growing out odorless plants. Have to set “selection” criteria somewhere when sorting through plants and having a decent smell is one of the attributes I value. It’s entirely possible it could have nice effects despite having no aroma but I’m seeking stuff that’s more the whole package, and with a limited space you need to be ruthless to a degree or you can’t cycle through enough.

I’m not culling it yet.

Yeah, plus it’s the only plant in the area to not even have a stem rub aroma. Will give it a couple weeks at least, but I’d rather put a Baba Kush in its place sooner rather than later.


Yeah I’d toss it then. You’ve seen this before, and no stem rub smell either really… usually the stinky one’s are the best ime… I’m a bit ruthless in my culling though :sweat_smile:


Each unto their own. :+1:

Personally, I try to always wait for the smoke test, because most important to me is not how it looks or smells or tastes, but how it makes me feel and for how long. Much of the stuff that’s really stinky and photogenic isn’t very good smoke to my tastes, at least from what I’ve grown.

One person’s trash is another’s treasure. Each unto their own. etc. Grow what you like! :slight_smile:



Yeah definitely, and I also agree with you that the flowers that look the best tend to be the most lackluster of the bunch. I remember going back to one of the first packs I ordered in KaliMist finding a ridiculously frosty bubblegum smelling phenotype that had no punch whatsoever. I guess the frustration I’m expressing is that of limited space and plant counts. In an ideal world I wouldn’t toss anything ever and would also keep backup clones of everything. I do understand your point that we are growing for the effects.

Odor is a hard one for me because it’s such an immersive part of the process of growing the plant for me. It makes going into the grow area much more enjoyable daily and is hard for me to go back to the days of growing zero odor plants. I spent many years of ultra-prohibition era growing out a lot of extremely weak and flavorless crosses which always had extraordinary claims about the effects. I have and had a bunch of great smelling plants from B that carried through on effects for me in terms of what I like.

I’m looking for a semi-complete package at least where a few appealing boxes can be checked. Really I could have stopped at my Space Monkey or Sunra pheno. Still not going to give up yet on the HHP regardless.

Visually I really don’t care how the plant looks. As far as morphology is concerned though I’d really value not spending 6+ hours trimming. High calyx to leaf ratio is prized for time and effort saving reasons.

Effects - Effects are so easy for me to find now in stuff that resonates with me, plus having moms and backup flower it allows me to be more choosy.


More photos

Lav Jack tall narrow leaf pheno

Trip Sun C

Trip Sun A


Took a picture of an SSDD mother leaf by plucking off a small branch. This is under very low light levels and a bit rootbound (can affect leaf size and shape a bit) but it shows that the leaves tend to be on the narrow side of the spectrum. May be useful for anyone exploring F2s, or not.


Baba Kush & TSA cutting really needs to be transplanted from rapid rooter.

Seedlings doing well. A Spirit HP or 2 may have damped off. Will replace if that’s the case but giving it a few more days.

Secret Chief


Trip Suns are coming down tomorrow or the next day. Late stage nanners spotted emerging from at least 1 TS-C calyx at the top, maybe one at the bottom of the plant also. Checked A and didn’t see anything except false positives ( burnt / discolored tips ). Forgot to post that the SSDD came down shortly after posting the last picture of it. Tall Lav jack looks really cool in person but is obviously not enough root space for a plant of that size.

There were some serious stresses including the ridiculous power outage messing with the light, as well as very high temperatures that could have caused this. Still don’t think I want a mother around prone to issues that I need to worry about.

On a new monitor with worse color accuracy and brightness than my old monitor even, so I’m not sure that the levels / colors are correct on these pictures. They look OK on this monitor. The Lav Jack pictures are dark because of spacial difficulties w/ flash.

Trip Sun C

Trip Sun A

Lav Jack - anyone else notice the thai influence here?!


Oh it totally has that squirrel tail vibe!
And pronounced calyx differentiation; I’m pickin up what you’re puttin down.


Pretty, pretty plant! For the uneducated, me being one, what are you seeing as the Thai influences? I’m try to become more observant… may be too late lol!


Haha sorry was just joking in reference to the Haze/Thai thread and the fact there’s a percentage of Haze (I think?) in JH. I’m not very observant either, but it is the tallest plant with the most narrow leaves! Blended up some comfrey leaves & water in my blender and watered it in to try to combat the rapid yellowing. The plant is about 3.5’ in a 1GAL pot.

Yeah, don’t really mind it on this because there aren’t a ton of leaves. Won’t be too difficult to trim at least!


Great eye on that late stager. Beautiful plants all around.
I’m looking forward to getting both Trip A and C going. Is it November yet? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thanks! They both look pretty nice and smell different & appealing. We’re on day 70 today and this is about when C starts looking really good in person. Haven’t taken A this far yet nor have I consumed it seedless so I’m interested to see how it goes, and how it compares to an early harvest. TripSunA does make me a bit nervous because it’s a really nice plant where I don’t see any extreme negatives, while there are a lot of physically appealing traits. Bordering on too good to be true, so I’ll really have to scrutinize the effects over the next few months. I think my main criticism of the effects of the seeded buds was a short-lived duration, IE 2~ hours.

Observable traits :

Performs really well in 12/12 from rooted clone
Large & very dense flowers
High calyx to leaf ratio
Above average frost content
High odor level
No “larf”, at least when single stemmed.
High quality elongated buds with tight internode spacing.
Light staking required due to weight of flowers
Appears ready in 60-70 days


Ha, okay, we observe the same way, lol! But squirrel tails, what’s up with that? We have squirrels, and I wouldn’t want my weed to have anything to do with them. Now foxes I get, :slight_smile: