From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

No burping, no humidity packs.
They recommend heat sealing the bag, but I just seal it with a little air as possible, roll the top twice, and clothespin it.
@VAhomegrown the argument could be made to keep it at a cooler temp, but mine were in a dark closet.
No need to control humidity, the bag does or for you.


I had my little hygrometer in the bag and it was reading 58-60 and when I zipped it to 75% closed it started reading 64% humidity within 30 minutes. Guess I’ll try leaving the bag open completely for a few more days. before I close it up. Does this sound right? I assume you have to get it to the correct moisture level first before closing it.

Also forgot to post this picture


I tried them once and I think they dried out my herb too much because my ambient RH was low. They allow moisture to pass through both ways, so if RH outside the bag is low, they will allow too much moisture to pass out of the bag. They don’t regulate RH on the inside only That was my experience with them at least. I still have some, just been hesitant to try them again.


I’m in Arizona, with an average humidity of less than 10%, but I cured them in a closed linen closet, so maybe that changed things.


In my experience with the terploc Grove bags, the rh doesn’t change inside the bag at all. I’ve hang dried for 9-14 days, bagged and sealed at 60%rh with a hygrometer inside, and it stays at 60%rh until I open the bag again for awhile. Doesn’t matter if it’s 90% or 30% RH outside the bag, temps up or down 10 degrees, the hygrometer inside the bag has never wavered for me in over a month of use.


That’s interesting. I wonder why mine would bleed moisture so much? Last week I cut down the SSDD I pollinated with MB232. Might give the bags anther try.


Mine increased in humidity as well and got up to like 71% I think. The ambient RH outside the bag was pretty high but I also added a Boveda pack which was probably a mistake.


“All Grove Bags have active humidity control, allowing moisture to continually flow in and out of the bags to keep levels balanced.”

That’s from their product description. This is why I think they over dry in low ambient RH. “To keep levels balanced” reads to me like if the air is drier outside the bag, the bag will release moisture from inside the bag, “to keep levels balanced”. Not sure how the bags regulate how much moisture they release to keep the inside at a stable 60 RH, when the bags allow moisture to continually flow in and out. If moisture is able to “continually flow in and out”, it’s naturally going to go “out” when the ambient RH is lower than what’s in the bag, and the bags won’t stop bleeding moisture until the levels are balanced between inside and outside the bag, which could be never

They do recommend to sweat the buds

They also say that If a

“moisture meter in the stem of a bud reads between 10 and 12 percent, the moisture content of the flower is at an ideal level for a Grove Bags cure.”


Slight misinterpretation here. The bag maintains a humidity point via controlled simple diffusion. So if the general point is 57% then moisture will leave the bag if it is in excess of that value, and enter the bag if it is below that value. Just like a Boveda is supposed to release moisture up to its % and absorb moisture above it.
The only way it’s a problem is if the bud goes in the bag too dry already, and then the ambient RH is too low for diffusion into the bag to occur. In that situation, it would be necessary to reintroduce moisture to the buds via some external method a la humidipaks, etc.

Yeah you can get contact moisture meters to push into the stem, but honestly I dried totally normally, and just tossed em in the bag after trimming.

I know you had a rough experience, so not discounting that, just clarifying the function of the bags.


Been a bit busy last few days and this week. Today is day 77. Think it looks ready to take down tomorrow @HolyAngel ?

Top looks the worst as the foxtails there aren’t as frosty. Lower buds look excellent in person. Lots of yellow tips but zero nanners spotted still. Nothing seen when trimming either on the earlier stuff which is always nice.


:drooling_face: :heart_eyes: Yeah that looks about right to me! Beautiful fade there!



Awesome, thanks!

Will take it down tomorrow morning then. Hopefully I can get some update pictures on everything else. Tallest Lav Jack smell is starting to grow on me.


excited to see your lavender jack results, I popped one of those a couple weeks ago.


Gonna repost some of these to the b thread later today but wanted to get them dumped now, not much time. Didn’t really look at the pictures, hope the color balance is OK and all that on them. Suspect my new monitor may be poorly calibrated.


c91 sva - ssdd

Lav Jack 2 and 3

Lav Jack #1

TSA - harvested day 78 i think, maybe 79


forgot TSA trichs


Gawddamn, man, I’m liking that #1 Lavender Jack more and more every time you post pics. I just love the way those fans look, never mind the flowers haha.


Yeah, I like the look too. It’s a bit on the pale / yellow side of things but that’s to be expected given the plant / pot size. I’d say the 3 lav jacks smell the best (and all different) out of the bunch. HHP is starting to develop a SLIGHT smell and the c91 x ssdd is fairly mild. Kind of wish I had a cutting of the tall / #1 LJ to try again but may just try a reveg.


I think sometimes some plants just do that, regardless of the pot size. I remember one of my Mountain Temples (slightly different genetics, I know) was also very pale green for the duration, from sprout to chop. She was grown in a seven-gallon pot. I think that’s just what color she was, didn’t have anything to do with “nutes” or whatever. If I recall correctly, that pale green one ended up being my favorite of the three, so… I dunno if that means anything haha.


I hear you but this one is a bit deficient. Wish I could back up far enough with my camera in this area to get a full shot but the yellow leaves that I cant get in the frame would really demonstrate it. I’ll take a picture of the lower half when I get home later to show what I’m talking about. Also will measure it but I think its about 3-3.5’ in a 1 GAL pot.