Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

Taunting, but i like these kind of vibes too. Refreshing.

Let’s quizz-it to test your purity lol

Take the time to think about it, and ask yourself which “snob elite cut” you’re burning to grow. As a stoner 100%. Even if you never tasted any hybrid of the cut, doesn’t matter. I’m in the shit to answer with a top 3 but i play too if you want (without listing the SD obviously).


Well GSC obviously! :rofl:

Joke aside, that’s a tough question. Never thought I’d have access to some, so that’s not a question I asked myself. One cut. As a stoner. Not the SD. That’s tough, let me sit on that a bit while the AH crushes my brain lol

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Ohoy, I’m definitely looking forward for the results. :heart:

When you wrote about the temps I got a flashback to the treatment we used industrially, it was low moisture chambers with anhydrous calcium sulfate under and surrounding the pollen, brought to 35c and under light vaccum. It dried super quick.

Yes, we have high temp fluctuations which makes it quite humid second half of the season.

I thought the movie where quite good! There is quite few really good movies coming out these days. Hehehe, the number of strain name ideas I got from that movie is astonishing. Hope you son like it!

Definitely the best kush I’ve personally tried to date, much more uppy and plesent, while having great potency to it.

I do agree with that, very jealous of @funkyfunk.

Yes, you could say that I definitely got viking DNA running through my veins.

Mmm, putting your nose in the jar is a whole another thing with her :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: I could smell it for days.

I will do a weekend and see a couple of museums. I will have one day I would love to dedicate to either meet both of you or whoever available by then. I have no problem taking the train outside Paris if that’s necessary.

Keep safe my friends :saluting_face:

Pz :v:t2:


Learning pollen can be heated (in reasonable levels) to dry it is precious intel. I wouldn’t have dare. I happen to have a device that keeps things at that temp :thinking:

Have no doubt, the scent is pretty complex already, and I’m sure it’s gonna evolve. Thing is each time I open the cab, my nose goes blind of so many loud smells :slight_smile:

One day might be short for a round trip, would basically take you half of it in transports, and can be pretty expensive depending on the chosen way. My ability to move will depend on the state of the cab mostly :wink:

It did get crushed, but by the question, though the AH did not help to focus. There’s so many that choosing one is really tough.

TK lost its interest recently :wink:

So I would say Chem91, for some SD genealogy and american history :laughing:

If 3 are allowed… Let say OJD SSSDH. And probably GG#4 to have another fair opinion on all the hype it had.

But honestly elite cut isn’t so much what interests me, apart from having references That’s what makes that question hard :slight_smile:

Now my turn, what would be yours?

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Not this easy yes, because by instinct (even well “vaccinated”) you feel influences you can’t the fuck ignore. Can be a timeline, an event, a given street weed … Anyway can be cool if you can handle this little exercise. Relieved also ^^ Even the one i will roll now will not help at all to answer a top three lol

The best industrial toy i saw put the pollen (and seeds) on a air layer, you treat hundred of kilogs within 48 hours from fresh state. Crazy stuff. I want one ^^ For now I’m mimetizing with a cheap ass 15 bucks dehydrator and high grade stainless steel mesh i used to vape lol

It’s like the reagent used for testing viability super fast and in chain too, that color in red.
Shared results. I prefer the farmer’s notes on viability and grains. Seriously.

now calcium sulfate that is anyhydre … you’re talking ^^ That’s more expensive toys but gas and rays treatment of pollen interest me highly. I’m just blind on what it take technologically and if i can reverse engineer it or hack it for stoners ^^

From 30°c to 50°c, by stages of 3°c :

  • under 30°c it’s not enough fast and you lost too much grains per grammers. lets call it “fertility density”. at ambient 50%RH<->85%RH

  • at and over 50°c, it’s too fast and the same syndrome happens : you need a lot more pollen for the same coverage. same RH constraints.

You’re enough used to dial my results in considering a context and its leverage.

He enjoyed the show, wifey too. It’s just … the first is outta any scale in comparison. Written, rich, many legit cult sequences … with 1000 times less tech. So i got the first to revisit while i transplant seeds and seedlings ^^

I was happy to see Keaton incarnate beetlejuice again, last time maybe. The cinema format was just overkill for such production, netflix was good enough.

God another one that push me to commit the impossible : smoking some kush in being impartial lol Sincerely what i want to know to eventually remodel my scale :

  • grade of the weed VS OGK, overall grade
  • grade of the smoke VS BubbaK, strict chemotype only
  • if i prefer this one over the LAK
  • if i prefer this one over the MKU

Yeah demanding.
But i believe in funky, he will bring some answers on the table ^^

Change your logistic line buddy, join the punks.

Yeah, but admit that it’s less classy that a swedish with danish ascendance ^^
I’m picky with my scandinavian’s stereotyopes lmao

April is too far, can’t plan this far. But if you mind go closer to funky, it cut in half my drive … and it make it a bunch more possible for me to escape a time between two stuffs. 2025 is a biggy for me in backstage…

Can be so dope, and it can be a so good opportunity to lure you on the French weed as well ^^ In hash, no problem lol We are confident ^^

You can go cheaper.

Just check temps range with cares. 30-50 is not rare, but some are funky.
Simple use : thermostat and timer (in hours). Mine is a 15 bucks stuff of aliexpress.
Necessary to buy some 500 micron stainless steel mesh, the drying is ventilated.

Or getting a cheap airbnb in your sector for like two days. I’m not tributary of weed-ends and normal weeks lenghts ^^ So we don’t starve too, we can cook lol

April … well, everything i will have will be dangerous lol Something in the lands, not urban.

Like the SD for me, it can’t count in the prospects for you.

If you’re talking about the known deal, it is stronger that with the SD yes. I took the time to map the feedbacks on this point.

That’s quite a sum, nice job. Fuck i have to answer faster than expected now ^^

The GG#4 is a terrible subject, and even if this sect is quiet in general they aren’t softer than the SD one ^^ And everybody deny that the holly land of the GG#4 culture is Denver lol I like the weed, i dislike the cut, good horse for fems (receiver only) and the hype is all about what you will smoke soon, bastardized in musky-gassy. Same profile of highs, but individually not even in the same family. Stacking daily a GG#4 is closer to smoke daily a chem that a SD.

One more time we look like here to be three to appreciate uncapped uplifting weeds ^^ I don’t enter the GG#4 in this category even if i always appreciate a cone. But i prefer a stardawg by far, to loop on a recent conversation.

Both are important to know imho. But the GG4 for a “cultural taste”, and the Stardawg for a singular grade of a chem hybrid. If i post this in "‘pub’, god … it’s not even fuel it’s napalm ^^

But the SSSDH … i want to listen buddy. That’s not the same choice than the two others.

Fuck. Let me roll one, this shit of SD inspire so much well. It’s tearing my soul, but she’s better than the JH at this. But JH still my oxygen, i’ve an half brain without.

I’ve to remember each damned. I must confess that three is hardcore, but it force to go to essential too. The funky syndrom, stock of tobacco off. I’ve to drive like tron to answer this question ^^


I removed the SD too to play on the same ground.

GG#4 is all about the curiosity for the quick hype and for the reference. I wouldn’t expect much than you sum up nor it being THE plant. Stardawg is a good contender, with the added UK scene background I like, good reputation, but I could only pick 3. Also I tried to be as snob as possible :smiley:

The SSSDH cut is more of a bit of a random choice. Most elite cut sounds really indica to me so I tried to find something more on the other side of the force. I could have named cheese, but I’m not so fond of the effect. The core cut, but that’s old news. Maybe franco’s SLH. But I admit SSH x SD that’s a recipe that sounds interesting. Maybe not a game changer, but could be good smoke.

Uncaped and uplifting, that’s the thing indeed :slight_smile:

I’ll have to think about that. We have time to see what’s manageable.


Nice lead on the SSSDH, i got the vibes. An AH base and a SD S1 in the nugs … and you’re quite close to have a good iteration directly. I personally prefer by far an AH over a SH base, but its pure personal taste.

The more annoying is that there is always a part of truth in the hype, specially when it last. I will never dare to say that the GG4 isn’t a popular weed, even for those tasting it a first time. Or not even knowing they are smoking some, for some fems I’ve in mind. Then he got it and he become a fanboy of the cut lmao

During the ride and the unplanned checkpoints, i was forced to make two categories : cut for breeding only, cut for pheno ref only. I don’t dodge, but the final podium is mixed.

  • “Blueberry F2” : still floating around. Just to use this specific reference to try to make it a seed line. With some additional standards on stability applied ^^ Totally for the chemotype for me, colors and all i don’t give a fuck.

  • LemonG : We turned around the subject hours with a friend, it was all about the lemoney weeds. That’s the one we finally elected. Eclipse cut i had in spain, i love the terps, real italian fruity lemon but the high is sharp and all in nerves. Racy as fuck but with torque, long lasting rush.

  • G13 : yes i know. But it’s burning me to make a “street weed pounder of hell” with this shit. Since the soma’s hype with the G13 Haze. Maybe a new repro to make, it take courage to hunt a G13 cut. Even more than a BBF2, a LG or a SD ^^

Yup, these three for me and it’s thinked and weighted. Your turn @LonelyOC , ONLY THREE ^^ And not necessary a podium …


That was part of the reason, to have an insight on SSH too. But now I’m thinking… jam x SD :thinking:

It sure is.

That’s a good list though. Didn’t know there were BBF2 still floating around, that’s def a good pick, indeed the high had many praying for it. :slight_smile: Lemon terps always play nice with the high, there’s something special smoking them. G13, well, was a bit unexpected but makes sense and not so surprising in the end. Indeed just for breeding with just these there’s potential to play (aside from the fact they are clones). :smiley:


You have to remember that vacuum screws with temps. So pollen under light vacuum needs less heat. When pulling vacuum you need something to store the water in the air and pollen and that’s why the calcium sulfate is used. :+1:t2:

I laughed a lot… Sober! :sweat_smile: So I had a good time, never seen the real deal, think I’m too young. :smiling_face:

TK isn’t a kush other then some of the terps. So I think it’s better than any OGK for this exact reason. I don’t see much in common with Hindu Kush for example and I think it’s more of a refined sativa afghani hybrid. It’s not fair to compare it to OGK, it’s definitely it’s own thing. Tbh with you, I agree with @HolyAngel that the high is very much like Chem 91

I’ve been thinking about it… A LOT!

Hell no! Southern Swedish people are not real sweeds :sweat_smile: There have been a joke here in Sweden to give back this part of Sweden to the danes because we don’t want them.

Yeah, we can see if it fits at a future date. I just wanted to give you a heads up! :saluting_face:

Yeah, it make sense though when moisture degrades pollen at a faster way then heat.

That is fantastic! That’s how it should be and not the other way around :wink:

Let’s see where we’re at in Feb or March. I will go to the Amsterdam cup now in Nov, Spannabis in March, Paris in April and Hyde Park for 420. So I have a lot to do! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

I would want to explore Bruce Banner more, I think it’s underrated and not utilised to the extent it can.

I would love to bring back the old Jack Herer, I haven’t smoked or tasted anything that was like the old Jack I smoked in Amsterdam around 08.

Bring back the old White Widow, all current offerings are too indica dominant to really reflect the old one that was more uppy, euphoric and happy. Not a days it’s like a really narcotic cultivar.

Pz :v:t2:


I got something cooking on this front, I’ll be happy to share more details at a later point :metal:t2: But there’s definitely a lot of G13 stuff that will come from me in the future, not just seeds. :wink:

Pz :v:t2:


I think that you can beat the “convoité” cut with this combo at its own game. On SD you know that i’m against hybrids . This weed is on its own for me, and a bit more. I think the same about a AH seedline maintained. Yes the real core cut … maybe i’m more conservative than before idk. But i will look more after a seedline personnally.

But AH (fem donor) x SD (fem receiver) make bangers for fem junkies ^^ Insured lol
You only need a couple of S1 seeds in the nugs to make it. Not joking.

We’re looping on the GG4 and the popularity as double blade equation … i prefer the SD and the AH pures. Yeah it sound like i became really a douchebag finally lmao, i assume don’t worry.

That’s a “legacy hommage” project i wish to start after the SD. But much more authoritarian on the growth side. I already know where and when, not cheap but hunt already done by luck. I know it’s what i need.

The space can’t handle three references at a time, so lets put this in dormancy. Can’t grow them all ^^ We have to relocate in Maine guys. Legal breeding, the only country of USA. With at least three hangars ^^

I like to make these street rulers, that’s the part that was fun in spain. You can directly throw a cut in the streets and see what happens, it circulate or it die.

I have made once a G13 x JH after a fucking long wait for the cut, since i want to use it for a classic skunk/afghani pounder. I think that it’s the space of expression of this genetic, in a F1 hybrid and in something that is built to be a genetical error in yield/potency ratio. airborne still around too, less elitist/pricey that the BBF2. I can source it like i done with the SD, quite “openly”.

I use vacuum for washed seeds only in fact.

For canna pollen i find that using convection like industrials is quite good actually for hobbyists and cost “nothing”. This extra depth in monitoring and materials is hiding something.

in which kind of case the calcium sulfate is absolutely necessary for such application ?

No shit ^^ Hell, so you’re more lucky than me. The first a true fairy tale, off course the impact is higher when you saw it kid but it still have all its energy today. The efforts made to make this dense movie back in the days is something, worth the ride in a good setup.

I got it for the Sat/Afgh/Hyb. A bit like this frankenstein of ERSB in a way.

My quest is not fairness i must admit but more something you guys like to ignore on regular basis : the market lol Let me roll one and expand ^^

Yeah, the OGK is a true backbone of production. I mean even in EU, you can work on a Kushy label (full catalog milking OGK) and have success rightly pushed. As simple than this.

It’s the popular smoke but also its compliance under pressure : its a very good plant, good mother (seeds), good mother (clones), quite resistant flowering and its expansive smoke always please. I’m not selling something i’m unable to smoke daily here, right ?

My opinion, quite a lot reinforced by HA that worked a bit its ass now, is that the TK as known today can be a potential replacement of the OGK. I don’t like to talk lightly about “classics”, i prefer standards in this case.

That’s my bet and a S1 nug can really tell me if i’m right or wrong ^^

What i find interresting with the TK it’s obviously not a Kush pedigree but the challenge it’s representing genetically to have “the One” that will replace the OGK.

HA got me the lead on the possible replacement, it finished to stir the balance in this way.

But hell, with the xx€/grammer C91 nugs i was forced to smoke daily during a week … yeah i see the thing perfectly lol Hourray the SD, just the best chem hybrid ever for phenotypes like me ^^

I like Danes, specially their chicks ( i trade 10 norvegians or 5 sweden for one dane ^^).
Noble blood that helped the expansion in providing rulers, just bad faith of upsala’s traditionnalists. Typical ^^ God she boost memory as well when HAF.

That’s a circuit i will forced to follow at one point … part of the “in between”. But only cups. Dates belong to so much factors … but yeah it can be cool to have companions for the ride if it’s matching.

Seedfinder, help my memory hole plz
Oh, i’m surprised i was thinking about a Martian Mean Green hybrid but no : OGK/SD/SC.

I love the straw, we had here a swiss cut like this just called “Fraise”. Very very close, but the high and structure. Quite sativa bush structure but rock hard buds and ultra resistant to high RH and cold (alps epigenetics).

^^ i have it in cut, the exact form in maybe a bit more potent. A BX is planned to make it work-able in IBL. Like you was in the dampkring …

With a bunch of seeds of Black Widow … i don’t think that segregating this bitch the right way is specially crazy.

Now if you’re talking the WW we were talking about a long night in private, hell no ^^
I still have the ears opened about it, no noise for now.

Hell buddy, stars are aligning very nice !
I know what meat i want to stick on it to make this street ruler, we can make a groovy joint venture at one point. For me it’s really 100% for the hybrid i want to make from it, not so to work it like the SD.

By the way, let me roll one. Because. But yeah we have to talk shishka ^^
No taunting, not this time for the millionth time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Let’s do some snobism ^^ And god invented the SD and the Cellulose leaves.
I know i’m the only one on earth to find this transparency pretty.

Oh yeah the shishka, the most impossible story of a strain that born almost a month ago. Finally, it’s ending in a blend of ak47, shishkaberry and big bud. Everything is terps, even if you chew the secondaries and even the trunk.

We were supposed to throw this pollen coming from US on the S1 cut to compete on the seed lines.

Finally this pollen saved my ass to pollinate just in time two females AK47, the only ones not herms on all batches launched ^^

But, i played a bit experimental and ended with shrinked seeds at apîcal tops that i called “alien pods”. Because it just looked like this. The only one embryo extracted that survived, “giger#1” got a light dose of a Big Bud S1 and got seeded by contact (BB is pure gyno-i-forgot).

Seeds were thrown in trash (garden corner) like all immatures and bad calibrated seeds. High lethality screening, outdoor germination, tons of birds, only these two hybrids survived + gave decent plants. 0% herm. Female carry the F2s, enough to work accurately indoor.

Yeah no seeds given by buddha or concerts, but it’s rare to have so crazy making of for a line for me lol


When you use vacuum to dry something, you need a substrate to store the moisture in. Doesn’t really matter what you want to dry. Water will have a hard time to completely vaporise under vaccum and having a substrate it can “travel” to, will have a pulling effect of the moisture.

I kinda see this as a problem with TK. It’s used in commercial crosses, but not pure. We have growers who run the clone or S1s. I don’t think it will be commercially viable either, but I do think it’s a important building block for the future commercial cultivars that’s viable but not cookie based.

What I think is special with TK is it’s high and the taste and mouth coating. It will almost taste just as good with burning black ash, as with white ash. This is a very good commercial trait.

Definitely, but that’s just the high. I think that the growth is different, where TK is less finicky and have better structure and yield. TK is also not as inbred as C91. At this point C91 have hit the bedrock, it needs to be out crossed for any good results, especially the S1s. Based on previous experience, I would say that CSIs is actually at S3-S4.


Definitely, just throw out a message, either here or discord and we will hook up and smoke some fire!

Burce Banner is definitely something of its own. It got gas with sweetness, very complex. The high is soaring, yet not overwhelming. It have extreme thc procent and is dubbed “Strongest weed on earth”. When it comes to Bruce Banner, the Strawberry association is the last thing you should focus on.

Damn! That’s definitely I want to have in my garden again and play around with!

That’s the one! :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

We definitely should brother!

Have you tried the new RAW Ethereal? My new favorite rolling paper, kicks OCB Blacks ass!

Would love if you could discribe the high and the terps more in details because it’s quite a unique blend for sure!

Pz :v:t2:


What’s the 500 micron screen for? I’d assume preventing pollen from escaping, but pollen grain is smaller than that.

@LonelyOC that’s a nice list too. Mix of new and old, with a take on the high :smiley: I agree Bruce banner made some noise but there’s not so much offer around it. I’ve thought about the WW too, as a potential 90’s overlooked cultivar that could benefit a refreshing and maintenance. Not so much on the modern menu too.

Honestly I was thinking about the fem junkies :laughing: It sure is a name cashing cross more than anything. I agree both cuts are enough on their own. I was also thinking about something else: AH x SD male. I should have some karma SD BX2F2 incoming at some point to play with, and I wonder if it wouldn’t benefit a little more sativa after the kush.

Given the number of cuts sold, that’s a good test :slight_smile:

That’s part of the reason why I accepted that cut. I usually don’t when it has to cross borders. That and trust in Lonely :green_heart:

I’ve been surprised how little noise it makes over here and that it’s not that much used, despite checking a lot of boxes. The original cut seems to behave pretty well in crosses, and a nice plant overall. Can’t wait to taste this one to make up my mind and what to do with it. Definitely has potential.

I’m still unsure about what the parents would be. Aside from that afghan I have there’s something in common wit the smell. It’s just maybe more on the fruity side than the perfumy one. But the sweetness is shared. So I wouldn’t be surprised it’s something like that rather than a real kush. Or an afghan x kush maybe, but… For the other side, maybe a skunk? These double serrations have me wondering.

That one made a bit of noise :slight_smile:

Ah so giger#1 had progeny, that’s pretty cool. That bush does look nice. Sturdy OD warrior, and potentially a fine smoke.

Uhuh OGers gang going to the shows :slight_smile:

I admit the doubt I had on the BB were mostly about the high. But if it is of that kind, definitely makes it more interesting. I’ve seem some nice stuffs coming out of it.

A little collaboration that would be awesome. Wonder what your two brains would come up with. Synergy to accelerate things and simulate the creativity!


Bruce Banner #3 is the strongest tested cultivar at High times cannabis cup of all time. It have also been the strongest in other cups aswell.

The reason it’s not as popular is because of the creator of BB. He doesn’t care at all about the American cookie wave and never played nice with those kind of people because he got fucked in several deals quite early. He learned to never trust suits or people with fame/money, and thus no one wanted to work with him or give him the props he deserved. There is to of rumors and lies about him aswell which is unfortunate, because he is a very straight shooting individual. Take a look at his podcast, he got some great stories and interviews there. Especially the one with Swerve.

The best side of Bruce Banner is the Kush side/92 OG. Not the Strawberry Diesel. I ran a couple of packs of the Bruce Banner F1 he released on attitude and all the keepers I found was leaning towards the Kush side. The Strawberry Diesel ones were very terpy and beautiful, but the smoke wasn’t there at all!

When I’m finished with the “Goat Scream” project(my ongoing BB project) I can send you a clone to test.

Well, white widow have a lot to offer for the current live rosin climate, especially the real sativa leaning breeders cut found by Ingemar. I think that it would be a great base for a whole range of more uppy live rosin focused cultivars that would break through the mass in a heart beat.

Well, thank you. I’m honored! :heart:

NL5 and back, then sativa of choice. Kush and OG is overplayed and over crossed at this point. It’s impossible to make something novel with OG/Kush. You have to elevate and transform the TK to enhance it’s qualities to later make fantastic indoor sativa leaning hybrids. From my point of view, you can find the terps of OG/Kush’s from all kinds of areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Continue to bump it into the same background doesn’t really elevate anything.

I think that an older skunk is a great choice, or other worked sativas. You just have to say clear of cultivars with terpineol. Giving it the same treatment C91 got to create SD.

That would be a lot of fun and be freaking amazing!

Haha, yeah me and @Fuel have spent some nights together spamming at each other. Very simulating and it’s very hard to get sleep afterwards :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah, though it does not tell what kind of high it is.

I’ll pop corn that, thanks for the pointers!

We’ll see, clones in the mail is picky over there, same as you :wink:

True, I didn’t think about this application. Such a frost monster is made for it, that’s a good idea.

:laughing: :laughing:

Yes indeed. Best way to water down what seems to make its quality: the high.

Hehe TK x cheese would be a name saler. Maybe a “Lost TK” :slight_smile:

Though if there’s skunk in there already, just need NL.

I imagine the wall of texts :laughing:

Lighting my first G in chatting with you guys, start to be a pleasant ritual ^^ Specially this week, stressful one with tons of stuff to dial at a time.

Got it, if you can find the ~machine used over a link … i take it.

Now with convection it’s a matter of one day to three (pollen and seeds), is it necessary to hack an expansive vaccum system to gain time ? 15 bucks chinese dehydrators do the job very well with both, not joking.

I don’t see the edge if you want (if i put the context aside off course : purity of datas matter more than anything else).

Nice insight, thanks.
(+ the TK/C91 consideration later)

It’s the part i find sexy in this equation, TK is asking a know-how in monoecious expressions that set a bloody Darwinian ground. Just like stabilizing the smoke of a SD ^^

But the market changed a bit since 20 years, i think that stoners are waiting after an ultimate Kush that make the join between the OGK period and the TK “new age”.

And , thanks the cookies. Yup ^^. In fact they crossed so much this shit in every sense, that it introduced a lot of new stoners and uneducated people to classics crossed with. Now they are starting to hunt the spices in dodging the backbone, blow back ^^ In EU, its a lot less closet of customers. We need events to know the real trends, and for the weed smoked in backstage and by visitors mostly ^^

wtf this digression, well sharing my zeitgest.

What’s your plan buddy with this diva now that the map is clear ? You got in touch with San if any ? He’s on something in this galaxy at last news (6 months ago).

I was sure ^^ You know what, brits react the same when i say that their scot chicks are the most sexy to my eyes. I really mean it, lol.

Fuck, it was a “sales call to action” for me ^^
Keep it in mind, motus ! :laughing:

Got it ^^ Yeah, quite a quest then. But in being regular in EU events, chacking some hands, it’s way easier to find this WW that over the web. I think it still around but that the holders are starting to age now …

Hell, what a freaking good new buddy. I wasn’t motivated to throw 250 bucks on a clone, maybe the same in G13H regs … and the fuck BX it. Just to make a pounder, and the meat on the bones is really the only thing i want challenge myself. It’s heterosis drag race with G13, an exercise of style i find dope to compete.

You have plans with the line or you’re in “legacy mode” ? ^^

I’ve burned a shit ton, and that’s the only one i can stand if I don’t have any bong under the hand. Decent bong.

I hate paper since … 2007 exactly. I worked in a growshop (cashier/vendor/techie) and i was used to wipe the old stock of blunts. This time, the new selection sold better lol so i just get a pack of leaves that non one bought. They was Cellulose leaves Glass, excellent one even if the packaging is cheap. Perfect thickness / size.

These leaves still unpopular, but i can’t live without today ^^ I buy mostly Trip leaves, boxes are easy to get and it’s a good compromise. Chinese brand, but far more better grade of cellulose that the brazilian aleda. Maybe the pulp used, i dont know.

RAW : I just can’t stand any of their leaves, they have a ghost taste for me that is just impossible to overcome. Matter of brand strategy more than the product i guess, i just don’t like their base used.

When i was a poor soul losted in the abyss of the heterism, i used to roll these leaves with a high favoritism :

At this time, OCB offered a lower grade even on thinner leaves. Rizzla combustion was smooth and aftertaste minimalist.


But i was an unconditionnal of this specific leafset. Even more for hash/tobacco.

It was before i saw the light. What a dark age.

End of a groovy day, i need a fatty. I smoked samples weeks ago, at the equivalent of one month indoor. It was already promising. I think i will cull her this night to play safe, a bit early but seeds are ready. The actual maturation will be more representative but it’s known ground in fact.

The 25% AK47 give the body of the weed but also of the whole plant scents, the mother was a Bubblegum pheno as fuck. So it’s delimiting the range, more treat than fruity.

The 25% Shishka look like to shake the terps in zones we aren’t used, peach/young maracuja. What is staying in mouth remind me a drink sold in France, the “Oasis”.

The 50% Big Bud coat the whole with its “sugar cane” solid terp but don’t print much actually. Quitte recessive outside the slight extra stretch and the sugared layer on terps.

The potency is entertaining. It’s start warmly with a manageable high, quite bubblegumish then when the cone is finished, a sudden shape of stone. It’s where i find it amusing, it’s very sudden and loud ^^

Totally drived by the AK47 style but only in a “A to B” configuration. Not “quickly” chainsaw like the initial chemotype.

I don’t really “feeled” the shiska in potency in the style, a lot more in the terps and this incredible scents coming from all parts of the plants. That taste what it stink in bonus lol

0% selection from hardcore epigenetics, the kind of gift you don’t refuse ^^
She will get some stage indoor to refine the floral grade and to check the sexual stability (the BB inside is a S2).

It’s enough aerated and enough tight at a time to can dry by convection this way without spraying pollen all over the place ^^ I use it both for flowers extraction and pollen final drying. It’s aerated, it conduct heat, you can bend it in a poach or a “blunt of pollen”. I tried the #200 mesh but it’s too tight and add hours of drying. But it’s staying on the mesh, not passing.

The notation is weird, if it’s a BX2 … it make it a F4.
a x b = ab f1
ab x b = abb F2 BX1
abb x b = abbb F3 BX2
repro = abbb F4 BX2

Now to extract a male, i think the BX2 is the best bet in whole line up.

Night’s harvest guys, i preferred to play the safe card. I will trim this overnight with a couple of good movies ^^

In scrolling up and taking in count it’s S1, more something like this i guess.
But not a skunk close the blend, even a quarter will show up a lot more at his stage.
Maybe just a NL x Kush …

I’m not against to pull it in line, both are kind of "regressive smoke " i’m liking. A reunion of both can be a fun project with stab behind.

I’m sure that if i write the exhaustive making of on a strain sheet, it’s just impossible to read and follow lol Alien pods progeny yup ;o)

The StrawSD is a binge-weed for me too. Not a decent firestarter as well for a wake & bake. But if ever you got some of this one, yes i know it’s Kyle etc…, it correct everything that is wrong with the strawSD (the SD inside lol). The swiss Fraise is similar in terps, but almost opposite in everything else ^^

Very nice intel on the BB, i understand more your interrest now.

Heretic. Flower Power.
But yes, i agree.

I was sure it was NL-based ! ^^

For the OGK … hmmmm it’s not that it’s impossible to make something game-breaking but more to get it accepted / teasing for Kush lovers ^^ In the american sense of the Kush i mean.

In fact the C91 was created to make the SD.
Cannabis too.

Yeah … last nugs of jars pre-post-traumatic void.

Lol yeah some breeding discussions can extend quite far with the Krissprols ^^
But we have for us the honor to say that we tried already, just worried by logistic. It ended in the monster behind me that stink an impossible alien fruit lol, not a bad remnant.

Another heretic ^^
Ending all of this with a skunk/afghani ?

Multi-paralleled debates and cargos of “strain science” of all kind ^^
A hint of reverse engineering on smokes too.

Before becoming a trimming machine, the round i’m supposed to have already started. In a vial lol I think next week i will get the guts.

Damn another post made over two days i guess lol See ya guys


So at least it’s pleasant now :wink: Hope that week will bring good news for you.

You mean it’s a really unstable cut breeding wise?

Hehe. There’s people in the quest for The Kush. Though I think it’s also a kinda archetype now too, so there’s room for many differently worked ones. But there must be one that rule them all (again).

And what’s your plans with it after that? A little trip to US to be grown out there? Or is that part of the line you were going after bricks by bicks? That looks pretty good by itself already. The high seems to be quite something.

OK I would have feared it flies everywhere and fall :slight_smile: I think I’m going to try that machine I have, with a bed of very dry rice. Still cheaper than the aliexpress one.

You too filled that thread with valuable intel, thanks!

Looking at the apical bud yesterday, now that it’s a bit fat, all doubt has left me, it IS NL :laughing:

:drooling_face: Let see how many beans you get out of it

That’s what I thought, pretty common trait in fact. Mind the leave development accidents.

Though that sharp serrations… Kush on an NL structure, that’d makes sense.

Good one :laughing:

Breeding by words :smiley:

Do it! A surprise in every beans, guaranteed :wink:


TK is pretty heterozygous. She breeds wide. Can usually still find at least one plant that looks pretty close to her, in a single pack of beans, but it’s usually lacking somewhere ime.

TK and Chem91 side by side in veg, look like the same plant. 91 is definitely more inbred though and passes on more of her traits, and potency, reliably.


That’s good to know, thanks to stop by. This one is a S1 though, we’ll see.


Fascinating to catch up a bit. Family is waking up so I have to run but throwing my 2 cents in on papers

^^ These are my favorite. Since 2005. Basically the only paper I use unless I’m rolling a giant party doob.

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