From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Day 52 of flower, zero intersex traits observed so far.

I have one female that smells so much more than any other plant. I don’t have the most sophisticated sense of smell, but to me it smells strongly of earth and skunk. Anyone else run into this?


Yeah that’s definitely common in the SSDD’s ime. That plant looks pretty damn nice tho! Is that from syzygy’s f2’s?


The one SSDD (f1) I grew fucking REEKED of RKS, but not while she was growing. Took like a month in jars, but when I finally opened them, yeah, total roadkill, for sure the skunkiest-smelling weed I’ve ever grown. It smelled AWESOME haha.


With the SSDD I’ve noticed the smell changes quite a bit throughout the various stages of flower. Around day 65-70 on the bubbashine pheno the smell is substantially different and stronger than @ day 50.

In my mind the mother does not have a skunky smell but we all perceive smells differently so I don’t want to speak definitively. The pheno you found looks pretty frosty and appears to have a better calyx to leaf ratio than the mother as well. Interested to hear your thoughts on it!

Effects on the mother are very dreamy for me when taken around 70 days. Some very comfortable sleep meds or good for relaxing on a rainy day. Appreciate you testing these out and posting pictures as well!

Was this the same SSDD as the butter pheno you mentioned encountering or was that different?

Interesting, good to know. My favorite smell so far has still been my first SSDD which was kind of a rubbery coffee shoe factory smell with zero berry, skunk or chem notes.


Here are some pictures of the mother for quick reference. The general bud structure does look pretty similar to me which is kind of interesting. The buds on your F2s look a bit chunkier though. Could environmental or other reasons for this though I guess.

And here is the mother at Day 50 on the SM4 / SSDD run for comparison (way smaller flowers than yours haha)

Hope this helps


That’s good to know, my knowledge is limited about this line. Yes, these were the seeds I got from @syzygy


Maybe it will only get better after I get it into jars? Definitely something to look forward to.



This one smells the like the butter cut to me. The rest of plants have a more muted smell.

@syzygy thank you for posting those pictures, that’s very helpful. The environment is very stable where I have these growing. I am an average grower at best so maybe I am benefiting from the work you did on the previous generations.


The rubbery sour-butter blueberry-muffin is what I personally prefer in the line. That one looks great too!


Also forgot to include these seeded bud shots to show the difference between the same pheno seeded / unseeded. Both are the mother of the SSDD F2s. First one is holding the F2 seeds, 2nd one is impregnated by Goji pollen.


Hopefully some of these other plants turn up and I start getting some different smells.


I seeded all of these plants, I want to pass out some seeds and try growing it again.


I was going to comment on how sometimes seeded plants don’t smell as strongly as sensi plants but just started thinking about how much I liked the effects of the seeded Triple Sunshine haha. You should have a ton of seeds to go through if one of those phenos does resonate with you at least!

Hoping the smell comes through on the muted phenos. I know I’ve been surprised a few times by how much stronger the bubbashine pheno can get in late flower, so hoping that’s the case here as well!

On the odor note the baba kush dried flowers are very high odor and linger. I should have trimmed and cured it. May still do it and sample it at a later date… We’ll see.


For a long time I grown Northern Light (Sensi), the peculiarity of this phenotype was that it had virtually no smell until the end of flowering, it could be grown without a filter.
However, after treatment, it could not be hidden in any way, one of the most loud odors with which I was dealing with.
This taught me not to draw premature conclusions about the flower.


Sounds a bit like this baba kush sample ( though if I grew it better it may be higher odor in flower too ). Didn’t stand out at all when it came to intensity in flower but once dried it is very impressive in its strength. Never had NL (neither dutch or stateside) but always heard about it back when I was in school.

Every time I do this the plant finds a way to humble me haha.

/ /

All 4 Triple Sunshine seedlings alive and doing well!


It was different. I never did try to pinpoint which one was the one that reeked of hot butter, but it had to have been one of the males just because the one female I ended up with didn’t smell like that at all. I don’t really remember what she smelled like while she was flowering, but it wasn’t butter. I actually took a couple ounces to a friend of mine’s dispensary after about a month’s cure. I wasn’t driving at the time and had a friend take me there and as soon as I got in her car she said,”That shit smells like a skunk!”

Yeah, I don’t ever put too much stock into how something smells during flower. I mean, it’s cool and all haha, I love smelling my plants, but it seems like the smells change a lot during the dry and cure. Not always, of course, but a lot of the time.

Maybe I’m just bad at drying and curing… haha.


That’s awesome they dried/cured out nicely… I still have some phenos from my last grow of it in a Grove Bag, it’s interesting to compare some of the smells to the Bubba Kush I just finished. They definitely smell different than the Bubba, I’m guessing some of them leaned more towards the SSDD side than I originally thought. The Bubba is much richer and chocolate smelling, but there’s some of those notes still in the Baba after all these months. It’s some very stoney herb, munchies, heavy eyes, melt into the couch type weed… did you smoke any yet?


I think the katsu bubba is more floral kushy and a lot less of the chocolate cocoa bubba thing. So might be more katsu influence in the baba smells, the ssdd male seems more blueberry /chem leaning than bubba as well.
The baba is indeed great nighttime couch melt buds! Very earthy and a bit buttery ha.


No, haven’t tried it. I’m still on my herbal hiatus. With work, taking the dogs 3-4 times a day and dealing with a family member who had a serious health episode recently I just haven’t really felt like consuming anything intoxicating. I was thinking about vaporizing tonight to celebrate the election results but was leaning a bit towards trying out the week 10 or week 11 Trip Sun if that’s the case.

The smells I’m getting off the baba kush are a very sharp penetrating fuel, rubber, mint & lime.

That’s always what I’ve read when doing my forum research as well.


Some OGx88 shots after watering.

Most plants are similar in height and flower development.

This plant catches my attention at the moment for the early frost

And have had my eye on this one since early veg. Completely different growth traits and by far the tallest & lankiest of the bunch. This is Spirit Hashplant 2. I forget if I ever found much / any information on Ghost OG other than the nauseating marketing and self promotion by JoshD.