From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

@syzygy I also have some friends who could care less about genetics. I just name strains Good Shit, Gooder Shit, and Goodest Shit for them, :slight_smile:


Or this classic:


Ya… exactly how this situation is haha. Whether it’s TK , SSDD or whatever it’s all gibberish to them and that’s cool.

My rescue I feel like actually understands a lot of what I say to her, or at least the general intent. It’s a bit creepy actually how smart she is. Very socially intelligent being and smartest dog I’ve personally interacted with. My German Shepherd I feel relates more to that cartoon although she’s pretty smart as well, it’s a different level than malinois/dutches. Hope everything is still going well with heyheyhey! Roxy sounds much better to me than rushy/chchch/heyheyhey also haha.

Ahh cool. I’ve only used cucumeris one time indoors in one of those slow release sachets. I believe they pack those sachets with a mold mite (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) as a food source for them just like Stratiolaelaps scimitus (hypoaspis). Supposedly many retailers are now offering “crazee mites” as well which look interesting. Have you heard / read about these yet or tried them? I haven’t but am interested.


For sure. I just think those old Far Sides are funny, I remember we had them up on the fridge for a few years when I was a little kid. But yeah, most dogs understand quite a bit of what we say to them. I dunno if it’s the inflection in our voices or what, but they know what we’re saying to them.

They just don’t always listen haha.

Well… I mean… I miss Rushy, for sure, he was so friggin’ sweet. And we didn’t name him haha. But yeah, it’s going well with Roxie. She’s also very sweet, starting to get more comfortable here. We have a few baskets filled with dog toys scattered around the house; she started pulling things out of them the past couple days and playing with them, which is a good sign.

I love her… haha!


Sorry, I can’t help myself.


I have not, always good to have more tools to use thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:


Sadly flash battery died while I was taking pictures. Wanted to take more but this is what I got. Lav Jacks smell the strongest of the current group. C91 SVA x SSDD doesn’t smell that strong either surprisingly. First SSDD cross I’ve grown without a decently strong aroma. Herer hp barely smells but looks kind of cool up close.

Accidentally forgot to water the seedlings for a few days and they were wilting badly when I checked on them today. They will recover just making a mental note of this.

Herer HP

Chem 91 skunk VA x SSDD

Lav Jack

Different Lav Jack

Lav Jack tall pheno


Looking killer as always I love the look of the tall spear pheno of the lav jack I love when plants get that look :star_struck:


Hay @syzygy how many days is the HHP? It looks so unlike the one I grew out. I’ll find a pic when you tell me :slight_smile:


Hey @HorseBadorites , it’s hard to say. Assuming I can still math it’s around day 54. They went into flower July 6th. Keep in mind they may not have been mature enough to have actually started flowering though, so for all practical purposes they may be closer to day 44.


Best I can do is 35 and 55 days… I’m a pothead, lol!


Note the full plant shots, lol!

It was some good weed. I still have folks asking for it… but like I said, I’m a pothead :slight_smile:

It’s one of the few on my really run again list.


The only other time I ran Herer HP (1 plant) I got a very similar pheno to this one. Would take me too long to try to find a picture of that one but I remember not being thrilled about it. That last picture you posted looks very nice!


It was better than nice :yum: I’ve only grown out that one, but it was in my top 3… gonna have to edit my profile prefs, lol!


I think I’m in love with this pic… whew, does she look good. You sure you don’t like the way Jack smells?? haha! I’m just messin’, I know it’s not everyone’s thing. Gonna be interested to hear your thoughts on the smoke though.


Ya I’ll admit it’s actually growing on me a bit. The smell may be slightly changing as well but that core aspect of it is still there. Not a smell I’d want in the tent every round but currently that plant is the most interesting in the tent to me. I like the more offensive odors in cannabis for nostalgia reasons I assume but am open to my tastes and preferences changing always.

I haven’t been consuming much but the 3 times I tried the week 9 Trip A it didn’t seem to have the mental energy boost that the seeded buds had. It actually resembled the effects of SSDD strongly. We’ll see with more uses how it all changes as well as sampling the various different weeks. I have 3 separate batches now seedless - Week 9 , 10 and 11… Will be painfully slow to get to them though.


thanks for the money shots :+1: has a good time looking at those!


Thanks for the kind words, been really appreciating your pictures as of late as well. What kind of camera / lens / lighting setup you using?

Here’s some quick pics from today. Forgot to charge my flash battery from last time, it’s charging now… Lav Jacks smell the strongest by far. Baba kush doesn’t smell strong yet but smells very nice at this stage. The baba kush is very rootbound - I just wanted to see what the smells are like on this plant really.

lj 3

lj tall


Baba Kush


i have a canon old t2i with the original lens, whatever it is, indestructible camera!


Couple rushed flash shots - some of the taller Lav Jack shots I had to press the camera against the ceiling in order to take them because of the 105mm lens requiring so much space between the camera and subject




c91 x ssdd


What size pot is the spear pheno in a 1 gallon? That one looks like it’s going to yield fat such a photogenic plant!