Strain smells like Shit

I was going through my tent the other day and again this morning I have an odd ball plant almost two months old from a mystery seed batch I was gifted.I did a smell rub and I almost gagged it smells like a cross between a old grease rag and raw human shit.Should I toss it or keep it?What are your thoughts.


Omg: have you discovered something you can end up calling: “Poop Nuggets”?!


Yeah, better hang on to that one and sell the elite clones for big bucks!, lol… Some people can’t get a strain rank enough. Give 'em what they want. :wink:


I’m telling you I had to do a double take and get a rub on another stem I’m hoping the smell profile changes.When I was a teenager back in the late 90s there was this stuff going around that was these dark green nuggs and red hairs that smelled like dogshit literally.I’m talking the fresh I just stepped in dogshit and stepped in my car and found out on a summers day smell.That smell was better than this one.This one is more like going into a rough truck stop in Tulsa to take a piss and huge grisley trucker just walked out of the carrying a newspaper in his hand coughing cigarette ashes kind of shit smell.It’s fucking ungodly.


More like Septic tank .kind of has a ring to it.


I’m sure there’s some twisted minds here that this sounds enticing to… I’m not one of them. But cant stop laughing at the mental image your projecting…


The sad thing is this shit is probably pretty bomb.The smell is so loud it it slaps the other ones out of the way.It’s definitely got some sort of foul terp thing going on.It only smells like shit if you do a good stem rub.The rest of the time it’s like a grease rag or some sort of asphalt byproduct.


What strains have a smell profile like shit or burnt axle grease?This was from a bunch of seeds and I wish I could put a face to the smell.


Those terps are for attracting beetles rather than bees.
Best make some chocolate edibles. :upside_down_face:


Meet Dog Shit


Wonder what area of the world that a cannabis plant would want to attract a beetle for a pollenator?Why else would it want to attract a beetle except to pass pollen right?

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Maybe it’s from Egypt and it was to attract dung beetles.Little shitball rollers look at them suckers fly! Hahah


Could be anywhere in the world where there aren’t many other flying insects.

Make seeds and spread this shit around :joy:


I could use the dung beetles to make temple balls


I got one for you if a dung beetle rolled a bomb ass temple ball and didnt wash his hands before he rolled it would you still smoke it?

I had a plant I pulled that smelled identical to hot dog shit rotting on a humid day. My yard literally smelled so damn nasty you literally gagged.

I’ve grew a pheno of jillybean that smelled like straight acidic vomit also. That one too had to go.


Weed smells do weird fucking things. Swear to god I smelled Chinese food when I opened the door coming back home earlier. Like it still smelled like weed, but also Chinese food.

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I had some that was kind of brown like right before weed loses the green that smelled like salami.Smoked good though

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Here’s the stinky bastard