From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Yeah, that peat moss flavor was a pretty consistent thing for a while, but I always figured it came from my soil. Although I will say that I got some Goji from a dispensary once and it also had a pretty noticeable peat moss thing going on. Again, though, I just assumed it came from that grower’s soil mix haha.

The older my soil gets, the less peat moss-y my weed tastes. I actually haven’t noticed that flavor at all in a few years, although I do still get pretty earthy flavors that I’m fairly certain is because of my soil. Maybe not, though, I dunno.

Dude, as much as I think it was an idiotic decision on Elon Musk’s part to not allow non-members to have access to Twitter, I’ve never been happier haha.


I hope you toked up something in celebration! Welcome to the legal club… sounds like they’re moving fast there, with December 7th being when things get ratified. Sorry to hear of issues with family though, I know that doesn’t equate to the best headspace for smoking… anyways, glad that the USA is almost halfway there for legal states… now if the Southeast would just get their acts together!


Thanks and ya I tried out Triple Sunshine week 10 and 11 multiple times throughout the night. Have to account for set and setting with the good news but I was really happy with how it hit me. I’ve said many times before that I like weaker ‘functional’ herb so I could easily see others being disappointed. It is definitely not as intoxicating as Trip Sun C was (the mother is gone).

Agreed. It’s completely insane that resources are being wasted and lives destroyed, especially in the face of all the evidence from legal states that society can handle it being tolerated.


Is it actually weaker tho or is it just not narcotic like the other one is?


Saw the question while walking dogs and was thinking about it and I’m not sure really. I’ll have to consume it a bit more and think about what everybody means when they think potency. Checking yields




and this is where it gets muddy for me. It is effective for my specific body chemistry in bringing on specific effects that I like. As far as the chemical strength I’m not sure really. I have similar issue relating to the definition of narcotic. I find trip sun A to be one of the more analgesic strains I’ve had (narcotic trait) and the enhanced calm and relaxation does seem to assist in sleep (narcosis?) like with many ssdd phenos and crosses. I’d also say a decent amount of euphoria is present which is another trait associated with the word narcotic. I could also see someone thinking it has effects similar to high CBD low thc buds. I don’t have access to testing so I have no idea.

So far I haven’t seen any scrambling of my thoughts, severe introspection, or general fogginess. It’s possible some more seasoned connoisseurs would find the potency is high, but I feel like the general public consuming it would probably classify it as medium or maybe medium high (not sure which is why I said medium strength). Triple Sun C on the other hand had all sorts of red flags that proved to me it would be a really bad choice to operate heavy machinery while under the influence of. Not that it’s advisable to do that on any strain, some are especially bad and those are strains I feel like most people would consider to be ‘high potency’.

I’m excited for when we finally get the ability to test flower in labs. I know you can’t read too much into the results but at least it would be an interesting reference point to have. Not sure if my rambling train of thoughts made any sense. Do you have an easy to communicate approach to gauging potency?


Hmmm :thinking: sounds like it might actually be weaker then :thinking:

Basically, if the herb can’t get me there in a few tokes or less, and didn’t last longer than an hour. It’s weak. If it’s one or 2 hits and I feel like I don’t need to smoke any more, and then it lasts 1.5-2+hrs before I feel like I need to smoke again, it’s potent.


Ya I think that’s a safe assumption for now. My intent isn’t to make it sound like hemp flowers or something like that, but with tk’s reputation for having devastating potency I wanted to make it clear that I don’t believe this falls into that category of strength. Feels like a comfortable SSDD buzz with more alertness and focus.

I talked to my friend yesterday who I gave some to and brought the flowers up briefly when they expressed their dislike for strains that induce “paranoia” (not sure if they mean anxiety / panic or actually paranoia). They agreed that Trip Sun is gentle but their stance is that it is ‘deceptively potent’ and not good when they need to focus. I think anyone growing and consuming high grade cannabis would probably share my stance though.

I consumed only week 11 Trip A last night and it does hit harder and last longer than week 10. 4 medium sized inhalations in the vaporizer provided pleasant effects that lasted for about 2.5 hours. The effects that I get are pretty much what I was looking for when I purchased Blueberry & other DJ strains almost 2 decades ago. I intend to keep a mother of it for the foreseeable future just because it meshes well with me, but the exploration will continue as always.


Been thinking a lot about what I’m going to do with the changes here recently. Was thinking maybe the best use of outdoor gardening in the spring / summer would actually be to sort through males. I always have more flower than I need as is anyways. Any thoughts on this from those who mess around with outdoor stuff?


It would be a good way to look through more numbers or stress test specific males you are interested in but depending on how many people are growing outdoors in your area, pollen could obviously be an issue for anyone growing outdoors for flower specifically.


Probably not many that are directly around me. My thinking was it would be a lot easier to keep a male going outside and gradually collect pollen rather than how I’ve been doing it throughout the years. Don’t like having a lot of pollen floating around inside also.

+1 positive feedback on both Triple Sunshine and Lav jack.


Reposting this from B thread. The week 11 Trip Sun is hitting me a lot harder than the other Trip Sun samples. Still would say Medium-high potency.

Triple Sunshine (tk x SSDD) - Week 11 / cured flower impressions

Very dense & long towers of calyxes that form together to make a crown shape. Moderately sticky and has a nice sour gassy odor.

4-6 inhalations. Vaporized in Mighty vaporizer @ 365F.

Potency : medium-high

Odor level : high

Flavor : Sour , earthy , mint , fuel

Onset : Slightly creeper.

Duration: 2.5 hours

Type of effects : Nice relaxing head high coupled with physical relaxation. “comfortable” is a word I would used to describe SSDD, and I’d say this in the same realm as the SSDD. Biggest difference I’m noticing is it’s not as “dreamy” as ssdd, it is much more alert. At the moment I prefer it over pure SSDD for everything other than sleep medicine.

Have been consuming cured samples of Week 9 , 10 , and 11 harvested buds throughout the week and for me week 11 is by far the most potent of the 3. I was going to take everything at week 10 but @HolyAngel suggested I take one of them to 77 days based on his experience with the TK, definitely appreciate that advice.

Doubt it is nearly as strong as the tk but I’m really happy with it for the moment. I prefer milder and functional buds, and while this is stronger than I initially thought, I still wouldn’t say it has devastating potency. The plant has a nice amount of post-flip vigor and fills in with some nice easy to trim buds. Quality plant in my book.

Hoping for a male so that F2s can be made. If not maybe there’s another cool female to be found!

I moved the OG stuff around. Out of the OG x 88g13hp stuff I’ve noticed that the devil’s HP has the most early frost. 3/4 Devil’s HP have early frost and 1/4 Redeye Jedi does. A spirit HP may have it too. Thought it was interesting and worth noting.


Early frost Devil’s Hp

And the REJ with some early frost


I love it when they do that! and get all knobby-looking and shit.

Sounds like good weed, anyway. 2.5 hour high is nothing to sneeze at, either.

That’s interesting. I don’t really remember ever thinking that Skywalker was a super-frosty strain when I used to buy it. Meangene’s compared that Yesca that was in those plants I grew to Skywalker, said he thought they were closely related and there’s a tiny bit of it in the Sky Cuddler Kush I grew, too. Neither of those were insanely frosty, but they were both very good smoke. And I’ll always love straight Skywalker OG.

My point is: frost is nice and all, but… haha.


Yeah, I don’t remember if the REJ had early frost or not last time around, but I was in there earlier and noticed all 4 of the Devil’s HP have it. Agree about the importance of frost ( especially early frost) , just think its an interesting and clear difference between these OG x 88 crosses.

A really nice trait of the REJ was the way it retained its terpenes in a mostly empty jar a year later. Very little degradation or change occurred in the dried buds. I know those buds were frosty but not sure about the leaves.

Your comment in the B thread the other day has me really interested in that Lav Jack that’s floating around. Cool to hear you’re thinking about taking in a cut!


Is there a recommended target day of flower to harvest the ssdd?


I usually go 70-75 on the mom.

Last round I feel that I harvested it too early.

SSDD around day 65 -


Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.


Yeah, I love that, doesn’t seem to happen too often. I actually opened some old jars last night, just to see what was going on with those. The Purple Corinto Budder cross that I jarred on September 24, 2022 haha! still smelled really good, very floral and tasty. The rest were like,”Yeah, no.”

I may have to do it. I wasn’t paying attention to the flavor the first time I blazed it, busy talking to my only “weed smoker friend” haha, but the second time I did, I was like,”Okay, I’m gonna have to clean the bong and bowls and stems for this one…” haha. It’s SUPER-tasty with a great high, too.


Some varieties just seem to really degrade in smell after a few months in storage for me. Reassuring to hear I’m not the only one with this problem.

My tall lav jack was extremely tasty in the vaporizer as well, the high wasn’t exceptional though (to me) on mine.

Here’s some interesting looking Spirit HP leaves. Not all the leaves look like this but a lot have it to varying degree. Seems less severe at the top of the canopy. It’s as if half the base of the leaf has no serrations. This is the stretchy outlier pheno

And the frostier Devil’s HP


Looks like you got a Ghost leaner for sure :thinking: :heart_eyes: