From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Ya good call, thanks! I was thinking of doing something a bit more soluble when I was in there watering earlier and reading that reinforces that thought. Will probably check my local GC tomorrow and see if there’s any fish hydrolysate / emulsion in stock. If not will just order it.


Hydrolysate is better quality then emulsion if you can find it hydrolysate is cold press vs most emulsions are chemical stripped and tend to have high amounts of heavy metals :call_me_hand: I wanna dive deeper into some knf this year going to make up some faa (fish amino acids) I hear that’s the best stuff


I don’t really use fish products much because I don’t like the smell. Fish bone meal made my living area smell like a back alley / dumpster for a few days. Good to know about the heavy metals though, thanks. Pretty sure the few times I’ve used Neptunes Harvest in the past i was really disappointed. Is that the brand you use or is there another you’d recommend for potential future use?

Almost positive I’m not going to find hydrolysate locally (emulsion is a possibility though), so I may just make a mild alfalfa tea or something like that for the time being. Have access to lots of dry amendments at least.


FAA smells really good in my opinion. Fishy but that umami fishy smell, like a good sushi restaurant or something.


A nice alfalfa tea would be real nice for them with the triacontanol and natural pgr and make sure they stop stretching :joy: I’ve been using this brand and having success


I have no idea what that is. My best guess is Fish Amino Acids but that’s probably wrong haha. Is it some home-made ferment or something like that? Been like 10-15 years since I read any of the knf materials so acronyms go over my head.

Cool thanks! I’ll probably order some soon for future grows. I’m constantly keeping stuff in these 1gal pots too long for whatever reason and would be nice to have a quick fix on hand.


nailed it! yeah, you can find it online too pretty easily, not many people want to ferment fish for a year or more like I do :crazy_face:
Well worth the search for it, all the good stuff none of the bad, and you get a ton of microbiology along for the ride


yep that’s the one!


Have this problem every time I top dress :joy: I use 2x fishbone meal in my amendment mix compared to most everything in my blend smells so bad till it starts to break down


OK i was wrong, my local GC does have Hydrolysate. Don’t know why I though it was emulsion. It is stabilized with Phosphoric acid but I assume all shelf stable liquid fish products are.


Heard really awesome things about that organic gem Jeremy from buildasoil uses that stuff often in his regimen been wanting to give it a try after I finish up the bottle I got


Awesome, good to hear! I know it has a pretty strong smell to it (this GC occasionally uses it on plug trays) but its nowhere near as foul as wet fish bone meal.


I’d do that, with a little bit of kelp added, too, if you have it.

When it comes to hydrolysate, I’ve always used the Neptune’s fish and kelp. And when I say,”Always,” I mean I use it maybe once a grow, if that; I have it, but I barely ever use it. I was actually thinking about watering my vegging plants with some tomorrow, but I doubt I will. I mixed a little bit of fish meal and kelp meal in with the soil when I transplanted last week and the plants look great. I’m just kinda bored right now haha.

Just “steep” a little alfalfa and kelp in some water for a day or so and then water with it.


Ya when I mix fish products into the soil and allow them to break down smell is never an issue. Topdressing can be horrendous though. I think Greasy ran into a similar issue a few months back with a BAS blend or something like that.

I may do an alfalfa / kelp tea or just try the hydrolysate. Not sure yet.

I borrowed a cup or so today and noticed that they added either Lactic Acid or LA Bacteria(?). Maybe to help deal with the smell. I know people used to use LABs for mitigating offensive odors. I’m sure one of the ferment guys would know. Didn’t see that on the label online but the one in person had it. If there’s a noticeable response I may buy some.

Also glad I saw the caution warning me that it’s not to be taken internally. Was real tempted to take a swig from the bottle…


Mmm fish smoothie :drooling_face:


That made me chuckle. Seriously, though, have you seen some of those tiktok cooking videos? Motherfuckers are cooking shit in Windex and eating Tide pods and shit, wouldn’t surprise me at all if people started pounding bottles of fish hydrolysate just to get more followers.

That’s probably why. Interesting. I should look at my bottle of Neptune’s and see if they do that, too. If they did, it’s not working haha.


I’ve heard about some but never actually watched any aha.

I was looking at Strainly the other day to see what sort of clones are available and saw all sorts of stuff that didn’t interest me, looked scammy, and possibly infected or bundled with pests. That experience tempted to join IG because I’ve read that’s the place to be to buy clones and even that was too much for me. So no this is the only social media I’m on right now haha. The entire culture on those platforms is just nauseating to me.

This stuff definitely resembled Neptunes in texture and consistency.


Oh, yeah, dude, I’m not on tiktok haha. They show some of those videos on the local news here every now and then, sort of a,”Don’t actually do this!” segment. But for sure, pretty much all social media is horrible. I did my sorta bi-weekly log-on to IG a couple nights ago, scrolled for a second and was like,”Okay, I’m good,” haha.

It’s all money. If even five people buy those bullshit clones, the seller’s still made some cash with minimal effort. Same with IG or whatever. It’s like fishing, where you throw something out there and see what bites. And people are obviously biting, otherwise nobody’d be doing it.



Ya, was just looking to see if any good basic OG cuts are floating around there. Saw all sorts of weird sounding desert strains like apple fritter. Though I did almost pull the trigger on image


Ooooh, yeah, that’s tempting! I’ve heard tell that the #11 cut of “African Haze” is :fire::fire::fire::fire:. And for only a grand??? Thanks for the heads-up haha…