From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

I like to take most plants into the deep end to 11 weeks. Great write on them. I hope the Trip sun A is the one you’re looking for brotha. I do like Trip sun C wild dread look buds. It’s not a desirable trait people like but I enjoy its look.

Have you ever made bubble hash out of the seeded buds?

I will most likely do that with all my Lazy Lightning seeded buds after shucking em all out for a reference on taste and effects on the female side.


Not sure, don’t think I ever have. At least not heavily seeded. I know DJ was big on hash made from seeded buds but that was done dry via silkscreen I believe. Should work OK regardless.

I haven’t made hash at all out of the Trip Sun A. It wont be long before I’m sampling it seedless and am in no hurry.


I was gonna say that since I haven’t grown any straight Thai, I dunno, but then I continued reading and found out you were just fucking around haha. Regardless, I really, really like the way that plant looks, especially considering the fact that she’s in a friggin’ one-gallon pot.


I bit hard. I even follow the haze thread! :rofl::crazy_face::roll_eyes:


Same, it looks really cool and more “sativa” than anything else. Shame it’s going to be so rootbound and there’s no clone to try and do it better justice. Not my favorite smell but it actually is growing on me a bit with time. I’ll try to get pictures of the other 2 Lav Jacks on Tuesday. They look similar to each other, but nothing like this one (to me at least). Everything new will get a whole lot more attention when the Trip Suns are down and hanging as they can move into that tent.


Lotta triangle in that trip sun A :heart_eyes:
Definitely the winner. ~11 weeks I bet is :fire::fire::fire:

Is she greasy or sticky? The TK is really really greasy and not so much sticky. My ssdd is sticky AF. So I wonder :thinking: I’m really starting to prefer the greasy buds for smoking…

Yeah Jack Here is like a Haze C backcross/recombination. It’s NL5xhzC x Sk1xHzC.

That lavender jack is looking pretty nice. Looks like she might throw down some long cola’s when its all said and done!


I was wrong it’s actually day 71 (Day 72 in less than a half hour technically). I can definitely let one stay to 77 to make week 11. Worst case scenario it’s a sacrifice and that’s fine with me, there’s more than enough to last me given I only vaporize and consume at night haha.

Just squeezed a lower bud that is drying and it’s slightly greasy but more sticky if I were pressed to pick one over the other. Not super sticky like some plants get. It has that “oily” feel that some greasy varieties get to an extent. May revise this statement as I’m trimming in the near future. I like the smell of SSDD more than this but it’s still attractive. Wish my dry / cure skills and setup were a little bit better.

Ahh cool I was just joking about the haze thing but that’s kind of interesting to know. Never knew SSH (cup winner, not seedline), Diesel and JH all share the same genetics (assuming I read that correctly). I actually started reading some of his old posts on his site when I was bored the other day. Seems like a lot of useful info that should be archived was posted there.


Ok so it’s been raining all day so I was able to get some pictures. All the Triple Sunshine except 1 are down.

Edit : Lavender Jack 1 from yesterday

Lavender Jack 2 (Jack Herer x Wookie 15)

Lavender Jack 3 (Jack Herer x Wookie 15)

Herer HP ( Jack Herer x 88g13hp )

Chem 91 Skunk VA x SSDD

Triple Sunshine (tk x SSDD) - Day 72 - Harvest date - Leaving one until day 77 at Holy’s recommendation.


That triple sunshine is such a looker so pretty the herer hp reminds me of a cactus :joy: any smells coming off the chem 91 x ssdd yet? Killing it as always homie!


Thanks! C91 x SVA does have a fairly strong odor. Don’t need to rub to smell it, that’s for sure. Best I can do is Mango peppery rubber slightly sweet. It’s a common cannabis smell I’m just not good at isolating odors.


Herer Hashplant looking like fat dandelions! And yeah, that Triple fade is unreal.


The trichs on the TripSun A are getting that look them them… they kinda have an opaque sheen coating the buds. Usually that lets me know that they are close. Great job with her… you keeping that one around?

What smells the strongest like terpinolene out of the bunch of Lav Jacks? Hard to say which one the tall one is leaning to me, but I love the look of her. The cool saw-tooth leaves with the double serrations are pretty unique looking.


Yes, and for the moment C as well. Was actually going to trash C tonight but feedback is making me wait. I gifted a friend some C flowers and A cuttings (confusing when both are labeled tk x ssdd haha) and he was just raving about the potency of the flowers. I trust this persons judgement as he consumes more in a month probably than I do in a year. I too thought it was strong as I indicated in my review/thoughts on it but it’s always nice to have others echo the sentiment. A is still untested in seedless form so I’m interested to see the differences.

I’m assuming the tall Lav Jack but I have no reference point for terpineolene. It smells similar to the TW I had about a decade ago. The 2 shorter ones I’m guessing are w15 or hybrid phenos and don’t smell currently like the tall one.


Is it just me or do the Lavender Jacks look completely different from the pics you posted yesterday? Haha! Is it the camera angle or something? The ones from yesterday, that cola looked so tall and big; now those plants look… I dunno. Totally different haha.


That’s because those are different phenos! Yesterdays photos were from a completely different plant than these 2. These are about 1/2 the height of the tall Lav Jack and smell nothing like it. There are 3 Lav Jacks total. I’m calling them here #1 (tall) , #2 and #3 but they actually don’t have unique identifiers so I may mix up the numbers later on haha. I’m sticking with #1 being tall because that’s going to be easy to remember. They don’t have unique identifiers because there are no clones, so really no need.


Yeah that was the squirrel tail Thai! :crazy_face::grimacing::face_with_hand_over_mouth::upside_down_face::bear:


Oh I thought you were talking about the foxtails on the Triple Sunshine haha. Ya that was the pure thai pheno!

After hearing my friend rave about the potency of Trip Sun C it makes me wonder if it is a Triangle leaner. It was suspect back in veg from seedling stage of having tk veg traits from what I remember in the private log. Seems like 77 days is actually probably perfect for it as it doesn’t start to shine until around day 70. It’s definitely stronger than any genetics that I’ve tried so far containing SSDD.

Triple Sunshine C veg pictures

The late stage nanner bothers me and probably isn’t something I’m going to want for myself (I don’t care for extreme potency). It’s worth noting that only 1 of the Triple Sunshine Cs had the late stage nanners in the calyxes.

Bud shot from last round

Any thoughts from those experienced with the tk?


Nice man! Looks like Triple Sunshine is climbing towards the top of the list.


The A is the one that looks and sounds the most like triangle kush so I’d think it would be the stronger of the two :thinking:


I guess it’s still possible that it is stronger when seedless. The effects of C were very disorienting and reminiscent of the stereotypical effects that you get when you’re a novice to cannabis. Forgetfulness and messing up routine trivial stuff you ordinarily wouldn’t. C last round was noticeably stickier than A come trim time, we’ll see if that remains true again. Seeded A was more of a nice relaxing yet mentally stimulating high that didn’t feel ultra potent and was fairly functional. I’ll have to toss some A to my friend and get his take on it. In my mind A has ssdd effects with maybe a little bit of tk’s head high (assuming it has that, I haven’t ever had tk again). No clue on C though, C doesn’t hit like any ssdd I’ve had at all.

I feel like I’m a pretty good judge of raw potency but when it comes to traits like ceiling and tolerance buildup I’m useless. I get to where I want to be and don’t usually continue pushing obsessively & I don’t consume frequent enough for tolerance to ever be an issue.