From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Looking good man! Cool you’re doing the OG x g13hp showdown… I’ve got a couple electric cowboys (Larry og x g13hp) going now just entering flower and they definitely look similar. Most are squat with good branching - I think a telltale for g13hp phenos I’ve noticed is a kind of vegetal - green bell/jalapeno pepper stem rub. Noticed a more fuel hoppy rub on the other phenos, those have my eye. I’ve got one outlier stretchy pheno too - not as distinctly three leaf as yours, but it’s had my eye as well. I thought it was a male for certain but nope just a beanpole lanky female ha. Also noticed the OG leaners are a bit pickier and got a little unhappy after a transplant. HP leaners easygoing and lush green.


That one always sounded really good to me too, I have the Larry x w15 but haven’t tried it yet. I think AdvancedBuffalo was raving about the Larry x 88g13hp and posting a lot of pictures of it at one point on RIU.

Another layer of confusion for me is the unknown differences between the various cuts. I really liked my stout Redeye Jedi (skywalker), but am unsure how much it resembled the mom. The Devil’s HPs all seem to have medium stretch but I haven’t been able to find much in the way of details on the ‘diablo / green curry og’ either.


The topic of mycorrizae sources & application frequency came up in another thread today and thought this video showing undisturbed inoculated carrot roots was pretty cool.

Also their suggestions for use are in line with how I’ve always used mycorrhizae (when I use it). Wonder why the cannabis focused mycorrhizae companies suggest repeat applications.

Inoculation Timing

Similar to other plants, whenever possible, hemp plants should be treated during propagation or as early in the growth or production cycle as possible. We suggest that hemp growers apply MycoApply products containing Endomycorrhizae during propagation for three reasons: First, the cost of application is the lowest since you only apply the mycorrhizae to the seeded plug or clonal liner soil volume and not the final container. Second, the earlier you apply the mycorrhizae the sooner you start the symbiosis clock. The symbiosis between the plant and the mycorrhizae typically takes about four-weeks to establish. The sooner the plant is treated the sooner the plant can start to benefit. Visual benefits that the grower can see typically start to appear in an additional four weeks. And finally, the third reason is that when you transplant the liner/plug treated with mycorrhizae, the mycorrhizae treatment transfers with the liner/plug soil volume. And if that is not enough of a benefit, unlike most other production treatments, you do not need to reapply throughout the production cycle. One application is all you need. Mycorrhizae can be applied during propagation either through soil incorporation of your growing media before you plant or via a drench of the plug or liner before or after planting.


Yeah, that’s always made the most sense to me. I dunno if I also read that somewhere or if that was just a conclusion I came to myself, but repeatedly adding inoculants seems unnecessary. I do add them at each transplant, though, maybe because I’m paranoid or whatever haha, but I think I’m gonna skip it altogether this grow and see if just a couple compost teas are all I need. We’ll see what happens.

Larry’s one of the few OG’s that I always thought had a pretty noticeable difference compared to most of the others because she had a very “floral” nose, much more so than other OG’s. I noticed it in both the batches I bought from dispensaries and also in one of the three Larry Lotuses I grew. Oddly enough, the other two Larry Lotuses looked much more “OG-ish,” but they didn’t have that super-floral thing going on. I dunno what that’s about haha.


Ahh interesting, didn’t know you grew that one. Which did you like more, larry lotus or Uplift? Also what has been your favorite OG cross that you’ve tried from B so far?

Looks like everyone is calling issue 2 as passed thankfully! Hoping the legislature doesn’t gut it or remove home-grow…


Uplift for sure.

Oh, man… haha. I dunno. The Uplifts were very good. The Imperial Majesties were pretty great. I liked the Larry-leaning (as far as smells and flavors were concerned) Larry Lotus I grew, but I wasn’t crazy about the other two. I think those are the only three OG crosses I’ve grown. I mean, there were the Gojis, but I’ve never heard about or seen Nepali OG anywhere other than Bodhi’s crosses of it, so I can’t speak to that. And the Time Bandits were Jungle Boys’ selection of White Fire, which IMO was a pretty shitty selection haha. None of the ones I grew reminded me of White Fire OG at all, although a few people really loved those Time Bandits. I liked them well enough, but they definitely weren’t my favorite.



SSDD #2 F2, day 56. I found one ball a couple weeks ago on a lower bud. Other than that, no intersex issues. Half the plant flopped to the side today, so I had to tie it the tent poles. Good sign!


The other SSDD ended up being a male which was culled around day 18. In that time, I didn’t see any intersex traits, all balls! I’ll be revisiting it soon since three clones rooted. The structure was nice and sturdy, definitely stiffer than #2. It was throwing out trichs too by the time it got chopped.

Two more F2’s hit the shot glass soaking station today :pray:

@syzygy congrats to you and your state! It’s a wonderful feeling right?!


Yeah I know what you mean - at this point I just assume all the old og cuts were lanky 3 leaf finicky plants haha. It could also be related to how dominant the genes for structure are in the OG cuts - the g13hp is pretty dominant in structure. 1/7 of the electric cowbow showed a lankier long node structure so id assume its not dominant.

Congrats on your state legalizing! Its a great feeling.


@syzygy you should get in on this offer from GLG:


Thanks and ya for sure. Had my pointless medical card which was cool but the ability to have plants (legally) is unbelievable assuming they don’t repeal/amend.

Very frosty leaves and petioles on that one!

Checked your thread containing all B genetics (very useful) you’ve grown and found the Lotus Larry picture. Looks really nice! Going to read through that THCfarmer journal at some point.

Thanks for the heads up. Not going to message them though because I don’t need more seeds and I know I’d never grow that out haha. Was actually considering an order from SHOE but I keep coming back to “I don’t need any more seeds though”. That’s awesome and smart that GLG is doing that though.


Consumed moderate amounts of Trip Sun last night and I’m a big fan of it. Reminds me a lot of my cedar Sun Ra in many ways. Will try to use it for a week or 2 to see how my thoughts change on it. Didn’t have as strong of an energy boost as the seeded buds but still resonates with me a lot.

thoughts I jotted down in a notepad

Potency : medium
Very calming and functional. Eye pressure or strain relief & muscle relaxer. Enhanced focus. High comfort levels. Zen state of mind.

+Physical comfort
+Energy neutral.

-Intoxicating power


@ 24:50

Found this funny also leading up to the election. The opposition was claiming in live / public debate that high thc cannabis causes violence, domestic violence & violence against women.


Um, that would be alcohol. Gawd i hate anti-weed liars.


I do it out of habit from my organic misadventures. I realized that a few grows ago, and figured mycos were a waste in coco and salts… literally drained to waste, lol!

I start seeds in either bumwad, or now float-tek, so I can see if they have germinated, then put a little myco, along with gypsum, on the root and in the planting hole. Well, I didn’t do that for a couple of plantings, and had pretty miserable results from what looked like good, strong tap roots. Could have been any number of reasons, but being grower superstitious, I’m on the mycos train again!

I may only do it once from now on, instead of at every transplant, but I’ll be real interested to hear how you do going from with it, to without it.


Yeah for sure. I’ve seen reefer madness as I’m sure we all have but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone in the modern era try to directly tie cannabis use to violent behavior. Don’t know how these people can retain their credibility on the topic after making comments like that.


Actually, those were the two from the second time I grew them and didn’t really like haha. They looked way more OG-ish than the first time I grew a couple, but they didn’t have that super-floral Larry nose and flavor. The ones I grew the first time didn’t look OG-ish at all, but the smoke was definitely closer to Larry. I don’t have pictures of those two anymore which is why they weren’t posted on my “Everything Bodhi” thread (I need to update those with the smoke reports), but I did log them on thcfarmer. Here it is:

I logged the second grow of those, too, but I think that was one of the ones that logic deleted haha.


I have dabbled in hydro / aero about a quarter century ago so I’m far from an expert on the subject but I think mycorrhizae do have utility when nutrients are applied in solution still. I think applying the mycorrhizae at a period where soluble phosphorus levels are low is probably a good idea, IE early on in the seedlings life.

reposting the quote that I put in potpotpot’s thread for context if anyone reading here isn’t following the convo from his thread.

The process of forming arbuscular mycorrhizae is initiated by the plant when soil nutrient conditions, specifically phosphorus levels, are low. Such conditions increase the production and release of strigolactones from the host plant’s roots. These specialized hormones attract fungal spores or hyphae in the soil. Once the strigolactones are discovered by the fungus, they guide the fungal hyphae to the host plant’s roots. An arbuscular mycorrhizal spore has about seven to ten days to reach a root to get carbon before its own on-board supply runs out and it dies.

Once discovered by germinating arbuscular fungi, strigolactones cause fungal hyphae to undergo extensive branching. This increases the number of hyphal tips and thus improves the chances of timely contact with the plant roots. Strigolactones also guide the fungi to grow toward the roots and aid them in the formation of an appressorium, the penetrating mechanism used by fungi to enter the roots. But this is not a one-way dance. The fungi also produce and send chemical signals necessary to prevent the plant from turning its defenses against the incoming mycorrhizal fungi.

  • from Teaming with Fungi by Jeff Lowenfels

They’re still doing it. Or they were a few months ago, the last time I was allowed access on Twitter without having an account haha. I saw a whole thread of different video clips of right-wing politicians making Reefer Madness-style claims about weed as recently as, like, six months ago haha.


found this quote pretty interesting when skimming

taste is similar, but with a strong earthy/peat thing going on in the backend. I’m assuming that comes from the Snow Lotus, because the Goji I get has the same “peat thing” too.

I feel like that was a smell / taste I couldn’t pin down in some Goji F1 and F2s. Peat moss…

I must just stay blissfully ignorant haha. Have heard the schizophrenia / psychosis concerns for sure but never anything having to do with violence.

I’ve still never encountered anyone in person yet who has made that claim at least with a straight face.


I’d wager myco’s with salts is probably worthless. The myco’s job is to convert unavailable nutrients to available ones for the plant to use. However, The salts are already in a useable form for the plants so they don’t need any assistance there… I wouldn’t add them into any type of recirculating setup. Risk messing up your water otherwise. Drain to waste would probably work fine though, but again, I doubt you would notice much difference between having them and not having them if you bottle/salt feed the plants anyways.


I thought one of the selling points on mycorrhizal inoculation with salt based growing is alleviation of salt related stresses / increasing overall salt tolerance. There are other benefits as well beyond that & making nutrients available. I tend to agree though about the need to add them, and rarely add them myself even though I have access to a friends fresh 40# bag of mycoapply.