Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

Hey blackcarp, thanks to stop by

Sounds like it’s a commonly occurring curse :laughing:

Yeah I think the poting timing was not so good. I should have put them straight in their final container. I think I put them in too late in the flowering, so they did not really colonize their pot, or it took longer.

Usually I cover the medium with something to limit the environment sucking the water more than the plants. I feel it helps a bit to even the water uptake between the top and the bottom of the pot. I should do that.

I tried a lot of different hardware or garden soil over the years. It’s not easy around here to find a good one, let alone stored correctly. Most are made of junk and already full of fungus gnats. But there are growshops! There I can find some good supplies.

You’re gonna try hempy? :smiley:

I got rid of the usual fungus gnats invasions using nematodes a few times, and then adding BTi from time to time. Now it’s really under control.

Thanks for the kind words, appreciate!


Seriously, buy a cheap brix meter (15 bucks) and get rid of this “artistic blur in your mind” about high sugar traces. One time you made a couple of rounds with this toy, it help greatly to make a “generic patterns” over strains that are sometimes opposites in all.

I was dancing to smack the 50% RH here, i was on the go to the golden 40 (for me) then today a sudden bump to 60% with the heavy grey sky that say “go fuck yourself”. It’s looking like i will have again a 75% soon.

This year is particularly shitty and unstable. Usually i need only one nematodes treatment, it’s my third … Jah’s really calling for dry sat and hazes this year ^^

My opinion : force them a bit until the trunk stretch. Use the constraint as an advantage.
Good green and sap pressure at first glance, they can made it.

Same ^^ I share the vibes, enough narco to finish you when too tired (but too much to sleep naturally) but not enough to wake up the head in the asses. Good girl.

We also losted the Hempstar cut of Front One this way. I’m still mad at me for this one, i enjoyed so much the weed that i planned “after this other round of sinse, to map :smile:” to outcross it … ofc i losted her in a relocation.

I just stopped to source them. They were fire (without trichoderma), cheap for 70 liters block and all … then suddenly the grade fallen down 8 years ago. Since i’m back at soil (but i prefer by far growing in coco).

I’ve not found yet a decent replacement as easy to source (big bricks), keep me updated if any ^^

zero sign of this for now

zero sign of this for now

I hate perlite/canna combo, but i must admit …

Not even prohibition in our lands, but favoritism. I think it’s very hard to explain the context internationally, even brits don’t get it and we are neighborhood ^^

As fuck. Not even only for plastic pots. Ebb & Flow style or “traditional hand watering”, both at a time create adverse tensions.

With an unstable weather i water first all pots with a sprayer set very fine, the time that all pots are sprayed in surface, the tension is broken and i can really water in restarting from the first. Pushing the high o² layer (sprayer) by gravity.


in regards to the “prohibition” we got going,

im bloody damn glad we finally have some regulation with general permission under certain circumstances at least. Too many lives were ruined, too many cops and justices kept busy with nonsense, too much crime was promoted, too much tax income wasted.

it might be that they were legally obliged to make that law, the prohibition was a “preliminary” law from 1974… 50yrs have passed… maybe be they just needed to make a proper law finally.

It also broke up the “favoritism” quite alot. Before April the only dudes that had liscences were the buddies with benefits of politicans. See Britain were PM May’s husband was the only medical supplier, or germany where the cannabis agency controlled the few contracts.

Its still utter nonsense that we can only order from beans from the EU, there are dozens of limitations and no commercial solutions are really clean yet. Its not a “real” legalization as i see it. But def was a needed change. Guess we gotta see how some justices decide on this and that case and how the law is being applied in a whole lot of yet uncertain situations, like wtf is propagation material exactly? does a baby plant count? does a male count?

But if you check the legislation for medical, its much improved. You dont depend as much on the favor of some politican anymore to get the rare and limited contract, but can simply go through the liscencing process and, as far as i understand that text, and im by far no lawyer lol, we could probably even open breeding farms now.


:laughing: It sure is hazey in my mind. I’ve seen you mentioning high sugar linked to redish coloring, though it wasn’t on the petioles IIRC. I didn’t have time to investigate that yet. I noticed in this case it went with a darker leaf color, meaning the plants had a “good” feeding. Makes sense in the end.

I’ve seen more gnats coming too, been adding a lot more BTis lately.

I’ve been hesitating to go that road, but I found some older NL2CD were starting to lack food.

It’s too late now anyway, they’ve been up potted yesterday. Well in fact all but one, as I didn’t mix enough soil. Typical Funkyfunk mess :laughing:

Exactly! She also helps to settle down when I’m too high on sativas but should really go to sleep :smiley:

Lots of things have been lost at that time. Haven’t heard about this one though. Was it a cut from the first iteration of DP hempstar? I’m assuming you had geographical proximity with this scene at that time :wink:

I don’t like peat so much so I’m trying to find something else. Hence trying this kind of mix. Not sure yet which way I’ll go.

I used to use them 10+ years ago and it was ok. The bricks I brought a few month ago seemed a bit different indeed. But the newer ones I’m using now are also again different. Packaging has changed, and looking much more like fine grounded coco hull, very powdery. Maybe I’ll try the canna one next time.

What you mean by that?

That’s usually how I do it. With some medium I also use a fork to break the top layer a bit before misting. But with this coco based mix no need for that.

@blackcarp yeah you’re legalization process seems very limited. Hopefully just the beginning of a process. But looks like they play the “it’s the EU fault” card as an excuse. Did they release people from jail and cleaned their records?


I was “invited” to develop in Germany, last year. Refused because it was the same shit that Spain : slavery, low opportunity to develop lines for german’s tastes but industrial chunks.

And guess who they called just at the law projects step … Canadians to get containers of mids. Luxembourg too called them.

Stoners refuse to see the billions, but our game have changed a lot over the last decade.

It was a massive selection from the very first release; this cut is canonical for me and i even use it to modeling some lines ^^ True love.

Yes, alps and one lab in Grenoble ^^ Also a swiss guy that teached me everything on dutch nutrients and NFT.

Canna love homogeneous mediums, whatever it is. Not joking.

Same shit then … bastards, they killed a good product.

The difference between a hash dealer busted with a couple of kilogrammers, that don’t took hard in general. With someone that run a decent setup to be autonomous … generally the price in jail is quite different ^^

Without entering in more ugly details with our politics accumulating official sentences but that continue to work “not from jail” without any worry. We are used, but it’s really weird from the outside to see that most of our politics get caught on bad stuff with records and all … and still being eligible ^^


Just have to look at what’s happening in Portugal since some time to see who’s in the starting block for the EU legalization and what they’re preparing.


Whats happening in Portugal?


Lots of investors coming to build massive “factories”. A lot from oversea from what I’ve seen. The market changed really fast there it seems.

I’m hopping morocco being slow at legalizing is that they try to protect their farmers, but always have that little doubt in the back of my head, don’t know why. Probably more a struggle with the black market and all its money.

That’s sad then, another thing to add on the prohibition account :angry:

Right good sum up. :smiley: Add to that the corruption that they appreciate the prohibition for. Did you know one of our former interior minister (Charles Pasqua) was part of the French connection? And his heir was… Sarkozy :laughing: But the problem are the little dealers and homegrowers you know!


Yup i knew it ^^ Giscard d’Estaing was quite corrupted to the bones too lol, as president ^^ Our defense minister too, with the tunisian politic mafia … that now drive the FMI ^^

Neverending … trust me or not, Swiss follow our politics like a TV show. They are hoocked and even know more our politics than them lol

Anyway i decided a while ago to tempt my chance in another continent. But damn their immigration system is fucking arid, nothing to have with EU.


Maybe hold on a bit to see how it turns out there after September elections. Could very well become a shit show again. :confused:


i found the quote function \o/ weee, a new level of replying achieved.

As i understand it, the law started the process of a general amnesty. But it will likely be decades before old records are cleaned and people get released.
Gotta keep in mind that its not really legal, its still prohibited, but certain amounts are legal to possess, carry and use, for certain people, under certain circumstances. So they will have to check every case individually most likely. Jail sentences were probably rarely handed out for things that are now legal aswell.

Would be interesting to know if the state then has to pay compensation, for jail time, fines, and social services rendered as punishments. Probably not lol.


Yeah a state rarely sentence itself to pay big fines :laughing:

That’s where i find that completely grotesque.


Quite busy lately, not easy to find time for an update.

Went through a bunch of challenges. First climate control with the alternate heat waves and shitty weather. But I’m starting ot have a grasp on it. Having a wooden frame helps a bit on the humidity levels. Understanding better the LED light handling too.

The last batch of soil I mixed for the seedlings was a complete failure. I would not qualify the new coco brick from U-Gro as a growing medium. At least not as a component for a DIY soil. Makes watering very difficult.
I’ve also made another mistake: I tried to compensate the low PH of the dry nutes I added to the soil by adding a bit of dolomite lime, but it actually made it worst. It fried the plants, either bad PH or too much of something (or both) :confused: For now I’ve abandonned the dry nute strategy and am back on liquid minerals. I’m using terra aquatica tri-part and their root booster right now.

With all that the jamnesia and AHF2 had a bit of rough time. They’ve been a bit stressed, under fed and auto defoliated themselves a bit. But they’re back on track now. There’s been a few hint of mold on leaves from time to time, but it seems still good for now. They’re both bulking up, at their different pace.

We’re day 47 of flowering for them. AHF2 will probably be ready soon, thinking 2 weeks maybe. Pondering when to start to flush it. It slowed a bit with the rough times, but it will still be a decent harvest. Can’t wait to have flowers in the joints!



The worst happened with the seedlings. On the 13 initial I had, I kept 9 when up potting because of available pot constraints. 5 were males and culled. On the 4 remaining, only the one that was not repotted in the bad soil survived. I’ve put it in a regular soil, and it’s doing way better.
So I’m left with one snowthrower. A stretchy no branchy style one, but the not so controlled lightning is probably part of the reason.

At least on the “veg” side (really a 30W amazon light in a corner) things are going a bit better.

Got a fresh AHF2 mother

@LonelyOC TK mother is going well. Like it a lot. She has strong blue hues on the leaves compared to others.

Two clones of one of my USC sourkush F2 males (ECSD x PCK) are OK too

And I’ve just had two clones rooted, a AHF2 and a TK. Pretty pleased by them, they were in good health all the way. No recovery time needed, I’vre repotted them yesterday and they’ve perked up right away and are growing strong.

With the new room in the cab since mot seedlings are gone, the plan is to put in there the two new clones (AHF2 and TK). I’ll also put one of the male clone in there to pollinate the TK and AHF2, because I can. :laughing:. Though I’m more interested on TK x (ECSD x PCK). The TK mother is ready for another batch of 4 clones, I’ll start them today and will put them in flower too when ready to fill the cab.

Only thing is I’m having hard time ordering soil in the middle of the summer holidays. Work in progress!

Will try to update more frequently to avoid biiiiig ones like that. But handling photos takes some times…

Have a good day OG!


Let her get solid roots and she’ll start to shoot some vigorous branches. That will result better and faster clones aswell. When she’s at this stage, she will result in some good yields for you.

Pz :v:t2:


Yeah I’ll try to push her feeding a bit to get solid roots and in the cab asap. I can wait to see her flowering :smiley: She sure likes to branch. Should have 5 of hers flowering in a few weeks if everything works as planned.


Those clones look beautiful!

Sorry to hear about your soil mix issues. Hopefully the liquids get things back on track.

Bummer also about the seedling attrition :confused: I’ve been having my own problems with seedling loss, as you know.

Onward :cowboy_hat_face:

Jamnesia is looking really nice to me.


Hey @FieldEffect thanks, next clones are already cooking good :crazy_face:

It’s easier now with the liquid ferts, got them back on track somehow.

We share many adventures at the same times. I’ve gone the RO+tap mix questioning around the same moment you did for example. :laughing:

I’ll post more of that jamnesia for your NLD delights :wink:


Hey Funky,

Yeah soil can also be an big impact with its water holding capacity and everything… I guess you will dial in that soon.

TK mean Triangel Kush? They are looking great :green_heart:

All the best and happy WE


Yeah, I’ll stop my custom soil attempts for a while. I was not consistent enough with the ratios of components, and the new coco made it worst. But a good part of the problem is me, dialing that part is on the bench :laughing:

Yep, Triangle Kush that is, S1 selection from lonely. I should be able to send some clones in a few weeks for EU people that want to try it. And/or some AHF2 too. Just PM me.

Enjoy the summer WE in the garden with your kido!


Only 8 days since the last update :crazy_face:

But things are coming along, worth a report.

There’s some news: first, entered a spare clone of one of the male. It’s Underground Seed co Sourkush F2 (ECSD x PCK). This one is on the PCK side clearly. Heavy smell. Solid plant. Bu its age is starting to show. I’m gonna collect as much pollen as possible and use it on lonelyOC’s TKS1 and a Afghanhammer F2. By that time it’ll be too late for the Jamnesia.

The rescued Snowthrower from SAN is growing pretty well. I call it the “snow tower” pheno. Zero intention to shoot a branch. I guess it’s more on the white side. It has ended its first flower shooting, entering its frosting stage. Not much smell coming from it, but it should start to kick.

The AHF2 has surprised me. It bumped pretty well from the initial mistreatment. I’ve made a poor job at pruning it, but the harvest will be nicer than expected. Talking about that, it seems to come close, so I’m starting to flush it. A bit late though, it already is drinking less, but should be ok. Could have been frostier if I didn’t mess that much with the feeding. Smell has evolved, surgar has taken a step back to get more skunk/rotten tones with still the hints of perfume.

The Jamnesia has bumped pretty well too. It’s packing its flower, and just entering its frosting stage too. Hoping mold is not going to ruin it. I’m trying to convince myself the brown pistils are just a sign of stress and not mold. But it still look sane and is starting to really stack its flowers. It should really pack up well in the second flowering stage. Not so much a good job on pruning too, I was a bit ambitious on the amount of flowers :laughing: Smell should start to come too.

Too lazy to shoot the veg side I’ll do that later, but the TKS1 and AHF2 clones are growing well. I’m refraining to enter them too fast, but they should be ready in a few days already. The 4 TKS1 and 1 AHF2 clones are also going good and roots should appear very soon.

So that’s all for today folks.

Smell the week end coming too? Have a good one OG!