Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

I totally understand why ^^ The quality of the pulp back in the day was a big gap, close to the rizzla flagship grade but with more convenient format. Neat throat hit too i find, over a bunch of other similar thickness.


Yeah it’s more a ritual organically set, wake & baking in your log have something tasty ^^
It’s warming the engine before the day really start with a shit ton of equations to deal with. T’es mon troquet buffer du ptit noir bien tassé du matin ^^ Tu vois les potes artisans avant de partir au chantier, puis tu te tiens au jus si y’en a pas un qui a des parpaing en trop pour un boulot au black chez le voisin d’à coté ^^ A la gauloise, crévin.

I just deleted a long analogy TK/SD to let you know the angle but … i mean i started to write this post at strategic hour when chill and all and as everytimes now … something to do in plain writing ^^ Digestive after dinner chit-chat now ^^ You have a power something, it’s each time lol Akshishbud F1 and finger hash of SD all the lenght of the cone, this one will be bloody. What a dense week buddy, i hope it’s calmer for the gang ^^

Let me rewrite this in “fuel” mode, quite agressively and dangerously narrowed on the practical consideration. For TK it’s full spying, and i don’t spy since yesterday ^^

SD : The smoke is fragile due to the patchwork that is the plant. It’s a spice without any backbone, but the smoke is considered as a backbone ^^ That’s the stoner’s constraint, room for improvement but no room for any evolution.

For the farmer it’s another constraint : cleaning too fast too hard the line put in danger the smoke. The SD is like these games with wood blocks, each step forward is a ride when you’re really at it. She cost also a lot of “blank protos” to stay on the soul while you intensify the weed.

TK : You take the SD equation, and you inverse. Plus a bonus on the cultural side that you don’t have with the SD.

And as far as i can see, the problematic of the TK progeny is just equal to the SD. The hermaphrodistim is already dominant (set) and just expand in direct progeny of the cuts in various form of F1.

Both are asking specific males to jugulate the loss of intensity of the weed, but the cultural constraint is changing everything imho.

With the SD, whatever is the work … you expect a SD smoke. And quickly, not only a good one.

With the TK, i consider that the story is to write. The “Kushers” aren’t in the same vein, they can welcome a sturdy new TK iteration that was cleaned. This isn’t a frankenstein smoke among various kind of smoke report you can read, less restricted to a specific render. So i firmly think that extracting the best from the most dioecious forms is the golden road.

Now you know the sing i guess … after have improved your chances enough with a BX line and a smart outcross. Still a phenotype to clone in male, artificially or not. Gauging the point where the weed reinforcement VS the herm dominance improved by each successive BX find it’s point of balance and exit to the real inbred work. Also lucky phenos.

For the genetic stability, outside constraints, i don’t think for now the TK as a difficult chimera to keep integer with tape and faith. More as a rustic mustang to breed with an arabian pursang, and to educate a bit ^^

Just brain fart after a tough day.

I share this 100%. For me smoking a kush is smoking a 90’s MK, not a “Kush”.
I’m fan of the US standard in term of smoke and flowers mass, but this kind of hammer is just not for me. I know a kush lover that become crazy when i say this in admiting it’s not fancy ^^ I think that in the EU’s street weed the more close we had to their “Kush” is the Chronic. I talk mostly about the kind of final product but as well in term of smoke.

Kush don’t work on me in general. As the C#4, the C91 or even a mazar. We talked about it a bit with Lonely a night.

I don’t dislike narcotic weed at all, but the problem is that i’m locked in “daily configuration”. As far that specimen per specimen of a same line, tested on daily use.

So it have to be something you can smoke daily, but maybe only for the last one or something in this vein ^^ So i will favor a black domina, a sensi star, an half once of JH for a coma lol What else genotype not linked, hell yeah White Rhino and a Great White Shark. But unfortunately the old ones, or the new ones with work ^^

Grids are everything ^^

An outdoor line is born, just this in fact. So it’s a long journey in front to make it look like a true stable agronomic beast ^^

Yield isn’t aimed, not my stupid street pounders. It’s more resistance + deep yield (wet trimmed - dry trimmed delta). On smoke i will just follow the Jah’s hand, just impressive as it. Afterwhile, i think my padawan will refuse to outcross it with the LS in testing the F2 i will send. So yeah, all is to write. still.

Some connections in OR and a local nute’s brand also with want to work with for events.

Building the base from the “feral fosse” was planned to extract a backbone. And to make an outdoor line with it. Nature choose the lines used, in a way.

The CaliO tribute is a totally different background project.

Jah truly blessed on this one. The fucking peace you feel with this high is something ^^
If you smoke slower, you learn to overcome the hammer in lightening at the right moment the next. It stack this warm buddha style funk, and it make this weed even more entertaining.

Now, it’s just a F1 queen spreading the seeds. I don’t forget that i will never see again this comet and i’m not attached to it. I want to choose the best of this, but on the segregated funnel intensity of my choice with less Jah’s inferences ^^

Early light pollination, not much i think but high grade ones.

The double serration is more common the skunk that in any other line or main line i’ve grown. The trap is to identify it with the skunk.

Now if you look at the structure of the blade itself with its serrations angles and sharpeness (more than the count), you can easily detect on photo most of afghani skunk of the market ^^ Tons.

By an initial spark of madness to try to output the best Shiska ever smoked ^^
Now it’s Oasis John Rambo lol

The update will make me the shock necessary to launch the seed sprouter i think. In seeing all this void and waste of light. I swear, i’m really frightened lol That’s an hell of breeding planS.

No shit … in another hand the C91 (not theoric) is looking as hard (theorically) to keep sexually clean in hybrids.

The OGK absolutely not (not theoric).


Hey FE, hope life is good despite the business.

Never stumbled upon that brand. When I can I use this ones:

I find they’re a bit of a micron or two thinner than OCB black

ahah, OG, le PMU du coin :laughing:

Y’a même les paris sur les courses de weed

Hey I’m just asking questions. :laughing: I appreciate you didn’t go the “Yes it passes herm trait to the progeny” shortcut and went a longer road though :slight_smile: With bonus insights on the leading.

That’s sounds like a good one, nuclear style.

I did not stock it to start something with it really anyway, but it was too tempting to refuse, wit all the praise I read around, specially on the high. From all the kushes that one sounded more my alley. Narcotic-only isn’t my cup of chai neither. Also cause I thought it was a better alternative to use the SK males than the afghani. I like them, but no idea how worth keeping they are. Probably more stoner nostaligia than anything. :smiley:

Since I decommissioned the aghani, the TK will replace it. Should be a good daily nighttime smoke too. Think that’s a good thing, even if the AH was pretty nice now that I see it growing relatively correctly. I’ll miss it a bit, kudos to kerala. I’m waiting for the smoke test, before planning anything with the TK really. Another BX, herms…

Ack, two projects, one that already had a good headstart :slight_smile:

Each weed has its way to be token :smiley:

Yay! Yeah I guess it’s pretty empty looking. If you want to keep the updates coming, you’ll have to move anyway :wink:


pre-update ^^ Je passe au bistrot avant lol

I totally missed these ones, i guess that the combustion was pristine.

I don’t suspected, even if we talk the same lang with modern hazes and their bases.
So, like me you have to get the hand on a MK-Ultra not too much watered by open polls ^^ Can’t wait to taste this TK …

MKU is simply a G13/OGK but the pairing was gorgeous. As it was for the Heavy Duty Fruity too (their Big Bud revision). Lonely built an updated G13/TK making-of without figuring out i’m sure ^^ I never knew if the MKU and HDF were delimiting the start of the French lead breeding or if they were anteriors ^^

Agree. It’s like a COB of a white label i keep around i don’t really don’t know why.
Average potency note : 1.5/5.0, nothing really singular. Just healthy and sexually stable.

It’s itching me too source strongly an highly herm line : the DP Orange Bud, the two versions. Then passing the whole in the hands of Jah the time to find a couple of CaliO cuts to spice a solid base. An hell again for the repros and indoor screening lol

Nothing crazily experimental to do with it ? ^^ Have you ever tried to germinate seeds in an electrolyze ? It’s not big deal to increase enough salinity with a potion and to make it fun. All the game is to let them enough electrified (~3-5vt / ~0.5ma-1A) while germinated to get an effect. And not enough to kill them. The window is counted in hours and isn’t predictible from one female mother to one another ^^

Let’s call it the colchicine of the poor. It doesn’t affect at all the DNA like the colchi but its expression only. When maintained enough during the germination and/or during the last week of the vegetative stage at higher tensions, it’s possible to gauge in real time the genetic potential of such plant instead gauging its use of its potential.

I make the link with the triploids only for one reason : the practical aspect in breeding. The approach is strictly the same then the work with the hands.

Let’s roll another one. I fucking digressed the hell to stimulate your consideration on experimental lines from declassified ones ^^

I just think about it, you don’t got the SD for the week end or i will knew ^^ So best start of the week ever then lol

Always necessary in the toolset ^^

I counted on the NL5H for this, but no. The release-weed bleached a bit but don’t changed much, i am. My padawan is preparing something couchlock not narco, can’t wait the protos i’m lacking of inspiration to build a stone-hammer. Not stoned because devastated, just stoned-stoned you know. Too many choices kill the choice maybe.

But yeah the ancestral NL5H/JH stash combo is no longer working for me. Reformed on the late, WTF. Take care ^^

A lucid comment of what it really take ^^
It should always weight in the balance per sqm lol

My padawan and me are both in front of intimidating seeds for intimidating projets. He even reformed totally his lab lastly, now it’s looking like a steampunk factory lol

You know what i almost desperate to have again weed to dry with seeds inside ^^ The four SD clones are supposed to be harvested now, it’s supposed to look like even more ridiculous that it sound ^^ With the two SS2 dwarf females only lol

We find entertaining and giving some “bravoure” to start the seeds at a time. So it’s floating but close … massive germination coming ^^

Let’s roll another one for the update lol


uhuh comment ça a été l’chantier?

A bit less tasty than OCB. They use a fiber net system to get a bit thinner overall. I remember having a cellulose paper free sample once, indeed apart the weird look it was really good in term of taste.

Sounds like heavy shit :slight_smile:

ahah I bet!

Too old of an history for me to know :slight_smile:

Something worth for already in our ages.

hehe I think my first “real” NL seeds purchase was a barney’s farm COB. Total newbie choice in front of shelves of seed packs (and high as funk in Dam). Guess what happened mid flo… :laughing: Finding a sexually stable COB seems a bit of a challenge. OTOH if one comes to the market…

Grow them at some point “for scientific purpose” :wink: Out of curiosity to see how that blends. All parental lines are pretty tasty.

Interesting tool for sure. I see some had too many beans in their fridge.

Nop, don’t have to explain you how bummed I was I guess :slight_smile: Hope it’s safe, but if it is, it’ll come anyway. Waiting for it is part of the pleasure.

And my mate would kill me if I don’t provide her sleep medicine lol

Chill stone, not nuclear blast stone lol

Replacement needed then, another quest on the bench.

It is! But that lonely’s “breeder cut” though. I’ll pop these TX x ECSD x PCK. For scientific purpose too obviously :laughing:

Right, I almost forgot these :laughing:

Teaming up to climb that step is a good idea.

My turn to roll one

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Only 5 days since the last update, but why not.

Day 101 flowering, 38 since pollination for the jamnesia. Extracted a SS2 seed yesterday from a ripen calix, looks good. It still needs a few days, but it’s real close to harvest. Finally has its fresh scent coming. It’s late on stacking trichomes, thus smell too, but when it comes it’s a sign. Let’s fatten that a bit more. Decently shinny now.

TK/AH side, it’s budding along. Starting the be a nice canopy :slight_smile: Watering/feeding could be more efficient, some hick ups and it’s showing a bit. day 37 of flowering for the oldest (9 since pollination), 22 for the latest. 15 days diff. I’ll pollinate a clone of each tonight again, earlier than last time.

TK side by side. Been more aggressive on the nutes during the stretch for the latests, it’s showing.

Someone said NL? :laughing:

AH side by side. Ex-mother root bound earlier is suffering, but that was expected. Not the best job with the latest regarding watering. Still better than last time :laughing:

Oldest seeded AH and TK

AH is a tiny tiny bit louder than the TK, frostier definitely. Tk has the yield, overall fitness, and terps are a bit more complex maybe. Given the descriptions, I expect the high to be radically different.

That’s all folks! Have a good week, and all the best to those that went through Helene. Autumn came fast, and looks like winter will be a shit show.


Matinèe chargée mais ça va, genre secrétaire hirsute qui a pas encore bu son 10ème double expresso ^^ Cette semaine devrait êre plus cool, le mood revient en force aussi. Vraiment pas mal cette petite weed, troisième jour daily et je peux dire que c’est un vrai mood enhancer.

Par contre la putain de RH pénétrante de l’espace est de retour … il devait être 3 plombes du mat’ quand j’ai laissé quelques buds sèches sur le growdesk, là elles sont presque comme si que je venais de les trimmer ^^ J’ai un plateau que je sèche sans forçage, ça va être long mais parfait pour goûter ses terps et son kick.b T’es prévénu ^^

Bref, remonté. J’espère que là haut ça se passe bien et je compte les heures avant que tu roules un peu de SD ^^ Je me suis fait avoir par une lévèe menteuse je pense lol

“strong daily weed”, stone side. But not as heavy than a sensi star or as an ERSB.

But absolutely not the usual kind . Very proper, very neat, very sharp … zero narco.
100% physical stone, this shit is like a workout. The weed is really a good classic work, but the grade is global and reach the growth/yield also.

God i drifted the hell and wrote a lead blueprint on afghani/skunk, trough anecdotes etc … Let roll another cone of peace, it will make me too lazy to digress like this lol What a wall but just writing it was cool and a pause on itself.

But I don’t know bro, it’s G13. Let’s make a F1 chimera with mutated chunks of polyploids, insane artificial epigenetics for gametes, gamma rays lol, germinated in the sewers of Pfizer… something wild and totally crazy to pursue the cultural legend :rofl: You know what, i’m even ready to make it a true GMO to make the legend true lmao ^^

Throwing ways to have fun.

Damn you was on top edge, totally missed and i was sure that it will end in a daily paper at this time. I put you a couple a cellulose “Trip” in the mail, in the letter. They are more easy to roll than Aleda and far better quality. My favorite still the Glass, much thinner.

I find that cellulose find all its sense with the SD with a “chunky” mix, elongated cone. Almost cigarette one in a little bit larger diameter.

They aren’t classic, but singular underrated variations of classics if you want.
As is the AH for the SH, reduced the fuck and with a much higher popular happy ending.

No, the WL-COB is really weak and it’s quite a work.
My notes are so severe behind the numbers that i even lost a friend because of this ^^

In the 1.0-1.5 you have weeds that have zero work on potency. The JH (sensi F1 2023) you smoked is a 2.5/5.0, as i classify the SD (the one to roll lol) at its actual state. By example. ERSB was a desserved 3.2, but not enough weed, and seeded, to gauge outside appreciation. Let’s roll a potential 3.5, culled unfortunately one month too soon.

A common street hash, with efforts to dodge the toxic “cutter” ones, rate between 2.5 and 3.0 for me. Good quality 3.5E/gr-4.5E/gr by 100gr, but not high tier. But also the one that make you think that, finally, it’s more responsible to risk jail to grow your oxygen as a citizen. Somehow.

i knew this one too ^^ And also the homegrown fantaseed as well (this one holly fuck i just dreamed on the package). Same dog shit :rofl:

Hunting cuts for now … it’s a ride.

Yup, it will be dance to get the stuff. Wifey changed the formula, its not the tracked stamp i’m used. Today or tomorrow for sure.

Hey that’s an interesting guinea pig you’re talking about now …
Just stone lover or picky one ?

Hell this one is better i take it.
That’s totally this : not a nuclear winter stone.

I discovered that not so in fact … i’m less prone now to use use chill weed a long time. Big Bud is my new max i guess, lazy stone really helpfully for hard recovery. I was very happy to get back the NL5H weed like yesterday but not the daily use.

I think in stone dept i need now an ON/OFF stuff. Just weed that shut you down and say goodnight. Absolutely not really a daily in fact then ^^ For now the JH motherplants are soon ready to make clones, at abusive doses she work terribly well for this too ^^ But nuclear winter style lol

Hey … the ECSD can act as catalyzor in this threesome and output something surprisingly stable and fat. Just a doubt for the PCK side.

Nice, good news. No hope for the ERSB pollen i guess … the later i had took one month but ovula were formed and densified. “têtes d’épingle”.

SS2 x SD is the batch #2 of the BX1, wait a bit and you will see how i screen it and how its hybrids are looking. Underrated genetic material for BX, you will see.

No traces of agressivity so far, they look like to consume. That’s quite stable actually.
Bulking ^^ A little week and they are ready for the PK boost.

:rofl:, anyway the pronounced reversed umbrella + fat pistils never lie on this one ^^

Yeah she got hit in roots, don’t hesitate in this case to trim camo leaf to the green limit before the apparition of the necrosis. Just preventive, in touching my grinded weed allready moist and in seeing the clear sun outside ^^

Dope AH/TK comparison, thx.


Took me a few days to finish this one too :smiley:

C’était lundi matin ho!

Les meilleures. Et t’en a un stock conséquent, même si ça doit partir vite.

La même ici depuis une 10aine de jour. Ça vient de chez nous :laughing:

Avec en prime les températures qui chutent vite. L’automne est précoce. Temps parfait pour les champis par contre.

Reçu lundi. Packaging de pro, indétectable. :slight_smile: Mis en pot, pas encore trouvé le bon moment pour la gouter. Avec le trajet, c’est plus une version brick weed maintenant lol. Mais le fuel est là \o/ Ça va être une bonne semaine on dirait :slight_smile:

Y’avait une seed dans un des packsons

That derg corra packs reminded me sensi star was on my list.

Sharp that sounds like a good variant of a stone. Mud/confusion is not so much my cup of chai.

GMO x Bruce Banner x G13 polyploid!

Try it you’ll see. Put one of each aside, the difference is pretty obvious to the eye. Thanks for the cellulose, perfect to sample the SD :slight_smile:

Yup, after some times, need something different than hash. I’d have rated the JH blunt stronger than that, but that’s probably more because of the tolerance on hash high rather than anything.

Taking notes on the Fuel phenotype :laughing:

Yeah I believe you. I feel like I didn’t reach the ceiling of the one I tasted, and with more it could get that effect :smiley: Not for the kids. Careful educated dosing advised.

Yeah you said ECSD was outputing more stable progeny than SD and lonely has tested that TK. USC have recalled the first SK release due to herms. The F2 I have were given to me by the author of that thread, pretty serious about it. For the year and a half I mistreated the males in veg and funked up photo periods, never seen one pistil on them though. The SD/chem leading one is a pure auxin monster.

You don’t know until you try :smiley:

I’m still keeping a little faith with that poppy like seeds scenario in mind but I doubt it. So I won’t wait for them, but I’ll see at harvest if I repot that branch in veg. It’s the lowest.

Pop-corn is ready.

Yeah in these conditions a bunch of others would have hermed on me. Same than the males, tough times in veg/semi-flo had me confident. No PK in stash, and it’s already slowing its uptake, though the cold wave is not helping. Dancing on the edge to avoid mold, critical moment, taking extra care when I have to remove a leaf. Now that it’s bulking the buds are getting pretty dense. Only a few days left really. :slight_smile:

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Ambiance web today, je furte un peu sur ce qui se fait. Ben c’est chiant en fait.
C’est un peu comme sauter d’une plaquette de compagnie d’assurance à une autre. J’ai franchement aimé le design simplissime de Mephisto, mais là encore c’est just un tirroir-caisse chiant quoi.

J’apprécie de plus en plus aussi. Franchement le bol intégral, c’est parfait pour ce style de weed gourmande en plus. Par contre je roule beaucoup trop, faut que je lève le pied un peu lol Toujours aucun blunt roulé …

Excellent. Elle puait trop, fallait que je les compresse un peu.
Impatient que tu t’en pètes un.

Je pense que j’en aurais toujours un peu sous le main avec les flos du cut, mais gardes les S1 que tu trouves. Même une seed … dès que la SD est selfed elle te fait des trucs de dingues en F1. Même sans tomber forcément sur une ECSD.

That’s all the dance for me with the chems. I felt bad after two days of C91, like chewed.
Even with a 1.5 potency fem hybrid (C91 x NL5) i felt the same in background.

Yeah the Derg zip ^^ Sturdy stickers, it was practical lol

No luck, the seeds were way too old for me. It wasn’t really a hunt, just a shopping shot to try. Excellent base to build something solid in stone dept ^^ But at the condition to let breathe a bit the SS before hybridation. It’s a raw plant that need a bit of human hand, quite unstable botanically let’s say but quite reliable sexually. You want all the game of this line in one shot : care about the minty males, they are the ones that real drive the line by nose in being not fully exploited in potency even at release state ^^

Funny to write on the strain sheet but nah ^^ Wrong pedigree lol
cookie chemized x OGK dieselized x (peshawar paki for me)

That’s not even breaking the golden rule of weed creativity, it’s raping its dead corpse. Sir.

Nah the G13 should be transformed again, then in front of the creature, choosing the right elve that will be crossed with this mutated ork ^^

My mnemonic is quite LOTR these last times. I just hated the saison 01 so i ignored, but wifey is following. I just got hooked by the second saison over her shoulder lol

I’m unable to return to paper now, but hell yes if it still for sale I’ve to compare the fuck.

Maybe it’s the variation of the terps temps while combusting, but the SD smoke so well in fat cigarette format (then in blunts too …).

On a daily use of decent hash, you got a genuine point on the release state. Just the weed not well dialed but representative kick i swear. Double flowered it’s even a bit more smooth.

Off course it wasn’t possible to test the layers, just the stage of the first one. But overall that’s it for the hazey phenos of this line (the most potent). The big difference is made mostly on a daily use VS hash …nigh and day lol

It’s my little favorite for events when she’s enough inbred. You turn white a lot of “elite smokers” and hipsters with this ^^ With just a JH.

I don’t think that it’s because she’s specially potent, but more because in bonus to be strong, she’s compliant with a small number of stoners as it. For wifey, it’s only one single toke. Instant bad trip no matter what and i knew a bunch like this.

God can’t wait to let you taste an “in house” JH ^^

Lol cocky, but why not. You can also let only this stem on the plant, then put the plant in 24/0. If there is any seeds formed, they will continue to mature faster. Well, don’t fight too hard yeah anyway. Not a comet, i’ve an IBL in the fridge.

Just not their talon d’Achille i guess. Now the selfing process apply directly a kind of resistance to the latents herms, brute-forcing female expressions. With S1s it’s generally on the late that this kind of show happens, when the plant give up well flowered.

Damn i never remember your set lmao

I try always to lock an harvest in end Aug - mid Sept max for the IN. Autumn for seedlings and clones is quite pleasant to drive, the cold helping to grow dry more tightly.

I take care about May-June also for the gnats raids ^^

Damn i was able to write this post in one shot during a calm lunch pause lol Miracle. Play loto something idk lol

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