From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

TSC smells brighter - citrus almost candy berry. Hard to fully describe. Not as offensive as A which is more adhesive fuel rubber. Both week 10 harvest pictures. Didn’t see the shepherd dog hair in the picture until cropping on computer and don’t feel like pulling the buds out again to retake the picture so it stays.

and TS - A

Also I’m conflicted as to what to call these as cuttings for my friend as he will likely spread them even further. Don’t think I went to be calling them Trip Sun A / C for security reasons as that will surely lead back here with a search. Any “ethical” ideas? Obscuring the geneics or name at least seems necessary just to be safe.



I have the exact same concern when giving out seeds I’ve gotten on here. I tend to leave some info out when I give them away, just to CMA. It sucks, but despite me being in a legal state and a med patient besides, I still don’t want (most) people I know to connect me to all the weed pics I’ve posted on here.

Is it ethical? Idk. I give them away, so I don’t too feel bad about changing a name slightly. Certainly feels safer. :man_shrugging:


Yeah I just mean the intent isn’t to rename it for my own glory or playing the strain name game but it’s a very real security concern. I didn’t rename other more accessible things because there are countless people growing out ssdd or spacemonkey for example. Triple sunshine hardly anyone has documented ( I only found 1 on BB) and then denoting phenos to A and C it’s 100% certainty at that point.


Three Suns? Triple Daydream? Daytripper? Isosceles Kush? I dunno; we’re still trying to name the puppy haha…


You could make S1’s. That’s kind of like an F2 lol


Keep in mind that anything that is posted as a suggestion here, could also link back :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably best for people to PM you their suggestions, so it’s not posted on the “open” internet.


Good point. My bad… haha.


Ya absolutely, was mostly just looking for thoughts about the ethics surrounding renaming or obfuscating genetics. Not name suggestions necessarily. I’m going to do it regardless for security reasons and like you mentioned I wasn’t planning on posting it here (or anywhere).

Getting closer to a name or you still going with the name the puppy came with aha?

Ya that was one of the things I considered before getting the pack of F1s. The 4 out of 4 disappointments kind of temporarily killed my interest in going further but we’ll see.


I mean, you gotta do what you gotta do. Personally, I can’t get behind renaming anything, but I’m not gonna sit here and tell you,”Fuck that!” if you’re worried about your security. I don’t ever wanna hear about anybody getting robbed or busted.

I think we’ve settled on Roxie (Roxy?), which was actually what we named that eight-week-old that we had for ten days a while back haha. It feels kind of unnatural to say and both my girl and I still keep accidentally calling her Rushy, but she needs to be named something ASAP. We can’t keep going,”Heyheyhey!!! Ch-ch-ch! You! You! Look over here!” every time we need to get her attention haha.


you could just use the genetics instead of an existing name.

Or come up with a basic generic name based on the genetics. Use the classic “first part of the name from the mother plant, second part of the name from the father plant” portmanteau formula.
ie blue dream x hashplant = bluehash.

I would try to be as accurate as possible with the genetics and the intent the breeder had for the strain, without disclosing the original sensitive name (whatever it was). Omit any specific details that are necessary for your security.


Thanks for the input everyone! The person I’m giving the cutting(s) to has no deep interest in cultivars beyond the effects and potency, and neither of us are benefiting financially from cannabis in any way. I know this friend is likely going to pass the cutting on to quite a few of his friends (which is fine with me, but that’s where both the security & ethical concern comes in). Realistically the cutting won’t get spread far anyways but was still interested to hear other perspectives.

Yeah that’s what I did for the A cutting I already gave away.

Ya that’s in the realm of what I was thinking just to make it a bit harder to end up on this thread with a search. Hopefully come winter I won’t have to worry about such nonsense anymore…

Took some pictures earlier. These guys are incredibly difficult to capture with my camera.


Are those parasitoid wasps?


Im joining the gnat trap gang.

I got some sticky traps because they are starting an army in my tent. I need to win the war not just this battle. :grin:

I dont know how you got those shots. Very cool, do you have a macro lens?


Yes, they go after aphids & whiteflies - Eretmocerus eremicus | Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment

All my nikon shots are done with a macro lens but I couldn’t get these really with that camera they are way too small. Way smaller than gnats. These shots were taken with the TG-6 olympus camera which can do extreme closeups.


Great shots! They are so cute! I have yet to be infected with aphids or thrips, but pressure from the two spotted spider mite keeps me on my heals at all times. Decided it was high time to get some predator mites about every 60 days or so to keep them in check, and fingers crossed I have yet to see any damage all summer. $50 for two months of minimal spraying and ease of mind is some of the best money I have spent in a long time :money_mouth_face:


I’ve never had to deal with aphids or whiteflies on Cannabis either thankfully and the few times I’ve encountered spider-mites on Cannabis it was early enough to deal with easily. Agree with you about predatory mites being worth the money. Have used them for over a decade in vegetable & greenhouse situations. What type of mite have you found the most effective indoors? I’ve only used A. Cucumeris (sachets) and P persimilis (vermiculite carrier) indoors on Cannabis I believe.

Worst thing about applying Phytoseiulus persimilis is having to feel them crawl all over you all day until you’re able to shower. Those things are hyper-active haha.


Also seedling update - Still haven’t gotten around to replanting the Spirit HP so there are only 2. One Redeye Jedi is a bit deformed too.


Are those in your grow area? Or somewhere else? Did you they just show up naturally?

Also, I wanted to be clear on something here:

Unless it’s a dog haha.

I re-read my post and was like,”Oh my gawd, dude, you’re sitting there bitching about re-naming genetics and then immediately started talking about your dog’s new name…”


Haha I didn’t catch that either. I’m with you on both points though.

Somewhere else. Predatory wasps released into a problematic area with whiteflies and those are the cards they come on.


Those are the two species I have deployed with success over the years too, apparently P. Persimilis are better suited for plants with tall trichomes because of their long legs, very cool. Have used only A. Cucumeris when money was tight and they seemed to keep them at bay after a small 4’x4’ infestation.