From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

If you’re thinking about making F2s just as preservation, then my vote would go towards to more rare packs, or packs that you have multiples of, so you could run bigger numbers of plants.

Votes for F2s would probably be:

Purple Triangle (Black Triangle x Purple Unicorn) - purely selfish reason of wanting to see this one grown out
Gorilla Ghani (GG4 x OMG) - I don’t know if anyone has F2’d any of the OMG stuff? Another one I’d just love to see how the OMG influences the GG4
Sunshine Daydream - yeah, I know it’s been F2’d already, and there’s probably some out there, but more could never hurt.
Heavenly Hashplant (Bubba x 88g13hp) - I love bubba, that plus the 88g13hp could be something very relaxing.
Phone Home (TK x Wookie 15) - TK smells amped up by the Wookie, yes please!

Anyways, my votes are probably just the one’s I would like to see grown the most, and might not actually be the best candidates for F2s.

lol, is that ASS x 88g13hp?

excited to see what you find as well!


Triple Sunshine and Limited Edition (DLA 5 x PU) are probably the only semi “rare” seeds I have. Seeing as I already have a Triple Sunshine mother that I think is pretty nice it seems like a good candidate to F2 to me.

I remember on RIU and here that greenhighlander would always rave about his Gorilla Ghani that he named ‘koko’. I’m not the biggest fan of the idea of F2ing GG4 genetics just because I have space monkey F2s as well as GG4 RILs. Also have GG4 x SSDD and probably more that I’m forgetting haha.

Ya my only hesitation there is the 4 lackluster plants from last attempt. Still not ruling it out though.

I’ve always been surprised we haven’t seen many people grow that one out.

The pack just says hs1. There was a heated debate in the b thread a few months back about whether or not the HS stood for Hippie Slayer or Hershey Squirt.



From what I saw of the Triple Sunshine’s, I’d think that would make a good candidate, as well. Like you said, you already have a great mother plant of that to pollinate, and use a comparison later on, to see how the F2s compare to the F1 mother. You’ve got my vote there.


Also wanted to make note of having just culled another Secret Chief. That’s 3/4 males so far on that one and waiting on last to show. Currently the only females showing are 2 Redeye Jedi plants and One Devil’s HP.


@syzygy I know this is going to sound self-serving, but how bout looking for an SSDD male? You might find a great lady, too, but that male is extra elusive.

Did Bodhi ever say how he found his 2nd dad? F1, F2…donated cut or splooge?

Anyway, I have a nice female, and maybe (hooves crossed!) another, I’d be glad to send you cuts of… and there’s few other OG’ers holding, too.

It’s a pretty popular strain, and for good reason, among us with nerve pain who also like good weed, :slight_smile:

If you don’t take cuts, I, for one, would be glad to do a big F2 seed run for the community with my girl (s)…damn right I am a pimp, girls gotta earn their keep!

I know it wouldn’t be a glamor grow, more like utilitarian, but could help a lot of folks out. I used to collect for UNESCO, lol!

And hey, if that don’t float yer boat, Heavenly Hashplant, sounds… well, you know :yum:


It doesn’t sound self serving, it sounds like a fun idea to combine resources. If the laws change here (looking like they will) I’d be happy to let out my ssdd mom / ts mom for the cause. Would love honest feedback and for them to be scrutinized by other growers as well. When giving away free flower samples I think most people are grateful and less likely to give negative feedback, even if that’s what you’re really seeking haha. That’s really the extent of the external feedback that I get here.

I have no clue how Bodhi found his male but would be interested if anyone else knows. I also am no breeder and don’t know the line well enough to pick out a male with any degree of confidence. My male selections are always low number, random guesses.

I think that would be really cool regardless. I think my SSDD female is pretty nice but by no means am I making grand claims about it. I’d be interested someday in seeing what others (especially you and holy) make of it given you both having more experience with the line. It seems like a good idea to make as many seeds as you can with different males for redundancy sake.


This is me, lol! I would have to rely on much more experienced eyes than mine… and by experienced eyes I don’t mean old ones, I’ve got them already!

I was more thinking of finding THE male. I have made F2’s and 3’, but only with whatever male(s) I had because I didn’t know any better. Mr Big has got to be out there :slight_smile:


I’m just really skeptical about anyone pulling out a male like that without testing the offspring in order to gauge the quality of it. I guess if someone really knows the line, has gone through various Fgens as well as the parental stock they may have a leg up on someone just doing random chucks though.

If such a person exists it certainly isn’t me haha.

I assume since you’ve made F3s that you’ve already gone through a handful of your F2s. How do they stack up against the keeper mom?


I know the line fairly well, I’ve looked through 3x F1 packs and 60 or so f2’s so far, but I’m only selecting for what I want and feel ssdd should be based on Bodhi’s words and the traits of my f2 keeper. Think I still have 40-60 questionable looking f2’s left to look through for that male. Will let ya guys know. I’m hoping this black river og might be somewhat similar… will make that cross to ssdd before I can pop more ssdd seeds.


Dude, you better quit making that joke or that fucking name is gonna catch on and people are gonna start thinking that it’s actually a thing haha.

I’d think any of the GHash stuff would be good to f2 and I only say that because, of the males on that list, that one seems to me to be the most… I don’t wanna say “stable,” because as far as I know they’re all pretty stable. But there’s the least amount of stuff in it, I guess. That’s just me, though. I feel like if I ever make seeds, I wanna do it with crosses that contain the least amount of genetics and possible outcomes.

But I know you don’t care about that haha.

I remember reading somewhere that he said it took him like two or three years to find the second SSDD male, which gave me the impression that he just looked through a bunch more seeds.


VAhomegrown’s post in the b thread reminds me that I also have the Kali Mist x Everything and Butterscotch x Wookie. Could scrap seed making and just look for interesting (looking) Kali Mist phenos. Have a couple weeks to think about this at least. No matter what happens I want to flower out a Triple Sunshine A just to confirm that I didn’t make a massive labeling mistake.

You may be on to something with that position. I actually looked at the freebies @ GLG today and thought that the Oaxacan x 88g13 looked kind of appealing. Not appealing enough to put in an order given how many seeds I have though.


Yeah, looking at the packs you listed, I was kinda wondering, like,”Why does he wanna make seeds?” haha. You’ve got a pretty decent amount already. That’s another one of the reasons why I haven’t bothered doing any chucking myself, is that I have too many seeds as it is (YES, I KNOW, OF COURSE I WOULD GIVE A LOT OF WHATEVER I MADE AWAY haha).

The Kali Mist cross sounds promising, though. I dunno how stoked I am about the male being a mystery, but still… Kali Mist… Haha. It’d probably turn out pretty good and interesting no matter what the pollen donor was.


Yeah but sometimes it’s nice to make more when either you have something you can’t buy more of or find an interesting mom as a backup or way to explore more. Given that I haven’t been consuming much of anything and have enough flower to hold me over it seems like a good use of time. Even when I’m not consuming I still find gardening interesting so that was kind of my rationale. I don’t need any more flower right now.

Yeah some of those males listed in the “everything” looked pretty interesting though, including a kali mist male! Still leaning towards just Triple Sunshine but will think about it for a week or 2 before I germ anything.


Everything :


Yeah, I saw that list a while back on the B thread. The A11 male was the one that caught my eye. And the BSHB, Vietnamese, Aruba and Burmese haha.


Got all the OG x 88 stuff transplanted and obvious males culled. We’ll see how long they take to bounce back but am thinking about just flipping them in a week and not taking cuttings. I forget the numbers on everything but I think there’s only 1 Secret Chief and 1 Spirit HP left which are still both not showing gender yet.

Still leaning towards just popping some (or all) of the Triple Sunshines for a winter seed project.


Everything bouncing back already. Bright yellow leaves have greened up and the new growth looks pretty clean.

Took down the Baba Kush as well. Seems like it has the potential to be a nice plant if grown properly, but don’t think I’m going to keep the mom around. Don’t have the space and it doesn’t come across as special enough in odor or morphology.


Got done trimming most of the tall Lav Jack and sampled a lower nug. Smell is strong and lingers on this one, yet at the same time has a delicate aspect to it. Think its the carrot / floral component of the smell. Taste in the mighty+ vaporizer is strong, tastes spicy and is a lot like the aroma. Not going to comment too much on effects as it’s uncured but I can say it is psychoactive. Buds look almost silvery purplish in person. Flash shots are not as accurate on the color as the no-flash (first) image.


So you’re digging the flavor, then? Looks good!


Flavor is unique (to me) and really interesting. Being a novel flavor to me I like it at the moment but who knows if it would stand up to the test of time. It’s definitely one of the strongest tasting flowers when vaporized that I’ve had in a long time. If the reveg is successful I’d definitely give it at least one more shot with a more appropriate plant to pot size ratio. Effects for me were a bit heavier than I was expecting but there is a decent amount of amber. Had a lot of cerebral elements as well but was a bit tiring / relaxing. Duration was about 4h. Grain of salt as always because it’s uncured and all the other disclaimers…