From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Thinking about topping and flipping. Rooting cuttings and putting them back in 1 GAL pots doesn’t sound appealing to me. It’s pretty clear they are going to have issues relating to being rootbound mid-late flower, but I think that topping them and limiting side branches may mitigate that a bit.


Feeling the same exact way. Haha


Lav Jack purple leaf pheno


Here was the SSDD male I chose, I didn’t take any photos as it progressed. It was slightly slower, but more frost. It formed tight clusters with an amazing amount of pollen.


Nice sturdy branches, too.


Frost on the male? That’s interesting to me. The father of the F2s had a slight amount of frost so not too surprising I guess. Thanks for sharing the picture!


Do you still have any :stuck_out_tongue: I have 2 very horney SSDD ladies at almost 3 weeks!

He looks like a very sturdy stud, did he pass that along?


I can spare some pollen for you.


Interested to hear more about all that and if anything comes from it.

On my end : I decided to cut down everything to the lowest branches and flip. Tomorrow will be day 1 of 12/12 (10/18). They will be rootbound but I figure not as badly as the Baba Kush were at least. I’d like to get started on the Triple Sunshine project ASAP and so transplanting or taking cuttings and flowering out the cuttings would delay it too long.

Also I’m going to slowly work on making a thread documenting all previous grow pictures to just use to look stuff up. Searching through my two threads for pictures is kind of time consuming and it seems like being more organized would help.


I would have named the thread Bodhi Bud Porn… :rofl:

Straight up bodhi smut posted over there man! I didn’t wanna clog up the other thread, but those shots are all awesome and cool to have in one repository.

Cool, they rebounded nicely and looks like they’ll have enough pot space to get them through flower. Despite not taking any cuttings, I hope you find something cool. How’s your tall Lav Jack re-veg looking?



Wish I was a bit better some of the past years at taking pictures and saving them. I have almost no pictures of Black Triangle or Jungle spice for some reason which is disappointing. I know I took pictures of Black Triangle but must have deleted them accidentally…

Thanks and nothing yet on the Lav Jack. Color is fading a bit more which is making me less hopeful but you never know.


DM sent :slight_smile:


Here’s two shots of the reveg attempt on the Lav Jack tall. The slight amount of green may be promising, still too early to tell though. Open to any suggestions. So far I’ve just been watering it when it gets dry (lifting pot) and leaving it alone in the pot it was in. Could transplant it or root prune if necessary.

Also trimmed back the TS / SSDD as they were overcrowded and unhealthy looking. Should probably repot these soon.


I’ve never tried to re-veg, but I’d probably just leave her alone and hope for the best. It seems like messing with it would maybe… I dunno, maybe make her act wacky haha. I reeeeallllyyyy hope she does start vegging again for you, though. I love that plant haha.


Ya the smell is very strong and attractive, especially on the live plant right now as well. Always fun to look back and see that the plants I end up appreciating the most are the ones I’m not too thrilled about early on.


I’ve cut back the roots when I started a reveg after flowering. Sometimes it works. IDK about doing it now though.

If you’ve never revegged before, usually you’ll see some little freaky looking leaves poking out… then they keep getting freakier, lol!

Water as little as possible, keep her in low light, and keep her favorite soap operas on… it’ll take a while, a real long while.

Good luck, I like her too :slight_smile:


I have revegged many times before but it’s an area my skills could use some work. For a while I was doing really good but I forgot what I was doing back then. I feel like I was trimming off some of the rootball with a bread knife and transplanting into new soil. Here’s a few shots I saw when making that other thread of a successful reveg attempt on some Granola Funk F2s

And some incredibly potent mystery pollen chuck. I think it was Goji OG x SSDD (2017) but not certain.


Here’s two different SSDD F2’s flowering:

#2, day 31. No signs of intersex, and no noticeable smell. Stem rub smells peppery. She was topped once and barely stretched. There’s trichs on the petioles of the fan leaves :sunglasses:

#3, day 2. She took forever to show sex, hence got overvegged…hopefully she doesn’t stretch too much :sweat_smile: Topped super late in the game due to height restrictions. So this one looks more OG-like/lanky to me. No noticeable smell on this one either. Stem rub is very similar to #2 but stronger peppery scent.


Hoping that changes for you

A good sign at least that there’s some similarities with the mother!

Beautiful & healthy plants you have there, plus a really clean setup as well! Thanks again for testing them out.