From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

They are all in “1 GAL” pots - 7x7" hydrofarm pots. Think 9" depth but not 100%.

I get the impression the tall one is going to be airy and made up of mostly foxtailing smaller buds. Still like the look of it but I think Trip Sun is probably a higher yielder with the more dense buds. Personally I don’t care about yield one way or another because I only vaporize and consume more casually lately. Hoping I can transplant the OG stuff without too much stress, currently don’t have the space to up-pot them. Much more excited to see what’s in that stuff than this current round.


How do you get through a whole flower cycle in just one gallon? Do you transplant into a super soil and flip immediately and just water or do you have to add stuff every so often?


Sometimes they end up a bit rough. Sometimes I top-dress, other times I should have top dressed but didn’t. This round should have been top dressed but I never did. Yes this is all done in a “living” organic soil-less mix.

I detail my usual processes in these posts, give or take the occasional variation. I don’t think it’s the best way to grow but it is the best way to grow for me. Getting to see a lot of variety is more valuable to me than yield.

edit fixed link


A few years ago on RIU everybody seemed to want Goji OG and clones were going for insane prices. Also some “breeders” were “generously” giving away Goji OG f2s under the condition you bought some of their genetics that you otherwise wouldn’t buy. I remember many people there suggesting people ‘just buy goji f2s from copa’ when people inquired. That was a partial reason why I decided to F2 some of my Goji to give away for free.

After I was done making them and starting to test the F2s @The_Lazy_Hippie started his community Goji project which was absolutely insane and really captured a tremendous amount of diversity. All the recent copa talk in the b thread really drives home to me how awesome that Goji OG project was (way better job of preserving than my 1-1 pairing) so just wanted to thank him again for an incredible project. We no longer have to buy genetics we don’t want in order to have access to Goji OG F2s. If I had them (breaks security principles) I would have popped them, I’m sure there’s fire in those seeds. Hope we see more people explore through them, what we’ve seen so far has looked really promising.

Here’s some quick pictures from today because I forgot to snap a picture of Herer HP last round of pics.

Lav Jack tall

Herer HP


Yeah, I’m not really sure what’s going on over there. I’m trying to figure out, like, are they Copa shills? Fake accounts? Or accounts that are here strictly to draw attention away from Bodhi and towards Copa? Barely any of the people who keep talking about their stuff have any grow logs. And, I mean, there’s a Copa thread here already; I followed it for a while before I decided I was totally uninterested in the majority of the gear being grown haha. I dunno why people are posting all about Copa shit on a Bodhi thread, but it’s weird.

Anyway, plants look good. I really love that tall Lavender Jack, she looks soooo promising. I actually got a sample of that last week, but I haven’t tried it yet. I’m kind of saving it for when a buddy of mine who’s a HUGE Jack fan comes over.


Ya I got a chuckle about being a ‘broken’ record when I’ve commented on it probably only once before in there last year. Guess I really should get my act together and start posting relevant Bodhi content for a change.

There’s been lots of them in the B threads for years both here and RIU. Doesn’t help probably that he’s in a sense a cannabis influencer on IG and we both know what power that has these days for better or worse.

Interested to hear how you think it stacks up against Jack and other Jack crosses you’ve tried!


I was thinking the same thing. “Jesus, man, syzygy’s all talk! He never posts any grow pictures!” haha…

Oh, really? I’ve noticed it a little bit on the thread here, especially lately, but I never, ever log on to RIU, didn’t know about that.

I did “like” all those posts of Copa stuff that somebody posted on the B thread here the other day. I’m so outta the loop that I didn’t even know it was Copa gear until later, after I’d sobered up haha. I thought they were Bodhi plants, although in retrospect I should’ve known they weren’t. He doesn’t use an Ancient OG f3 male or whatever haha…

Yeahhhh, I wanna check it out ASAP for sure. But, like I said, I wanna save it for my buddy who’s kind of my sounding board for the weed I grow (or get in the mail haha). He’s the only stoner I know. I dunno what his deal is right now, seems like he doesn’t wanna leave his house at all haha. I’m not gonna wait on him too much longer, though.


This whole time I thought Copa was either affiliated or friends eith Bodhi…good to know.


I don’t know either of them so I couldn’t really speculate about their relationship, though it is probably safe to say they are friends in some capacity. Bodhi seems to be friends with just about everybody in the industry.

Just my opinion that selling F2s of B’s most popular gear is a very low effort way to get sales without requiring any originality or work. I think the other breeders like stray, cannavore, doc d and others that use Bodhi’s gear but cross it to their own unique males (or vice versa) all have more interesting offerings personally. That way of going about things doesn’t seem shady to me in contrast. Not that my opinion means anything.


It is. And not only that, I’m not ashamed to admit that I judge (negatively) people who grow Copa’s gear haha!, the same way I judge people who grow Berner’s gear.

I mean, I dunno. It seems to me that if somebody is either too dumb to realize that it’s a blatant money grab or just doesn’t care that it is (I’d honestly prefer that they’re too dumb to know, as opposed to willingly feeding into that bullshit), I have every right to judge you haha. What’d you say the other day on the B thread? “Buy my IcyPupil25 and receive these FREE Sunshine Daydream f2’s!” IcyPupil25… That’s funny. It’s also so incredibly obvious what Copa’s doing. It’s tacky.

Eh. You’re entitled to it. This is your thread.


Haha I don’t know if I’d go that far but I know what you mean. A few members here that I appreciate seem to be interested in his stuff. Not for me though.

Yeah it’s tacky for sure. Agree with that word choice.

Bodhi’s SUCH a good friend of mine that I’m going to tap into his sales by selling fgens of his most sought after lines!

I’m not sure I agree with the people assuming that Bodhi is swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck and I think the price drop on his packs reflect that. Even strains like Black Triangle, Redeye Jedi , Secret Chief and others have lingered for weeks at some of the seed banks. Could be wrong of course, and it’s not my business anyways. At the end of the day grow what you want but personally I wouldn’t grow anything from Copa even if it was free. I have enough seeds and not enough space to grow out everything I want to. Have to assume the lack of effort and originality scales across every facet of the operation.


I hadn’t heard that, but even that was true (and I doubt it is), he’s probably one of the few breeders who deserves to be.

Swimming in cash like Scrooge McDuck, that is haha.



That Lavender Jack is really starting to fatten up at least visually (even if it is slightly airy when squeezed) and the Herer HP looks pretty nice as well! Are you finding much similarities in the aromas of the HHP and the Lav Jack’s or are they kind of all over the place?

Well you know, you could always go over to his house, haha. Unless he lives in a shitty apartment or has a bunch of weird roommates or something, haha. I’m sure your house is probably the better one to chill and hang out at anyway.

I don’t know too much about Copa genetics in general but DC Seed Exchange sent me a freebie of Ancient Chocolate from Copa which is Chocolope x Ancient OG Fwhatever cause they fucked up my order.

I remember when I used to be on RIU around 2020 and before, before I came over to OG and Copa would post a ton on the Bodhi thread. He had hundreds of packs of Bodhi stuff and grew a lot outdoors, seemed like a cool enough dude who seemed like a nice enough guy so I could see why people would support him, even if he is pushing Bodhi genetics.

Yeah, I don’t know who thinks that way but they are likely very very wrong there.


Dude, I’ve known him for almost ten years and offered to go to his house many, many times. He always declines and insists on coming over here, to the point where I just don’t even suggest that anymore. He obviously does not want me to go to their house haha. He and his wife always have like ten cats+, I think that’s why he insists on coming here; their place has gotta be a little stinky haha.

Cat people… haha. Good guy, though!

That sounds promising. I love Chocolope, anyway. Haven’t blazed any in a long time, but I was never unhappy with it when I did.

Didn’t he also show up on the Bodhi thread here on OG a while back and start immediately talking about all of his hundreds of packs of Bodhi stuff? Or did somebody just post some screenshots or something? I really do never log on to RIU, but somehow I still know that he’s always talking about all of the Bodhi packs he has.


Damn! That’s a lot of cats, I have had three indoor cats at most (now have two) but that is just too many damn cats! My wife showed me this this funny audio that is going around on IG I think and now people make their own videos using the original audio and it goes something like:

“To all of those people who say, when you tell them you have cats, ‘Eww I don’t like cats, I’m never coming over to your house…’ You weren’t invited… You weren’t invited… You will never be invited…” Haha, it’s better when you watch the video with music and dramatic sounding voice but nonetheless, made me think about it and laugh out loud.

Envelope incoming, your mailbox is bout to be on fire! Haha, just fucking with you.

I think someone just re-shared a pic he posted form IG or another forum, I don’t think I’ve seen him around here though?


Yeah, dude, every time I talk to him they’ve had to put down another cat. I dunno how they deal with it; I always get extremely bummed for a few weeks when we have to put a dog down.

Maybe he’s depressed from putting a cat down every few months and that’s why he doesn’t wanna leave the house haha…

That’s more of a tik tok thing. I’m sure my girl’s seen those, I’ll ask her about it. Maybe. Eventually. I can only stand those videos for so long before I’m just like,”Okay, I get it. Anyway…” haha.


For sure, you see one, you seen them all. Just show me the original video and I’m good.

Yeah, I am sure it started on TikTok but now it’s on IG, a lot of people have accounts on both platforms now (especially bigger accounts) and post the same content on both! It’s crazy, my was has an IG account, not on TikTok at all but I don’t mess with any social media whatsoever. Even though our home business is tied to the internet and somewhat social media as well.

IG got passed up in popularity by TikTok, then IG decided, hey, let’s be more like TikTok so we can be more popular, now IG is just trying to be like TikTok. My wife started out on IG back in the day because it was all about taking nice pictures and photography, now it’s all about videos, people can’t take the time to read anymore but I guess that’s a different rant…

As far as the internet in general is going and my response to it: Wait what? I can read this paragraph or article in a couple minutes but you want me to watch a video that takes 10 minutes? Naw, I’m good.

Sorry for the rant @syzygy and taking up your thread space.


I don’t ever seem to get tired of that,”I’m fast as fuck, boy! Fast as fuck!” audio haha; that one never gets old, but yes, besides that one it does feel tedious.

Right. You can come over to my thread if you wanna talk about this some more. I can spend all day talking about how much I hate social media and I’m happy to provide that outlet for other people, too haha…


Not my valuable thread space :frowning:
haha just kidding you know I don’t care.

Could be true. Never interacted with him personally.

The idea that B doesn’t need to participate on forums anymore because he’s so wildly successful has been floated recently as well as the past. I’d assume it has to do with how busy he is rather than a strategic marketing / business decision.

Gotta keep the exclusivity factor going by teasing rare / hype genetics.


Oh for sure, I think the focus is more on social media now for a lot of people or breeders versus interacting on forums which was more or less the sole way for them to interact with the masses in the past.

Alright, now that syzygy doesn’t care, that audio and usually the videos accompanying it is really hilarious. I’ll say that when were inside/outside as well, whether it’s our cats, blue bellied lizards, or quail running around all crazy.