From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Not a huge deal but could clearly be happier. Measured the plant and it’s about 3.5’ tall with the pot. From the top of the pot it is slightly over 36" tall.


Ah, okay, I see now. Yeah, she’s definitely deficient haha! But what can you do? I guess that’s the trade off of growing in one-gallons: more variety in less room, but they start yellowing up around day 45. Shit, man, my plants do that around day 45, too, in pots seven-times the size haha.


Ya for sure, I’m not too worried about it. May do a very light feeding of some kind of tea. Really don’t like overfeeding ‘sativas’ anyways. A bit deficient is fine by me and often times the deficient plants have the most intense oil production in my experience.

My first Triple Sunshine A grove bag is reading 65% humidity. SSDD is as well. Ambient humidity is 55%. Does this seem too high to you guys?

Got done doing a rushed low quality trim job on the middle stage Trip A / C and they were much more fragrant. Discovered a few more nanners in the one Trip C in the middle of a calyx. The other C didn’t have any at all. C had an almost fruity / citrus smell. A was much more rubber / adhesive.

While trimming I also remembered there were 2 light issues that may have caused it as well in addition to the power outage. I forgot I left my camera flash on which has a small blinking (green) light on it. This happened about a week before the power outage and stayed on throughout the dark cycle. Also my hepa filter got knocked and the light came on that unit as well for a night.

No actual point to those lines of comments just journal entry notes really.


I was thinking something like fish emulsion, if you have it, or some other sorta “high N” water-soluble thing, but at just a quarter-dose or so. Or maybe don’t even fuck with it at all haha.

I dunno. Mason jars always work pretty well haha.


Eh, now you’re just making excuses for trip C :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: sounds like she’s bound for the compost to me :sweat_smile: ‘A’ was in there too and she didn’t do that :wink: lol

I think 65% in the bag might be okay but I’d definitely feel better with it at 62-58 range… I have very little experience with these grove bags so just not sure yet.


Ya, she’s not going to the compost until I can get a cutting of her to my friend. Unless of course he samples A and determines that he likes that one more. After hearing the raving about C (he didn’t sample A since I didn’t have any) I’d feel like an asshole saying “ya I know you liked that one but I tossed it”. I really want to just have a mother of A and nothing else soon enough. I may want to get SSDD cuttings to my friend as well just in case. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten rid of my SSDD mother but right now I’m the only one who has it so it’s taking me longer to actually go through with culling it.

I also know my friend will not care about the intersex possibility. I don’t think he has the patience to actually take it to day 75 but that is for him to come to terms with, all I can do is provide the cutting haha.

I remember watching a DJ Short interview from some cannabis event and he suggested that growers should keep meticulous notes. Everything that comes to mind jot it down whether or not they think it’s important. I’m more or less attempting to do that because I’m constantly being reminded of my limitations when it comes to memory as I get older. Info on C may come in handy when exploring more Triple Sunshines or fgens in the years to come if I make F2s of A.

You are right also, SSDD which was right next to the Trip Sun C did not herm. Trip A did not herm either. C also to me smells different this round and I much prefer the smell of A this round. C stems dry to almost nothing and resemble tiny frail mushrooms. Flowers on both look good but C may have better “bag appeal”

Ya it seems a little bit high for comfort. If it doesn’t go down in a day or 2 I may open it up and run the dehumidifier slightly harder.


Think it’s been said 100 times about your pics, they’re phenomenal.
But this one right here has to be my favourite Cannabis picture I’ve ever seen.



Ah for sure, I hear ya on that. Hopefully he ends up liking A better too then lol. I’m in a similar position with my TriForce. One buddy really likes the TF#1 girl but I think she’s too close to the TK to bother keeping. I also found she can also throw some lower nanners which always = compost for me, but… I still have her for now lol.

You talking your Bubbashine cut? Definitely spread that girl out if you can as I bet anyone would be hard pressed to find another just like her in a single pack. I’d take her over here even, to run next to mine. And the A too while you’re at it :pray::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol but in all seriousness, I’m hoping to do the same with my SSDD cut for the same reason’s.

Interested to hear if the RH drops in the Grove bag by itself or not. I’d think you’d have to open the bag to drop the RH but I honestly have no idea. Their marketing makes it seem like it’ll do it by itself so maybe it will. Gotta find out, for science!


If my state becomes more friendly this fall (I expect it will) I’d be open to spreading genetics out that way but I really don’t expect that this ssdd mother is going to hold its own against yours or horse’s cut. It may be useful for “breeding” purposes or something like that possibly as I think it’s clearly a bubbashine pheno. I think F2s could be really interesting from it as well.

I’m of the same mindset as you on nanners. I don’t need the paranoia if I’m pollen chucking whether or not there’s pollen contamination from a nearby plant. If that was the only negative thing I’d be a bit more conflicted about it but I preferred the effects of A over C anyways. I don’t think everyone would share my preferences (and still haven’t sampled seedless so maybe A is actually more debilitating). More functional cannabis just resonates with me more and C was not functional at all for me.


Thanks! I’m not the biggest fan of the flash or camera angle on that one so I’m glad I posted it anyways. Always nice to hear feedback on the pics. My favorite ones I think are of the lowers or the ones slightly angled from above.


Yeah I love functional herb. The debilitating stuff still has a place for me but, it’s only right before bed. So a little goes a long way. I also found some of the one’s that do debilitate me also get my mind going introspectively. And that can end up keeping me up at night instead of making me pass out. I don’t like it. Been leaning towards herb that relaxes you and has a heavy stone, for nighttime use instead. Couple bong’s of that and it’s usually pass tf out time. Hopefully the A remains functional even with those ambers in there, I bet she hits :fireworks:


What have you found that is a good example of this? Been searching for something like that for awhile now.


SSDD fits that bill fairly well in my opinion


Yeah SSDD can fit that bill. I tend to take mine early so she’s functional but taken late… oh ya! :ok_hand:

Right now I’m using my “OG pheno” TriForce #4(TK x NL1HP) to do the job.

The debilitating stuff keeping me up at night is this Maple Leaf Indica x Mazar-I-Shariff from Motz.


I’ve been smoking on Snuggle Funk recently, that I gave most of away, and it’s pretty nice for nite time/sleepy time. The peppery smell has cured to a more generic chocolate smell. Ovaltine was my first thought. Curious to see what you find!!!


Cool, just pulled down two ssdd crosses and have a couple ssdd f2’s from @syzygy in veg right now.


I’ve found for me the SSDD crosses were less sedative and couchlock than my bubbashine pheno so far which is why I like them more. Your experience may vary especially depending on the cross. Which SSDD cross did you grow out again?


Awesome! Yes I have a few snugglefunk in veg right now. Stoked to see what they do. Hopefully I get at least 1 female. One of them already smells really sweet and savory.


Kush 4 x ssdd - neither of the ones I grew out had any blue type smells. Ones super floral/perfume and the other is more funk/chem.


I only grew out 3 of those but to me those were all more functional than my ssdd mother which is more dreamy rainy day / night medicine to me. I preferred all 3 of them over the SSDD for everyday use.