Strangest Smelling Strain (SSS)

So I’ve grown quite a few strains over the past years and all of them have smelled very nice. From skunk, to earth, to berry they’ve all had interesting pleasant smells and to layman they all fall under the heading of “smells like weed.”

But there have been two that have really stood out for their oddness.

The first one is White Widow:

She smells like dirty feet and old cheese and incense. In a good way.

The second is the Dark Sparks:

She smells like…Scandinavia. Cedar sauna and cranberry jam. Very unusual.

When I open these jars for laymen they go “what the hell is that?”

I smile and tell them the whole story and they go “yeah yeah let’s smoke it.”

Anyone else grow strange smelling things?


Not sure about strangest, but grew a skunk outdoor a couple of years ago and it smelled of rotting garbage. Made hash with that and the putrid smell totally went away.


kinda like @Cbizzle I grew a project plant (a work in progress), it smelled like skunk, after two weeks in a jar we decided to try it,open the jar out comes the skunk odor. Hand a nug to the wifey, she says she cant smell it ,I tell her to go ahead and crumble it,she did smelled it and says"WoW", I ask why she hands it to me, it smells like lavender -lilac with a lesser honeydew melon smell,overall it smelled like a womans faint perfume.
the project plant is about 67 - 75 percent skunk 1


I grew one that smells like a combination of skunk and grandmas perfume. Very nice stuff, it’s a JOTI cross.


I liked the lavender pheno for potency oddly the tatste wasnt great, slight hint of berry taste but stronger wood taste


My grandma always smells like Vanilla


This one is more like…rose/skunk.


Your grandma likes to party.


I grown a lot ak47 outside that always turned out smelling like rotten fruit and jym socks


This gg auto I have just almost smells like a Christmas tree :christmas_tree:


Id have to say the one caught my attention was the first cut of gelato33 i got. Smelled of vomit and sweet cream. Kinda only way to describe it. Havent found any gelatos in couple years that have that profile.


I’ve got a gelato that smells cream-esque but I don’t get any vomit from her.


I use to have a cut that I found in a sift of some pakistani landrace stuff brought back by a friend.
Carbon filters were no match for her. She smelled of extremely bad body odor, curry, and baby shit. People couldn’t get enough of her.
I unfortunately lost that mother with my others during the move from Colorado. :slightly_frowning_face:


some yrs ago i had a GaneshSpirit(SweedSeeds) that smelled of fruity BabyPoo…


Ah, that sounds like that questionable Purple MAC(purple punch x mac) I grew, was full-on baby shit, body odor, and rotting death while growing. Couple times I opened the tent wondering what animal died inside, but it was that plant. Cured out to pure Burnt Tire, like you lit a car tire on fire and put it out after a bit.

I also had a Russian Snow(ak49 x white widow) that was straight damp wood, like a fallen log just after it rains.


I walked by my greenhouse a few days ago and swear I smelled fresh manure, like a cow had just shit in my nose. Walk away and clean air, walk in front of the doors n catch wind and it’s manure again… there’s 14 plants of 10 different cultivars in there, no idea which one it is or if it even is one but this thread made me think of it


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::point_up_2: and ten more

Not sure if that’s something good :sweat_smile:


It smells great fjord sure!


strange, when I grew White Widow it was more of a citrusy aroma & taste. A lot of strains have a whiff of rotting aroma to them during late flowering, I guess it helps attract pollinators. Although cannabis uses wind pollination.

Pennywise, the TGA high-cbd strain, has cedar aroma to it which is awesome. I just grew out some Northern Lights X Sensi Star plants which smelled like coffee while growing.


I expect there are many varieties with the same name.

I got a coffee/chocolate orange/diesel off of a California Orange.

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