From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

ooh! Are you looking for more Triangle leaners or just seeing? That back left one is for sure the SSDD leaner. Rest are maybe a little early to tell :face_with_monocle:
Back right looks kinda blueberry-ish and similar to what I look for in the SSDD.
Got the leaf crinkle too!
Front left and right could both maybe lean to the Triangle with their long center blades but :man_shrugging:


Just want to see if there are any other impressive females in the lot or a male to make some F2s. Also would be an interesting pollen donor for the SSDD mom I figured. I assume your & horseā€™s SSDD cuts are superior to mine but I want to get a backup of it just in case I ever want to go exploring in that direction in the future.

TK is a clone Iā€™d really like to source sometime to try out & gift to the person who gave me my first ā€œeliteā€ clone when I got into the hobby. Sounds like it would be a holy grail to him.

Iā€™m really hoping I didnā€™t screw up on the Trip Sun A / C labeling. Iā€™ve never mislabeled a cutting before but thereā€™s a first time for everything. Will try to get a picture of the structure later on.


Hahaha! You think I remember? Iā€™m sure I kept calling the one female I ended up with by the number she was labeled as at the beginning of the grow, so if the #1 was the female, then no, she wasnā€™t a male haha.

Btw, howā€™d you post my photos from thcfarmer on OG? I tried doing that for the ā€œAll my Bodhi stuffā€ thread I started a couple weeks ago, dragged them from my old farm threads onto the desktop, but OG wouldnā€™t let me then drag them into the thread here.

Iā€™ve never grown Bubba, but Iā€™ve seen plenty of pics and grow logs and whatever. I thought that SSDD plant looked more ā€œOG-ishā€ than anything else, with the big gaps between internodes and the sorta ā€œnug-y/one flower here, then a huge gap, then another flower, then another huge gapā€ thing. And the super-weak branches, too. I think all of the tops snapped off way early on that plant and I definitely remember having to stake and tie her pretty much every other day there at the end. Thatā€™s why I chopped her at eight weeks; wanted to let her go nine, but I got sooooo sick of dealing with her haha.

Iā€™m pretty sure that was the smallest plant in the tent that round, actually haha. The Tree of Lifes I expected to get big and they did, but even the Larry Lotus from that round got pretty huge, much bigger than the second time I grew them. Kinda weird.


Trip Sun A stretch - flipped from rooted clone (2-4" cutting only)

Hoping this wasnā€™t a C mislabel. Will know for sure once flowers start forming.

Itā€™s going to take forever to get through all your seeds vegging them that long aha. Last plant I gambled on allowing to take up 1/4 of my tent was a Devilā€™s HP that was loaded with nanners hidden under the buds. Never again!


Ah for sure! I bet it would!

Again, just let me know :yum: can send you my ssdd cut while Iā€™m at it so you can compare. Itā€™s whatever/whenever tho, just say the word.

Itā€™s sure for the TK look like A did :thinking:

:joy: well you had 3 and you only flowered out the #2 by the looks of itā€¦

I literally clicked on the pic on thcfarmer to make it big, and thereā€™s a download button at the top right, down arrow looking thing.
Or you could right-click on the image and choose ā€˜Copyā€™
Then go to OG window, right-click paste. Profit.

Yeah I agree, but this Bubba cut grows like that too. Lanky long internodes with nug-y buds interspersed. I was specifically referring to the multiple tops close to the same height through no effort of your own, trait tho. Like this, Bubba Kush:

The weak branches that snap ~30ish days in, isnā€™t from the bubba tho, and itā€™s only in some of the SSDDā€™s. Both the lanky growth and snapping stems are traits my cut carries. Itā€™s part of the reason I crossed to the Starlite to make the BX1 with, to sturdy her back up. And keep the high towards daytime but yeah :sweat_smile:


Thatā€™s fucking crazy-looking. Itā€™s because you flipped as soon as it rooted, right? Like if youā€™d have vegged for a week or two, it wouldnā€™t be so lanky?

Pssshhhā€¦ I know. I was actually DMā€™ing with Blanco a while back about,ā€Fuck it! Iā€™m just gonna do the syzygy thing in the small pots and short veg and grow as much as I can as quickly as I can!ā€ But Iā€™m not doing that this round haha. Maybe next roundā€¦ And every round thereafter haha.

Okay haha. If thatā€™s what I posted, thatā€™s what happened, but I really do not remember the veg portion of that grow (or any grow) at all. Like I said on your thread a while back, I donā€™t really start paying attention until about two weeks after Iā€™ve flipped. I remember the females, but I donā€™t remember much about very many males.

Sweet. Thanks! Haha. That must be how people steal pics and use them as their own, right? So annoyingā€¦


Been really wanting to do a run like this and maybe find a few winners to re run in large pots got lots of seed I wanna get too only being able to flower out 4 at a time other then outdoor is real slow going :joy:


This TK was flipped the day of transplant from rooted clone and barely stretched at all. Cut is from FJ420 like most of us here. So the TKā€™s stretch somewhat depends on peopleā€™s environments.

Still flopped all over, though. Hereā€™s the finished budshots:


Awesome, appreciate the offer and will let you know!

Yeah I think youā€™re right. Thinking about it for a while I remember the C pheno did not stretch much and was kind of short like the ssdd was that round. A did have the same post-flip stretch.

I assume it would have the same stretch but I donā€™t know. This is my 3rd time or so running the cut and every time Iā€™ve just put it into flower after itā€™s rooted. I love that it doesnā€™t require any veg time.

Ya itā€™s not for everyone. Depends on how much flower you need compared with how much variety you want to explore.

Sounds a good plan to me!

I have no idea if this Triple Sunshine would stretch or not in other environments or if the flower even resembles TK (in odor / effect at least). That TK looks really good and easy to trim! Have you sampled it yet?

Hereā€™s the Herer HP.

Aroma became much more intense into cure. Itā€™s interesting because this one had practically zero smell until around day 60-65+. I think I actually still harvested it a few weeks too early and it was grown poorly (deficient leaves).

Smells kind of similar to the tall lav jack but not as strong. Flavor is pretty strong as well and the best I can do is a spicy floral sharp mango taste / smell. High was very calming but short lived. I think it lasted less than an hour. If the buds are immature this would make perfect sense though so I donā€™t think posting a negative review in the B thread would be fair. Iā€™d be willing to try it again in the future.


Yeah, except my thinking (and no offense here, @syzygy haha) is that Iā€™m not getting a real look at the potential of a particular plant/hybrid/genetics/whatever if the plants are given a short veg and not allowed to develop a good root system and reach sexual maturity and all that. I guess it doesnā€™t really matter, though.

Cool. Thatā€™s pretty interesting. I wonder if thatā€™s why the few things Iā€™ve grown for a second time here at the (relatively) new house have grown so differently from when I grew them at our first house, like the Larry Lotus and the Gojis and the Apollo 11ā€™s. Itā€™s definitely a different environment out here, no matter how hard I try to make it the same haha.

Your environmentā€™s gotta be a lot drier than syzygyā€™s, right? Maybe thatā€™s why yours didnā€™t stretch so much?

Those flowers look tastyyyyy, btw haha.

Thatā€™s the thing, though, is that I really donā€™t need THAT much weed. Doing it your way would work fine for me. I just. Canā€™t. Let. Goā€¦ haha.


I donā€™t find it offensive at all and have had that in the back of my mind for a while. When Iā€™ve run plants in the past Iā€™d often top them (rooting the topped part of the plant) pretty early on and then proceed to flip them. If I ever noticed a difference between the immature seed plant and the mature mother taken as cutting it was extremely rare. Rare enough that I decided not to let it influence the way I do things at least.

The traits that seemed most affected were things I didnā€™t care about like structure and yield. A plant wont flower until it reaches maturation regardless of the light cycle. There are outliers Iā€™m sure, but for going through lots of seeds it seems the risk is worth it.

Haha same. Canā€™t even get through everything as is with my pathetic 1GAL pots. Maybe if I smoked instead of vaporized Iā€™d go through more.


I need to get into vaping have been a bong toker most of my time smoking I just never found one that really did it for me but itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve tried anything I hear this vape called dynavap is pretty nice would help cut down on my consumption lately been smoking lots more as life has been a bit hectic :sweat_smile:


After reading all the descriptions here, Iā€™m not even sure Iā€™m growing SSDD, lol!

First, Iā€™m into it for my sciatica pain relief, then friends pain relief. That it has a great buzz, that my group likes a lot, and that it tastes great, are just bonuses. Other than the buzz, most could care less.

I get the cigar/wine stuff, but I want effects.

Iā€™ve grown, what I think are a lot of other strains, but this is the only one Iā€™ve kept growing.

Mine is working manā€™s pot, I think rest of yā€™all have that conniesewer stuff :slight_smile:


Thatā€™s it for me first and foremost yeah Iā€™d like it to look good or taste good but if it works for what Iā€™m looking for in effects Iā€™m a happy camper pretty sure Iā€™m going to get two of snips to root just gotta see if they take to a transplant in a few days @HorseBadorites will know for sure in a few days time :crossed_fingers:


I guess my point was that you both have found that your SSDDs have medical application and have kept your cut for a while because you seem to enjoy it. Iā€™ve mostly kept this cut for the novelty aspect and wanting to F2 it haha. If SSDD was still at the seedbanks I probably wouldnā€™t still have my cut based on how I have retired other mothers in the past.


These 2 different Devilā€™s HP catch my eye due to the frost every time I go in there to water. Especially #1.



Back to vaping Triple Sunshine and would say it is my favorite of everything from last round so far. Still havenā€™t tested the Baba Kush or c91 x SSDD yet. Not sure if I will try the c91xSSDD because it doesnā€™t smell good and noticed a bit of botrytis on it during the drying stage.


hereā€™s that ssdd f2 with the very different bud structure:

figured this would be a good place to upload.


Yeah definitely, appreciate you posting them here! Any info will help others who have the same beans make a decision on whether or not they want to pop em.

That plant doesnā€™t really look like the mom at all from what I can tell, but looks really nice! That 2nd shot looks very frosty. Is that the one that you said actually does smell (peppery tropic fruity)?


A few pictures of the stretchy Spirit HP. Weā€™re at day 29 of flower (even though the Spirit HP doesnā€™t look like it).


Devilā€™s HP

Itā€™s clear thereā€™s going to be deficiencies (as always) because they were rootbound and topped prior to flowering. Thinking about doing a light topdressing this weekend. Not sure yet.


Another good light feed I find works really nice in smaller pots is some fish hydrolysate little more instant then a top dress :call_me_hand: looking real nice that spirit hp is a lanky girl got some long legs :joy: