Funky smelling strains like body odours

Hey guys I’m wanting to learn more about those really funky smelling strains from body odours to rotten smelling. List some you have had experience with and what they smell like.
I was first introduced many years ago to original misty from home-grown fantaSeeds, it really had a weird smell sort of in-between body odours &vomit , I was not a fan at first, but the taste was nothing like the smell thankfully and it was a decent smoke. I haven’t had many others in this category and I’m interested to hear more and also what are the terpenes that cause it? :thinking:
Thanks guys peace :v:


The Terp that is known for that BO smell and some of the hot & funky summer dumpster smells is Humelene…

GMO (Skunk Master Flex cutting) is a specific F1 cut of Garlic Cookies… which is Chem D x Girl Scout Cookies and it has been my holy grail for that garlic BO onion funk!



I have a white widow that smells like dirty feet in a good way.


I have a mephisto cdlc that smells like someone is trying to cover up body odor with exotic perfume.

A rubbery/BO smell and weird spices or something.

It’s not my favorite smell to be honest but it is one you’ll sniff more than once, and it is great for pain.


Awesom thanks guys, it’s a really interesting trait in some strains, I’ll have to look up strains high in humelene, the smells are so removed from your typical skunky smell and obviously the fruity ones.
I’ve heard that white widow can have some funky smells, I haven’t come across a strong one as yet.

Interesting mate, I haven’t ever grown GMO but it sounds great, is it a potent smoke? I wonder if there is any connection between strains high in humelene & potency?

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@Cranio yes, she is quite a potent smoke! I’m not sure on the exact numbers but she hits like a hammer. Most of the terpenes have what they call the “entourage effect” with the cannabinoids, leading to an increased high.


i have a “black dog og” that smells like cat piss. wicked ammonia type smell? was wondering what terp that is? and hoping i get up the courage to smoke it. anyone ever smoke cat piss smelling weed? was it?


The GMA (GMO X alani)I just finished, smells like old burger king bags in early flower and finishes onion and b.o.


Grew some “skunk” seeds from a buddy and smell during flower was rotting garbage. Really putrid. That got fresh frozen and bubble hashed and that veg smell did not carry over to the hash.

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Look for anything with Chem D in it… usually a bunch of hot garbage, b.o., stank onions coming from that line. GMO is one of the more popular crosses, but takes a good 85 days to finish properly.


This! Yes I agree, almost anything that the Chem D touches! And yes… 85 days is a hard wait… though worth it!


Thanks guys I’m going to put all these strains in my note pad list of strains to grow, I’m really curious about the differences in odours. I’ve learnt about the entourage effect from my dr and it definitely makes sense to me, it’s just about finding the ones that connect with you the best :ok_hand:
I’ve never grown anything with ammonia smells or cat piss thankfully as I really hate the smell of ammonia, it makes me dry heave but I’ve read it’s a really sought after quality, and found in some of the oldschool strains like trainwreck and there’s a super silver haze pheno that is prized for that smell. All I can say is yuk haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Oh man I’ve been dying to see this one as I missed out and was devastated! This up on your thread bro? @Qtip

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There’s sooo many strains out there with these terps to explore nowadays. Although there are haters check out the nature farm and all of his creations. Some of the funkiest of the funky! Chem-D or 91 also add killer dankness to anything they touch. Dominion is also known for bringing the dank! I’m all about the foul/putrid skunk ass terps and always have been. A lot of the old afghani and Pakistani lines hold crazy skunky, gamey, rubbery putrid terps! I’ve got some big projects lined up for the fall , winter and next spring all involving either adages, hunts or crosses of the dankest of the dank. Keep your eyes and nose out :wink:


@TopShelfTrees1 that sounds killer mate :ok_hand: should be some really interesting notes stacking it like that :+1: :grinning: