From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

What makes you say that, the elongated stems, the serration thing, or both? I don’t know much about Ghost other than the basic story you see online.


This ain’t a hashplant structure :joy: and the 3-5 bladed leaves basically the whole way.

The lack of serrations on some of those leaves tho :thinking: Ive seen that before but can’t remember which parent it might be from :thinking:

The ghost looks a lot like the TK…


Ah OK thanks!

I think I’ve seen that weird serration trait before (maybe other HP crosses?) but my memory is fuzzy at the moment.

Sampled some of the purple leaf lav jack earlier. Effects were very similar to the tall lav jack. Not bad, but not very memorable either. Maybe it would be more interesting if taken a week or 2 earlier.

1-1.5 hour duration

mild flavor

mild smell in bag, strong chocolate + spice semi-skunky smell when broken up.

fairly high spicy odor lingers after vaporizing.

Heavy eyed “indica” effects yet very little body high. Seems good for unwinding and relaxing but nothing special.

All that said, I’d probably be willing to try it again if I had a mother of it.

Also got a picture of the Lav Jack tall which doesn’t looks as photogenic.

This one smells much stronger and has no problem permeating the grove bag.


Tried the Herer Hp tonight and will post my thoughts on it tomorrow & picture.

Saw @Tessellated posted an ssdd F2 shot in the b thread. That picture looks like the mom more than any test from the chucks that I’ve seen so far. Sad to hear that there’s no odor & hoping that changes, but it sounds like you’re already pretty late in flower? That looks like the mother does around 7-8 weeks.

SSDD mom with very similar bud structure

The no odor comment is really reinforcing my desire to get some other pollen thrown at it. Especially after hearing @Knifeman say most of his had muted smells as well.


I just went back into the tent to water and rubbed my fingers on some sugar leaves to try and get some smell going - it has some smell, sort of just a general “sweet weed” smell, maybe something else in there idk but yeah it still has at least 2 more weeks to go so it might still get more smell. what is the profile you get off that pheno you posted? I’m assuming it’s the one that resembles the “butter cut” ?

I do have another ssdd f2 in bloom and it is much different. very large colas, pine cone shaped and there’s a pretty loud peppery savory but also tropical fruity smell coming off it. it looks like it’s going to be a much longer flowering pheno than the one I posted above. no pics yet cause it kinda looks boring at the moment imo lol


I’m not entirely confident on the whole butter thing. A few people have tested some SSDD (same mom) x Goji OG and reported getting the ssdd butter smells. I don’t think it’s the same pheno as the butter cut though. I assume it is a heavy bubbashine leaner. I don’t get what I perceive to be blueberry muffin smells until after day 70 when I run it. Rubber is another component which possibly could also be interpreted as butter.

I’m smelling a dried bud of some day 65 now and it does not smell anything like when taken at 70-75. The odor is always fairly strong when I take it however I always struggle to retain the intensity into cure regardless of harvest period. Struggling to formulate a description for the day 65 sample and almost want to say it does almost have a sharp sour butter smell but I don’t think I’d come to that conclusion on my own without the description floating around.

Never encountered anything like that. Interesting! I’m assuming between SSDD and the Snuggle Funk you should find at least something good for sleep haha.


Yeah if it wasn’t for the description from Bodhi, I don’t think I would’ve placed the Sour Butter smell either. It does have a rubbery component in there at times to make it, but you shouldn’t get a straight rubber smell either.

This is the same with my cut. She’s Rubbery Sour Butter until day 63 or so and then it starts changing to the blueberry kush muffin scent.

Your cut 100% has the bubbashine look. Can see Bubba all over those flowers 10000%. Like blueberry meets Bubba. Whereas my cut’s flowers don’t look like that at all, I’d wager mine are more Blueberry/Chem leaning in appearance :thinking:

Sucks on the lack of scent on some of those F2’s :cry: I’m sure the mom reeks! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Maybe something from the male(s) you used is suppressing it? :thinking: Got any pics handy of the male(s)?


It’s always weird how the smell just seems to appear or transform out of nowhere.

Awesome! Hoping to one day try the bubba. May seek out sources for clones in a month when my state ‘officially’ becomes legal.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. I think Knifeman said he did have a buttery(?) pheno. I’ll have the scroll up and check later - getting ready to take dogs atm.

The mom is an 8/10 or so on the odor intensity scale in my book. Dried buds though I can’t seem to get to hold onto the odor. It’s been like that for years now.



I have her if you ever want her, just hit me up. I don’t see her leaving my garden anytime soon, she’s such a beautiful cut. Got other stuff too lol

ooh! Is that just one male or two?

This one reminds me of the starshine male I used to make the BX1 with. Nice and frosty too!


I wonder at times if my subconscious mind interprets the same smell the breeder describes of a certain phenotype. One of my plants that smelled stronger seemed to give off the sour butter smell. The other strong smelling plant is still very skunk like and over powers all the rest. Similar to @minitiger when he grew ssdd.

If you want a vial of pollen I would send it to you?


oh yeah, for sure! can’t wait to pop more of these and see what other interesting stuff is in there…


I often wonder that, as well, although I will say that the SSDD that I had that smelled like hot butter was pretty unmistakeable. As soon as I opened the tent, the smell would come wafting out and that was in veg, like 30-35 days in, before they even started showing sex. I guess it’s unfortunate that I never tried to pinpoint which plant it was coming from, but I was a lot busier back then. I had a job. I did lots of blow and drank even more than I do now haha. Usually wouldn’t come home until like 2am, take a shower, water the plants, go to bed, wake up for work etc etc etc.

Of course, now we don’t even have to worry about being influenced by breeder’s descriptions, since they don’t do that anymore haha!

The one SSDD female I ended up with did not smell skunky while she was growing at all. Like I said, it took a dry and cure for that to happen, but when it did, hoowee. I should revisit that grow log and see if I mentioned anything about the way she smelled while she was growing. I doubt I did, just because I don’t usually make a note of that unless it’s SO noticeable that I can’t ignore it, but I may have. I dunno.


Absolutely. There’s no denying the power of suggestion, especially in things like marketing.

Just 1 male, it was that pistillate male from earlier this year. That’s what they’re both testing out at the moment.

Really appreciate that offer and may take you up one day on that. Cautiously approaching this legalization thing until next month when it goes into effect. There’s always the risk the legislature tries to scale back on the freedoms we voted to secure.

Black Domina has always sounded really good to me. I have 2 packs of Snuggle funk just waiting for the right time to pop some haha.

Sad but very true.


When I first started growing these I was searching online for information. I came across your grow diary for the ssdd and a couple of other strains on another forum. It was helpful.

One comment that stood out to me, if I remember correctly, was when you hurried up to throw your plants into flower since you were thinking of breaking up with your girlfriend and wanted to get them finished. I thought that was funny.

You must have vegged your plants longer than mine due to the issues you had with brittle branches and having to stake everything. You also harvested earlier and experienced a different high. I have been debating harvesting earlier since what you experienced is more what I am after.


I remember all of that, but I do not remember mentioning

Jesus Christ… haha. I’m certain my girl’s seen that post. She’s an online stalker for sure haha.

Anyway, yeah, despite the fact that I was crazy-high all the time back then, anything I wrote or any observations I made were accurate. I can handle my drugs and still function. It’s a curse haha.

The thing I remember most about that plant was she was super-lanky and didn’t look anything at all like any SSDD pics I’ve ever seen, before or since, to the point where I thought that maybe I got sent some bullshit seeds. But everything else I bought from that seed bank (Cannazon, I think?) turned out for sure legit, so I’m pretty sure that plant was SSDD. I think she was just a bizarre outlier.


I think I might have a couple left. probably won’t pop em for a while. have too many other things id like to try like the blueberry hashplant, Oaxaca x g13, Lav jack, and more ssdd f2’s. never enough time or space… lol


man, are you like, shadow banned on thcfarmer? I can’t search for you nor go to your profile on there once I find a post you made :thinking:

Has link to SSDD grow?


I’m not shadow-banned, I’m Fully Banned! haha.

Here’s the link:

I didn’t realize that getting banned meant that searching my screen name would yield zero results, but whatever.


Ah that’s it! I remember reading that one, been a few years now tho :sweat_smile: yours looked kinda how mine does but I think she leaned quite a bit more into the bubba than mine does. Can see the bubba look in her branches on this day 36 pic of your SSDD #2:

The flowers are similar to mine tho too

but a bit denser and slightly more domed, which again, I’d attribute to the bubba kush, along with the eventual knock out high. Interesting :thinking:
Guessing the skunky smell is coming from the mix of Bubba and Chem D. I definitely saw a lot of skunky going through the F1’s and F2’s. Was that SSDD #1 a male?

That one definitely caught my eye more than the other’s…

Also, sorry to talk all over your thread @syzygy :sweat:


Aha wow that’s a huge plant. I’ve been burned so many times before with herb that I don’t want, that I don’t think I ever want to grow something that big unless it’s from cutting now.

I love reading it all. Been with the dogs all day and gives me something to look at on my phone haha.

Here’s the Trip Sun seedlings - tried getting a shot of the Herer HP buds but sunlight was too intense.