From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Looks like she is still alive to me. When I successfully re-vegged the last time, after about two weeks I pulled the plant out of the pot, gently massaged the root ball and removed any really decayed/dead looking roots. I tried not to remove a lot of the existing soil/medium, but some will inevitably fall out. I then put some fresh soil in the bottom of the pot I pulled it from, put the plant back in there, and back filled with fresh soil. Then watered it all in. Best to do it when the pot is more on the drier side, I think, it’s easier to pull the plant out with root zone intact. You could also try top dressing with a little fresh compost if you don’t want to pull the plant out, and see how that goes… best of luck!


+1 positive review on Lav Jack tall. Family member had a lifelong friend visit from Canada who has been smoking longer than I’ve been alive, and asked if I had any flowers to spare. Out of Triple Sunshine week 11 , Lav Jack purple and Lav Jack tall they gravitated towards Lav Jack tall to take w/ them and they called the following day raving about it which is unusual for this person. Couldn’t extract any detailed review but still cool to hear a positive opinion on it seeing as I’m not consuming much of anything.


Good weed is slowly making a comeback. Great job!



If I was there in person I would have insisted on them sampling the Triple Sunshine as that’s the one I’m most curious about still but the lav jack is still intriguing. The other 2 lav jacks don’t look or smell that interesting but I haven’t actually sampled them yet so who knows.

Have you tried any of Bodhi’s Jack crosses yet ? (grown / flower sample)


I have and have tried the Lav Jack cut that goes around from Nobody’s Nursery. IMO It’s a great haze hybrid to get people off the nasty cardboard short high purple stuff and turned on to some good purple weed.
I just started flowering it :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Cool, seems like all the people I’ve read that tried it seem to enjoy that cut! It is definitely photogenic.

Here’s some shots from today - Day 3 of flower

Currently the Spirit HP 2 (last image, front right) looks the most unusual. It’s noticeably stretchier and taller than everything else.


Well that was fast rooting on the TSA. Or time just flies when you don’t check on them? In any case.

Dogs were play fighting shortly after I took the picture and the clone tray fell over. Doesn’t appear to be any severe casualties at least and no chance for mislabeling as that was the only thing being cloned. I want to make sure these are actually Trip Sun A and not C so will probably throw one into flower to make sure.

Also have taken the first step towards the next project.


Yeah that cut is really nice! Really tasty and a nice hybrid high. Got mine almost done flowering - its more nuggy not one big spear. Very frosty. edit - here’s the lav jack cut at day 57.


2 out of 5 of the Triple Sunshine are above the rapid rooters and the other 3 have appeared to crack open. Assuming there’s no damping off in the near future everything appears good so far.

All TS cuttings rooted fine in rapid rooters reminding me of how much I love how low effort and maintenance that way is. Still going to stick with aeroponic or soil based cloning to save money probably, but can definitely see the appeal. Somehow even the rapid rooters are covered in dog hair.

and not much going on still with reveg but wanted to take a picture of the green areas so I have a comparison in the coming days / weeks.


Chopped everything down quite severely again. Things were starting to wilt and appear fairly bushy. Hopefully I didn’t get too carried away. Took almost a 5GAL bucket of vegetation out of there. Don’t really care either way

Still only 2 TS up so far.


You can definitely chop them up more than that and they’ll be fine. Nice stuff!!


Yeah, figured the plants would be fine hacking them down this much I was more or less just thinking about the possibility of stunting them since we’re 7 days into flower. Still though I agree they should be fine with this amount removed even at the start of flower.


Still only 2 above ground on the rapid rooters, guess I spoke too soon. Appears the other 3 popped open and fizzled out. Going to think about what I’m going to do throughout the rest of the workday. Also the lav jack appears to be deteriorating. Remaining fan leaves becoming crispy and green is fading on the buds.

I believe I have 2 TS seeds left and 7-8 SSDD seeds.


Put the last 2 Triple Sunshine seeds in wet paper towel. Don’t have much hope for the 3 in rapid rooters but will leave them just in case for the time being.

The 2 that are doing OK

and the OG x 88g13hp stuff which has doubled in size again since pruning a few days ago.

Thinking I may pop a few SSDD seeds as well just in case. Will probably decide that tomorrow.


Well after seeing middleman’s latest update the thought entered my mind that maybe I should try some SSDD F2 or TS x SSDDs instead of some F1s. Still a bit annoyed about those lackluster SSDDs earlier in the year, and so I’m a bit curious to observe the quality of the offspring and compare it to the mothers.

Leaning towards Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 1 F1 so that if I get unlucky and get 0 TS males I can find one to use as a kind of back-cross. If I do get a Triple Sunshine male then I can still hit the females with some pollen.

Not sure how many TS x SSDD seeds I have, but it’s only about 1/4 cup I think.

Which sounds more interesting
  • SSDD bubbashine pheno F2 (SSDD 1 F1)
  • Triple Sunshine A x SSDD 1 F1

0 voters


Ok well since it’s an even split I’ll just do a little of both. The 2 new TS are above soil but still in the hull. Hoping these don’t damp off on me.

Some of the OGx88 stuff is looking slightly like male flowers are forming and am going to keep my eye on it. The preflowers were definitely pistils but maybe the intense pruning triggered an identity crisis. Don’t really care either way, mostly hoping I can pull off the Triple Sun / SSDD project more than anything.

Will try to get a picture of the new growth later today or tomorrow. Often new leaves can look like male flowers to me, may just be that.


The 2 other TS seedlings have started to open up.

Feeling a bit better about having 4 plants at least (+ A mother). Threw some SSDD F2s + TS x SSDD seeds in paper towels as well.


Never did a germ test I don’t think on SSDD / TSxSSDD. If I did then I can’t remember it. 88% of the TS x SSDD have popped open and I’d say only 20% or so of the SSDD F2s have opened up. Both were poured out of their storage bags onto a paper towel so may not be a fair comparison. SSDD F2s have a lot of immature seeds that I ordinarily would pick out, but still germination rates don’t seem very good so far.

16/18 Triple Sunshine x SSDD - not growing anywhere near all of these out. Probably only 4 of each.


The TS x SSDD ended up with 100% germination by the 2nd day.

SSDD F2 was about 50%, but a good amount of the seeds were tan and immature.


Baba Kush smells really good and above average odor strength. Haven’t tried it.


Of the OG x 88g13hp stuff

I feel like the Redeye Jedi plants seem to be fairly compact like my previous REJ plants.

Secret Chief is compact as well

Devil’s HP has some wider interode growth and is a bit lankier.

Spirit HP is closer to Devil’s HP with some more extreme wet noodle stem plants mixed in. (basing this on a previous round that resulted in all males + the current 2 females)


Hoping we join all the other friendly states next week so I can finally dabble in some outdoor tests.


11-4 –

Light turned on for an hour or two and plants have been in darkness due to power outage for a few hours. Put cell phone in tent with flashlight on.

Seems like every grow I get at least one power outage. I think last REJ grow 1 of the 2 had intersex issues related to a power outage so will be interesting to see if this is a repeat.

E : Power back on earlier than expected thankfully

Here’s some crappy phone shots