From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Baba Kush

Disclaimer I grew this out severely rootbound. Just wanted to see what the terpenes are like on this one really. Could be grown much better as you can see in the picture with all the necrotic yellow leaves. Would definitely grow again if I had the chance

Very similar to Triple Sunshine A, only where TripSun is alert and focused this is more calming and sedating. Both are extremely comfortable and have a highly attractive aroma, but the Baba Kush is a bit stronger smelling & tasting. Triple Sunshine has a much better calyx to leaf ratio with generally more desirable bud structure and Baba Kush has tighter leafy flowers. Both are highly resinous and mildly sticky. Itā€™s weird because I donā€™t remember the plant smelling that much in the tent, but it is by far the stinkiest dry flowers from last round.

Kinda bummed I tossed the cutting I had of it but Iā€™m sure something good could be found againā€¦

Smell has transformed over time. It was very appealing before, and still is.

Initially it was very sharp penetrating fuel, rubber, mint & lime.
After a few weeks it is now very smooth and does not have a fuel odor, itā€™s more of a butterscotch-rubber lime minty. Smells a lot like one of my favorite SSDD F1s. Not sure if the smell is coming from the bubba or SSDD since SSDD has bubba kush in it.

Medium-High to High potency
High to Very High odor level
Hashy rubber citrus taste
1.5 Hour duration
Extreme comfort, calm, warm blanket & thought provoking stone.


The plants that catch my eye the most in the tent at the moment

Day 33

Spirit HP 1

Spirit HP 2

Devilā€™s HP

The REJ are very low odor still and not much in the way of trichome developement.

A few plants are developing some mild leaf issues. Donā€™t really care but have been watering with the Fish Hydrolysate @ 1 TBS / gal.

I dislike the smell of the Secret Chief (medium-low odor - sour old coins) and the foliage is lime green.


So tonight I went to try the Chem 91 x SSDD and realized about 10 min after consuming it that it was actually Triple Sunshine C. Things were pretty chaotic over here for a while and I never labeled any of the bags (except Trip Sun A). Most of the flowers were different enough that thereā€™s no difficulty in identifying which plant is which. I matched the main flower to the plant pictures to confirm it is Trip C. Going to check out the C91 x SSDD a bit later and see if thereā€™s any botrytis or reason not to consume it.

Triple Sunshine C

Medium High to High potency - not as strong as the first time I grew it.

Medium strength generic cannabis taste that lingers for quite a while post vaporization.

Mostly head high. Starts with a rush that gradually creeps up in intensity. I like it but it doesnā€™t stand out as something I need to keep.

Iā€™d grow it again if I didnā€™t have other options, but I donā€™t regret culling the mom at all.


A few pictures of the C91 x SSDD. To my eye I see a bit of resemblance to the pictures Iā€™ve seen of Chem 91, but Iā€™ve never had it yet to confirm. In person the buds look silver-light green with dark green bud leaves. Smells fairly strong and hard to describe. Rubbery chemical adhesive cleaner is the best I can do. Will probably try it tomorrow or in the coming days. Doesnā€™t seem very sticky.


Secret Chief - looks a bit over saturated but thatā€™s how the picture came out. Looks light lime green in person.

Spirit HP 1

Spirit HP 2

Redye Jedi (donā€™t know what #, didnā€™t look at tag)

Another Redye Jedi (donā€™t know what #, didnā€™t look at tag)

Devilā€™s HP 1

Devilā€™s HP 2 + picture of the leaf issues starting.


Chem 91 x SSDD

Creeper effects. Initially felt it was pretty weak until about 30-45 minutes in. Not sure what to make of that.

Would say itā€™s a Medium-High potency sample with a duration of 2.5-3 hours. Smell intensity is moderate and consists of sour, metallic and fuel notes. Effects are mostly in the head, with a slight couch-lock component. Seems good for stimulating appetite as well. One of the stronger SSDD crosses Iā€™ve tried (like Triple Sunshine) but Trip Sun resonates with me a bit more.

Not bad but doesnā€™t come across as special enough to run again. Would sort through the seeds again though to see what else is in there. Will probably use the remaining flower to make edibles or something as I donā€™t see myself reaching for this bag much.


Hope everyone is doing well whether they celebrate the holiday or not. Going to be gone all day but I wanted to follow up on the edible comment I made in the last post and expand on it + seek feedback.

Not a big fan of edibles but I was thinking of honing my skills in tincture making, assuming I can buy Everclear in OH. Donā€™t drink Alcohol so I donā€™t even know, google search seemed unclear. Maybe itā€™s available at liquor stores only is the answer I got, will check in the coming weeks though. Figured it would be a good use of herb that I donā€™t like that I can gift to people who only take edibles (know a couple at least). Ultimately my end goal is for a different reason though.

My dog has had hip or knee related issues that have slowly progressed to where she wobbles a lot when she walks after periods of high activity. This can last a day or 2. I try to limit the intensity and all that but with this type of dog she still needs to be extremely active. Iā€™ve been giving her Glucosamine in the morning and CBD at night, both suggested by my vet. Giving her the CBD at night seems to help her sleep through the night so she isnā€™t licking her knee / hip area, but since animals canā€™t talk itā€™s hard to be certain. The bottle of CBD is ridiculously expensive (100$ a bottle) and Iā€™d really like to seek out a tested ā€œ0ā€ THC high CBD hemp cutting that I could process for her in the future.

Wondering if anyone has experience doing this or has any thoughts. I donā€™t mind buying it for her long term but if thereā€™s a way I can do it myself Iā€™d rather just sacrifice some grow space for her since Iā€™m always growing something anyways.


If you canā€™t get everclear, you can always use a 151 proof alcohol. I did that for years as everclear isnā€™t legal in California. You get some funky tasting tincture using high proof rum, but it definitely works!

I now use this product . Itā€™s available to be shipped to Ohio it looks like. Pretty expensive to ship, but a gallon of the stuff should last you practically forever.

For the cbd for your dog short of sourcing a clone, can you source cbd flower, and then make your own coconut oil infusion? Itā€™s pretty easy to do. Just decarb the cbd bud and infuse in coconut oil and strain out the bud.


Awesome thanks for the link, will check it out more thoroughly later. Even with shipping factored in that is substantially cheaper than what Iā€™ve seen Everclear listed at. Plus I donā€™t have to give local alcohol / liquor stores money which is a win in my book. I think it comes out to like 19$ a Liter. Will probably wait until the law goes into effect before I fully delve into this buy have the site bookmarked!

Not sure about the CBD flower part. Unsure if I would be saving money in the long run if Iā€™m buying the flower and how the quality of the flower would come into play. I feel a bit safer growing it myself from a quality control perspective. If I cant find a ā€œpureā€ CBD clone still seems like it would be fun to mess around with using excess bud anyways.


I donā€™t think too many (if any) CBD rich strains contain 0% THC, most commercial growers that grow CBD hemp harvest their crop early to stay under the .3% THC federal law but many home growers can still get closer to 1% THC on the same plant if left to mature fully.

Since this would be for your dog(s) and you are looking for CBD with 0% THC, you may want to look into just getting CBD isolate which contains no THC whatsoever. Itā€™s likely fairly inexpensive and you can just as easily dissolve it into MCT oil or other oil of choice (when heated together) while not having to worry about purchasing Everclear or food grade ethanol at all.


Ya that sounds like a reasonable approach as well, thanks! Would save the annoyance of sourcing a cbd clone at least. Still will probably try out that food grade stuff Greasy posted just to mess around with it but may take a different route for my dog.


Donā€™t give your dog alcohol tincture - alcohol is bad for them. Make an oil infusion instead. Like @ElGalloBlanco said, MCT oil or olive oil are easiest, and if you make it strong enough, only a couple drops are needed for the effects. You can get big bottles of organic MCT oil at Costco for cheap.

I wouldnā€™t worry about giving your dog CBD with some THC, also to echo the sentiments of @ElGalloBlanco . The combo is more effective, and they get visibly intoxicated/sleepy from the pure CBD anyway, at least in my experience with this stuff that my buddy gets for his large breed dogs, if thatā€™s what youā€™re worried about. In small quantities, I donā€™t consider THC to be an issue.

Hope your pupā€™s OK!

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


You should definitely do that, I make tincture using food grade ethanol and I like it quite a bit. Very easy and reliable results as far as dosing goes.


Thanks, appreciate all the input. Especially the cautionary comment about alcohol! She has had this issue since I adopted her years ago and had the vet do some basic range of motion tests. Nowadays itā€™s just much more apparent how it affects her after she does a high intensity stuff / running. She basically just told me to give her Glucosamine daily and when needed give her CBD as a mild anti-inflammatory.

Thanks for the heads up! I was thinking along the lines of evaporating it down until there is no liquid remaining, blending into an oil and pre-measuring doses into home-made treats that I would freeze. May be an unnecessary step though. Didnā€™t realize I could make an oil potent enough where you only need a few drops, that was my main concern and interest in concentrating it via alcohol extraction.

Havenā€™t really thought it through too much and was planning on talking to the vet first either way. Would probably also wait until I have access to lab testing to play it safe too.

Oh OK thatā€™s interesting. I have seen her get visibly intoxicated from a different product and I just assumed there were other trace Cannabinoids (thc included) present. Ever since then Iā€™ve been very careful with how I dosed her and go with 1/4-1/2 of the recommended dose for her body weight. The current dropper does not affect her severely from what I can tell. 100$~ for 600mg just feels like robbery to me haha. Will start looking at isolate and what not as the bottle runs out.

Edit added link to product. Cheaper online but stillā€¦

Nice to hear youā€™ve had positive experiences with it! Always have excess flower so it seems fun to mess around with if nothing else.

Here are some shots of the last Lav Jack that I have yet to sample - probably tomorrow.

Smells Iā€™m getting are peppery rubber leather minty cocoa/coffee notes


I had received these in a gift bag at a party i went to last year. If it was in there then i can probably hunt down the maker for you and see if they can give any input if you would like me to try.


Appreciate the offer, I just feel like all these CBD companies are shady and being highly exploitive. More or less just flirting with the idea of making my own and seeing if anyone else has any experience going down that road. Even looking at the isolate online is making me nervous. If the 0% THC thing is just hysteria with dogs then I may just wait until it has been legal in my state for a while and maybe one of those popular high CBD cuttings will become available out here.

I made the mistake of trying pre-made treats with her about a year ago.

She ate them for about a day or two and then just refused them. More money wasted hahaā€¦ The oil infusion at least gives me the option of mixing it in other things. I have at least a month or so left in this bottle left, maybe more, so thereā€™s time to think about it.


The ā€œfull spectrumā€ stuff you have likely doesnā€™t have much if any THC in it, so I doubt thatā€™s what is causing the effects youā€™re seeing. Iā€™ve always noticed that CBD has a similar effect on animals as THC does to us.

Hereā€™s a legit company who partners with a nearby farm to grow their own organic CBD locally to me.

Weā€™ve spoken to the owners at a couple of dog events and they are pretty knowledgeable. Our pup likes the beef-flavored treats in the jars, but not the cookies in a bag. 2mg doesnā€™t do much for her, but 4mg from a packaged treat makes her energetic and a little wild at first, then sleepy after about 60-90min.

Iā€™ve also been looking for a decent growing pure CBD clone with no luck, because I would like the option to grow as close to 0% THC as possible for us and for the pup. Seeds are not reliable without testing. Instead, I settled on a pheno of bodhiā€™s Good Medicine (CBD cross) which I know has high CBD content (Beams test) and some unknown amount of THC (but doesnā€™t get me high when smoked), and just donā€™t worry when giving it to the pup via infused oil, or to friends/family who I inform before they take it.

As long as I keep it to a couple drops for the pup, it seems to have similar effects to the pure CBD Suzieā€™s stuff - makes her sleepy for a few hours, but not stumbly or disoriented - so I never feel bad because Iā€™m not getting her high. Obviously do whatever youā€™re comfortable doing with your good pup!

:rainbow: :sun_with_face:


Wow, looks so much different than mine. That must be a Jack leaner.


Not sure, Iā€™d be interested in knowing whether or not the tall lav jack had jack terps. I can still smell it through the ā€œsmell proofā€ bag. Most unusual smell of everything that round, thatā€™s for sure.

Hereā€™s a plant strayfox posted on BB that Bodhi said resembles his Jack mom

I donā€™t think anything I grew out resembled that so I assume weā€™re seeing a combo of genes from both parents at play?

I also thought I saw some Lav Jack tester shots on BBay a while back where bodhi IDā€™d them as Wookie phenos. From memory they looked really nice and similar to the picture you posted, but unfortunately the pictures are no longer loading for me to confirm.


Beautiful, thanks for all that info. Going to read through the thread now.

Have you smoked any of it yet?