Phenos you can't stand the smell of

Hey all… So as the topic states… What are the worst smelling terps for you?
I currently have a Port Wine Cheese x Dosidos that smells to the T like a Thai Green Curry. I can’t stand it!!! As much as I love Thai Green Curry, the smell of breaking the flower up just becomes so unappealing I don’t even want to smoke it, however i find the smoke is absolutely amazing… Tastes nothing like Thai Green Curry lol… Great lemon candy flavor funny enough.
Another strain that killed me was a Super Silver haze s1 that was so insanely Catpiss and Acetone mixed nose that I woukd legit want to puke every time I opened the jar. Again… Great smoke…

I’d like to hear what you hate hehe


I had a stem rub smell like hand cream plus moisturizer and it was disgusting enough that I killed it.


I had one that had a strong, nasty, ‘cheap floral soap’ smell but, the smoke was great! :+1:
Later, the smell morphed to a minor, more pleasant floral note.



Not a fan of vomit smells in my weed.

Never grown such a strain, but smelled it plenty before.


I had a old TGA strains called Astro Queen(Astroboy x Spacequeen) that absolutely reeked of vomit!!

Like if someone ate a bunch of fruit and meat…then puked it up…The most intense smell of vomit ever!! Made me sick to my stomach and eyes watered just trimming it…the taste on it was crazy as well…the smell kinda transferred into the taste!

To this day I haven’t experienced anything even close to that!



Phinest’ hunted cut of Spyrock Sour is very poop-y smelling. Not to the point I can’t smoke it but, it’s one of my least favorite sour kush kinda plants cause instead of smelling like gas or sour it just smells like winey sweet poop :laughing:


I have several strains but can’t figure which plant or plants is giving out a nasty rotten smell like bad pumpkins or squash smell very pungent…


Super Silver Haze, Cat Piss all the way, until it was cured…


Not a fan of floral or soaps. Only floral terps I’ve enjoyed are from @SamwellBB Marauder and Port Wine Cheese


Not often I find cannabis that I don’t enjoy the smell of, unless it was improperly dried snd/or cured. But my uncle has a cut of Cheese that he loves that I’m really not a fan of. Something about the fruity/floral smell combined with the funk that I just don’t dig. I generally enjoy those nasty, funky smelling strains. Some odd terps that I enjoy(in cannabis mind you :joy:): pencil shavings, fresh rubber, burnt rubber, asphalt, skunk, cat piss, onion/BO, garlic, chemical and sausage/meaty funk just to name a handful.


About 12 years ago I popped some bag seeds I had laying around and 1 of them grew these massive buds. Massive but about 90% leaf and smelt like crushed Daddy Long Leg’s (Cellar spiders) … Needless to say it got tossed in a bad and given to a buddy when he had nothing else lol. Uug…


Killer glue smells like stink bugs too me. It was pure torture to smoke it fresh. It took about 4 months of jar time for this to become palatable.
Sweet seeds sweet zensations is awful like astringent. Ok it can be grapefruit…. I guess…
but more like an astringent sour dough bread…yikes.
Sorry I can’t smoke it if I can’t stand the smell of it.


I just made butter from my red pheno CF. The rub was fruity. When I made butter it stank like somebody died. The green pheno was really nice. I just don’t like stanky weed. The Red phenp was a great producer.

:green_heart: :seedling:


My worst terpene of pheno is a zikklitez , than i bough of a spain seedbank.
Comes as gift , but the taste and smell of smoke is like a burn bush like whatever bush


The turpentine in LSD bugs me, as does blue cheese smells. I love blue cheese, I just don’t want my weed to smell like it :joy:


Anytime I’ve had runtz it tastes/smells like dryer sheets to me. Even in cart form. I actually have 3 crasher runtz going in veg rn, I hope I like them, but if I don’t the hood does.


I growing out an S1 of Santeros Killer Grape, while scoping her tric’s I have to fight to keep from throwing up at times, due to explosive grape vomit smell. So lovely!


Sounds amazing hahaha

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In the south I loved vomit weed. When I moved to Arizona, I thought they were trying to fake it or something. It was like…fake vomit weed. Same with cheese smells. Lots of milky kefir smells too.

Turns out this is what I was smelling:

The mold breaking down proteins in the bacillus creates the smell. If you live in a med/legal state and think you know what vomit weed is, you’re actually smoking Serenade.

Honestly I’ve never smelled an organic cannabis profile I didn’t like, that wasn’t actually an underlying pesticide or fertilizer contamination.


This would likely be my second least enjoyed scent.

That’s really fascinating, thank you! The weed in question was some Bruce Banner from B.C.'s black market. My buddy really wanted to share his bud but one whiff of the bag and I politely declined.