From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Gotcha. Yeah that’s not unheard of. Get the flower looks of one but the effects of the other.

TK does have a head high to it that’s clear and functional, sociable even. The disorienting effects can be found in her crosses though for sure.

Interested to hear how the end results compare when you get there :slight_smile:


Ahh, OK. Often when I think high potency (when people describe a strain that way that is) I think of crippling and dysfunctional strains that impact cognition to the point of being useless. That’s usually what I assume is being communicated when people categorize strains as high potency because that’s typically the most obvious given how devastating it is. Clear, functional and social sounds like A may fit the bill. I don’t want to say it’s “soaring” but it almost feels a bit like it has that component, blended with SSDD’s mellow & relaxing effects. I still wouldn’t categorize this one as high potency because of the amount that I consumed to become content, seeded at least.

Appreciate the input!


Ah gotcha. Yeah I don’t classify potency that way. Debilitating is something I look for in nighttime herb but it doesn’t mean potent for me. I have some mids that will do that after a bowl or two. The TK is not debilitating or anything. But she’s potent AF. Way more potent than any ssdd I’ve had. Forehead sweats on first hit. The high comes on like a wave. Can layer it. Soaring. Paranoia for sure if you’re not used to it, took me a few days to not get paranoid when I got her. Smoking on her consistently, just a lil bit throughout the day, feels like you’ve been smoking rosin all day. Just smashing those cannabinoid receptors. My ssdd cut is pretty damn potent too, but she’s nothing like that.


bumblin around,
This is not beautiful house, This is not beautiful wife. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’m curious if the 1-gallon pots they’re in could cause enough stress for nanners in the later weeks of flowering.

I wonder if up potting to 2 gallon after week 5 of flowering would help with the late mitigate the late stagers.


I don’t think so but I wouldn’t completely rule that out or dismiss it. They really weren’t that root-bound. A on the other hand was around 2.5-3 ft of tight nodes and dense large flowers and was clearly limited by lack of root space.

There were a few stresses that I was aware of that could have caused it for sure. Power outage, high heat, excessive use of gnatrol to name a few. If a plant is so finicky that it can’t handle being in a 1 GAL pot it isn’t compatible with me. Not going to change how I do things because that limits how many plants I can go through.

Could possibly, I’d have to be more experienced with that specific cutting to make a guess even. When you pile on multiple stresses it’s hard to know what was the trigger.

Luckily I like A more. I’m only keeping C for the time being in order to give cuttings away of it. I require and really only desire functional cannabis at this point in my life.


Dude, what the fuck? Why you trying to confuse me…? Haha.

Anyway, good to know. “There are three Lavender Jacks growing right now… There are three Lavender Jacks growing right now…” Okay, I got it haha.

I wouldn’t do that.


aha it’s one of those things where I find myself only focusing on the unique (tall) plant and completely ignore the other 2. Figured I need to take some pictures of the other 2 in case they end up being the favorite.

Here’s some trimmed shots of Trip Sun A harvested @ week 9 I think


Yeah, I forgot you have no reference. You will soon, I’d bet that taller one is a Jack leaner, but who knows what will really happen with the terpene dominance. I’ve read that once terpineolene is bred into a line, it’s hard to get out of there, so I’m thinking you’ll have first hand experience soon. The Lav Jack I’ve been running I think is more of a Wookie leaner, but not 100% sure, as I’ve only grown one other Wookie line.

Nice buds! Easy trim :+1: Looks surgical on those stainless trays :slight_smile: What’s your dry tech?


A local restaurant went out of business a lot of their stainless equipment was donated to a friends business. This tray was just one of the things I inherited from that event. Has a top to it with holes that I found useful for shucking seeds. No tech here. My dry / cure skills have a lot of room for improvement and I don’t have much in the way of environmental controls. Would love to use one of those Cannatrols but price tag + security risk of shipping it rules that out. Maybe one day I’ll build a dry box / tent.

Do you have a nice dry/cure setup?

I just hang dry until leaves are brittle and then trim. There’s still slightly too much moisture in the buds / stems to jar it at this point so I figured I’d try leaving them out on the stainless tray.


Yeah, I’d need to try side-by-side buds that are air-dried, versus Cannatrol dried, to even decide if that’s a worthy investment. I’m skeptical … but that’s my norm. 1.6k is a lot to drop on something that I am paying nothing for now.

Nothing special, just my laundry room setup with an Inkbird connected to a humidifier and dehumidifier/fan depending on the season. Thankfully I don’t really have to worry about the controlling the smell during dry, so that makes the laundry room an easy room to utilize and get my tents back into action. I aim for 62RH / 65F during the first week of dry and try to get it down to 56-58RH the second week of dry. Then into paper bags, put into plastic bags, or totes, until I can get to trimming them, or just left hanging for weeks on end, if I’m feeling lazy.


If it’s anything like the TK, it will get more potent the longer it flowers :wink: she really needs that 11-12 weeks to really get there.


I looked at those Cannatrol things when I was spending money hand over fist a while back and considered getting one, until I read in their info that they perform best if ambient temps are between 68 and 72 degrees, somewhere around there. I figured if I could keep the ambient temps between 68 and 72, what the fuck do I need a drying refrigerator for? Haha. Like, I have to keep temps at 68 degrees so I can put flowers in a refrigerator at 68 degrees?

It makes no sense! Haha.


Flash shots - going to test out grove bags this round. Tried them a few rounds ago but wanted to try again with a small hygrometer.

Triple Sunshine - Week 9 harvest


Yes please :heart_eyes: :drooling_face: :heart_eyes: Those flowers are gorgeous and look very much like TK. That plant probably has good mold resistance. Bet that bag smells sooo tasty and dank!

I’m loving the grove bags! I’m a recent convert. Totally glad to be getting rid of the massive mason jar collection. The cannatrol seemed like massive overkill to me if you can maintain 50-60% RH and 60-80F degrees temps


Oh cool! Good to see you’re liking them as I assume conversion means you’re happy with the quality. I’m with you on reducing mason jar count + they are a pain in the ass to clean fully. I’ve seen the Grove Bag thread here since I joined but haven’t tried them until a few months back. I messed up by throwing a boveda pack in the bag, so am just going to slowly close the bag once the hygrometer reads 58~. We’ll see if I can pull it off, I’m really not good at the dry-cure phase.

Ya , if it would trim for you too I’d probably be willing to pay that haha.

Thanks and ya it smells really good to me. I got 2 people I trust to give accurate opinions on the odor and the consensus was that it smells really good but not extreme / high odor. The buds definitely have a static aroma that you can smell without disturbing them but it’s not as loud as say Space Monkey or SunRa at this point. Not gonna make any definitive claims on this pheno yet as these things can all change with a whole host of variables and change of conditions.

The foxtails look kind of cool in person actually. The buds aren’t as dense as I initially thought, but the clusters of calyxes are. The clusters separate from each-other fairly easily but individually they are very hard if that makes sense. Transferring them to the bag they were sticky to the touch and actually left trichome residue all over the camera buttons that I’m going to have to alcohol off.


And some SSDD bbs shots now that it’s trimmed up. Hard to capture how frosty it looks in person. Tiny buds grown poorly and smells slightly different than usual. Trichomes also feel like sticky wet sand. Gritty and sticky. Very different from both the Triple Sunshines. The subtle differences are cool in this hobby!


I couldn’t back up far enough to get a shot of both Lav Jacks but the 2nd picture starts where the first one ends. May show the height difference between the phenos. #2 and #3 are the same height.

Day 75 Trip Sun A & Trich Shots


I used them after my last round, and I’ll never go back to glass.
7 days at 60/60, into the bag, and forget about it for a month. Best thing since sliced bread


Awesome, I figured it was just something on my end messing things up when I tried them. Think the Boveda pack was a bad idea as well last round. Do you just fully seal them once they are “jar ready” or do you partially close them? Open to burp them? I should read through that thread soon haha…


Do you guys keep the environment the bags are chilling in at a certain temp/RH?