Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

that’s awesome I’m glad you’re giving us an update. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hey thanks @GreenGardenerGuy . And I’m pretty glad people actually read it :wink:

Bad news though, just spotted a few spider mites on the AHF2 while watering. At that stage there’s not much I can do than kill by hand the one I see. Bummer, I thought this space was relatively mite free. But I should have know they’re everywhere in old places like here.


oh noes, just killed one lady over mites too -.-
never found an acceptable solution to them other than avoidance.

they suck so much… feelin with ya.

taking a shower and going into my tent naked atm to keep the risk as low as i can…
maybe thats crazy but fuck spider mites! ragingfist


Ow, sorry to read you lost a plant :confused: This suckers suck!

Good practice :laughing: I think they’re everywhere in this old building so I’m not sure I’ll be able to do without them. Should probably have dedicated clothing, but I’m not sure it will really change something.

I think most important is to raise the foliar IPM levels. I already use neem on them before putting them in the cab. Some eggs must have survived, and as the weather has gone really dry lately, they popped up. I’ll spray them more regulary. That’s a bit lof logistic and a lot of handling to get them to the shower though :smiley:

At this stage I can’t foliar too much things. People are reporting good success with citric acid, I’m gonna try that and targeted defoliation. Maybe washing the biggest leaves with citric acid + iso too. Hope it can help to manage them.

Most annoying is that I can’t really wash my cab as much a tent allows to because of the wooden frame.


no really, fuck mites.

by the windowboard they eat everything other than my aloe… jalapenos? ha no chance… weed? best have a sacrificial lamb ready, multiple ones… they prefer fruity strains it seems…

tried alot… nothing seems to rly work.

our first indoor run back when ended up drenched in olive oil… olive oil smells so nasty when it cures XD

it only kills the adults anyway, eggs just survive anything i guess…

i tried showering them, hard, and only stressed the fuck out of the plants, for them to look happy for a week, and then new mites hatch from somewhere to do their nasty.

never had much problems if they were simply outdoors, somehow nature keeps em in check, but if they can get in, they will and there aint many ladybugs in a basement.

chemical pesticides i dont like to use since its supposed to be food more or less.

beneficial hunter mites is about the only thing i still imagine might work decently, never tried, poor fellas would prolly starve eventually.

good luck in your crusade! may jah strike fear into those forsaken mites!


Yeah same experience here. Showering helps for a bit, then they come back. They don’t like humid weather so it helps. I guess I’m on for periodic showering. If adding citric acid helps, I won’t complain :slight_smile:


Spider mites especially love temperatures of over 30 degrees and low humidity in the grow room. Then they literally explode! During the growth phase and the early flowering phase, the infested plants can be sprayed on the underside of the leaves with a neem oil emulsifier mixture diluted with distilled water in the light off. The stuff ensures that the critters live more slowly and ultimately starve.


Do the culture like that anyway it’s ruined to win the fight in flo without having risks for your health.
And if the problem persists, use Vertimec Pro or Vertimec 1.8 EC :wink: from the first symptoms during growth :fire::seedling:.
Good culture @funkyfunk
See you


Hey @OPJ! Yeah weather has been perfect for them lately. I use neem+soap in veg, though I should do it on a more regular basis, as well as during the stretch. I’ll set up a calendar for that now :slight_smile: Usually I can keep them at bay, but it only take one egg…

@Orange.bud Yeah I don’t feel like tossing the plants. So I’ll have to limit the impact. Thanks for the product name, didn’t know about this one. I’ve heard of its component, not that it was sold in EU.


Difficult to find now in Europe without having a professional account but on ebay, or even in England and Italy it can be found on the net :wink:.

It’s radical :fire:.
Good cultivation and be careful not to wet the plants too much either so as not to have additional botrytis…:upside_down_face:


Here brotha

Think you ll find it here. If you need it.

I use neem regular for protecting in veg.

Best wishes


Awesome @Orange.bud ! Yeah I’m super careful. Getting better I think, more on the dry side maybe actually :laughing: So far so good! Thanks for the help

@GCC.Bud that sounds good too. Though this one contains pyrethine, and it’s toxic for cats, so not really possible here :confused: Hope the little fam is good!

Trying citric acid on a mother seems good so far, will go on with that.

Trying to find that paper that says it’s actually good for plants at around 300ppm

Found this one meanwhile:


Hey Funkyfunk, nice one bud they’re looking good.
Fwiw when I used citric with peroxide and wetting agent it finished the mites on two seperate occasions.
I dunked the whole plant but that’s probably not a option to you atm.

Fwiw wetting agent and water kills the adult but not the eggs, without a wetting agent surface tension allows them to repel water when it acts against the hairs on them.

With wetting agent water engulfs on contact sealing them in and drowning them.

Best of luck bud :crossed_fingers:


Hey @Star_Dog thanks!

Nice monster picture :laughing:

I use soap usually as wetting agent, it’s also bad for them.

But you give me hope then, thanks!


Bummer about the mites :frowning:

Liking the Jamnesia. :sunglasses:


The AHF2 had it’s citric acid shower, and the invasion does not seem to spread. All leaves that remains are packed with trichomes anyway, so it’s not easy for them to climb on the plant :laughing:

I should take some pics of the jamnesia but have no time lately. She’s been bulking up and is starting to be fat. Been busy pollinating it with some ERSB pollen from @Fuel yesterday. Tonight it’ll have a SSII pollen shower on another branch :slight_smile:


I was tempted to return to coco for the next round … it look like they don’t fixed the fall of their products. And no way i pay 20+ bucks for an uncompressed bag delivered.

Side Golden Rule : any medium for canna have to be homogenous both in retention but also in term of CEC exchange peaks. Ions don’t travel the same way in coco and soil by example, their window of optimal activity is quite gapped. Too wet for soil, too dry for coco. Now today a bunch of supermarket soils are mixed with coco powder, also.

The only case i’ve in mind where a coco/soil mix got an edge was with a thick multilayering; 4 layers lasagna with the last in bottom being coco. On ~1 feet height pots (le format rose EU 20-25cm). Yield still was far away from a 100% coco run.

Dolomite just kill the KH buffer of your nutes (GHE formula based, industrially). In fact you supressed totally the KH from the watering, even if the PH looked better maybe, it was in freewheel.

My opinion ; Most of indoor gardeners are totally wrong to look at their PH with the accuracy of something mechanical of computed. At first because it’s a logarythmic scale lol

French way

Vois ton PH de terre, voir même d’hydro (pour tout ce qui se rapproche d’un DWC niveau réservoir) comme une maison sur pilotis très techno. Qui s’oriente vers le soleil d’est en ouest, et qui régule la hauteur de la construction en fonction du niveau de la mer (qui élève et abaisse ta maison en fonction des marées, en maintenant une pression atmo constante.

Ton PH, c’est juste la garde au sol de la barraque. Et tu t’en carres. Ce qui compte c’est le contexte, ta plante ce qu’elle veut au final est intrinsèquement lié à son système hormonal. Et quasiment pour tout ça se compte d’une à deux semaine de temps d’adaptation : clones, repiquages, forçage, switch floral / stretch, reveg …

Dans l’idéal et d’un point de vue purement phyto, on est censé avec le canna, maintenir non pas un PH d’obsessionnel mais un combo medium/soupes d’une homogénéité irréprochable. Et peu importe le PH en fait … c’est ça qui est con à engager au niveau tactique. Car la génétique joue un rôle. Le pire c’est que c’est l’une des valeurs fondamentale du canna et du chanvre, un trait dominant et caractéristique au niveau de “l’espèce” et non plus d’un génotype même large de plantes. Dépolluant (même en cas de radioactivité) hors pair, meilleure fibre végétale full équation, huile incroyablement riche … ça bosse bien coté racines à la base. Et des hauteurs arides de l’Himalaya en passant par les tropiques ou l’océanie, le canna a bien démontré que sa relation avec le PH du terroir était uniquement épigénétique.

Par exemple avec un PH bas, non seulement je force tout mon genpool à s’y adapter (PH free) mais par contre je vais pas faire le con non plus les yeux bandés.

En ce moment je suis sur Aptus qui a pris le contre-pied des stratégies “organic hype” en n’enrichissant pas en carbone directement. Pour ça que tu peux jeter aux chiottes ton lecteur EC avec cette gamme. Avec ma flotte, plutôt neutre (7-7.5 hors pluie), en début de circuit de distribution (zéro curage annuel) … j’ai plus interet à préserver la qualité de l’eau courante qu’à lutter comme un con pour maintenir mon PH à 6.1 en coco.

Et c’est pas une question de PH, mais de solidité des buffers dans leur équation globale. Si j’avais un PH raide comme le tien (pluies acides + pollution j’imagine), je prendrais que des gammes aux buffers épais comme du Plagron par exemple. C’est pas un conseil, just une démo de la manière de penser ta flotte qui sort de cette obsession pour le PH. En plus c’est tes seeds la plupart du temps, tu peux réveiller les défenses PH de toutes tes lignes en une seule gen et rajouter une couche organique à tes buffers.

J’ai digressé à mort là je crois. Fin du cône de NL5H#2, tres NL5H. Normal ^^ Autant en rouler un autre c’est le week end merde.

Vie de dingue ces derniers temps ici aussi, ça fait du bien de rien glander et de parler canna.

For the update #93, my global concern is the freezed cytokinin activity of the flo side VS the veg side (normal).
They stopped to spread. For the PH stuff, i only see some PH burns on the AHF2 but not big deal.

Very nice green in veg, quite K-rich but legit.

You know i dislike the PCK, but genetically that’s something ^^ Boosting the structure directly with the ECSD is a good idea, then using the TK as spice.

Glad to see your stuff over there bro, you rox ;o)

Update #100 : They “bulked up” very well within one week, nice job. They still itched and they keep their leaves shape short, but they make the job done. Genetically i like it, a resistance improved is not futile in this case generally.

Not tested, it’s not a reccurent problem i have. But a friend regulate them this way, just like i do with nematodes. Thrips and spiders too, he’s well served (semi-guerrila spot).

Yup this shit don’t have any mercy. But so much in flowering stage … i will not play personnally ^^

Funky, don’t play and unleash the dogs directly. There is a bunch of eggs to eat.


Yeah @Fuel the fight is lost for this session without risk to health.
Next time @funkyfunk use Vertimec directly during your growth at 5/7 day intervals 2 sprays and no more problems. Good culture guys :green_heart:.
See you


Maybe the canna bricks are better.

Yeah that was an experiment for easier storage than big bags of soil, but it showed its limit so I went back to classic peat soils. That homogenous thing is probably what brought troubles indeed. Though I had good growth years back with that kind of coco+humus mix, but I didn’t save the recipe. Don’t have time to waste to find it again anyway :slight_smile:

That definitely was a bad move. Tried to be smart and compensate the lower PH of the dry nutes thinking some troubles came from that, but I just did make things worst. I hate having wasted beans like that. There were some more interesting phenos than the one I saved.

Pas mal la métaphore. Ça soulève plein de question, comme est-ce que ça veut dire qu’il faut changer le PH en fonction du stade de la plante si on veut sur-optimiser, des trucs comme ça.

I found a recipe for now regarding PH. My tap water is 0.5 EC and 8 PH. I RO water down that to 0.2EC which brings PH closer to 7-7.5. Surprisingly the GHE nutes (I use the hard water tri-part) don’t change the PH much. I found their root booster seems to contain most of their PH buffer product. It brings it to 6.4-6.5, in line with the soil. That root booster is not so effective as for what it’s been sold for (that’s just kelp in fact), so I use mainly as a PH adjuster :laughing:

Un week end a enchainer les joints et rattraper le retard sur OG dans le lab, rien de tel :slight_smile:

Uhuh yeah PCK is something, hot topic. Never gown it (yet), but was interesting in the outcrosses I tried. It can be pretty loud and It mixed well with ECSD, we will see how the males behaves with the TK. The one I entered in flo is a PCK leaner. The other one shows a lot of ECSD traits (spider mites, smell, finickier, “variegation”, later flowering), but is wounded and waiting for room in the cloner. They’re both pretty loud. And after more than a year of mistreatments I know they’re stabe at least. :smiley:

Thanks! I should update soon, they kept bulking like that. Leaves are still not at their best, but the environmental conditions neither. Crossing my fingers on mold on the jamnesia, the buds are starting to be fat.

@Orange.bud yeah I’m gonna avoid that product at that stage, but dully noted! Gonna have a look at the beneficial mites too, and maybe keep citric acid sprays meanwhile. It also seems to have fungicide properties as well as others, so why not. Still testing that.


Long overdue update! Been pretty busy, both life and plants. Barely have time to follow OG as much as I want.

First the AH saga continued. Or came to an end rather as I’ve spotted some nanners so it was culled. My fault, I pushed it too much, it wanted to die sooner and took a revenge. A bit disappointing, but I was gonna drop that cut anyway. Good smoke, but not worth keeping a mother and I need room too much. It’s overfed so won’t be the best smoke, still something while waiting for the others. I’ll miss her smell, sugary floral skunky perfume, pretty loud and complex (for a mostly indica :wink: )

As soon as it left the cab, another clone was ready to enter, together with a first TKS1 clone. I’ve also put the AH mother since I won’t keep it. Cab is filling up after last seedlings fiasco, I like it. 3 more clones (1 AH, 2 TK) are waiting to be big enough to come.

Speaking of the TKS1, it’s not really a 7 fingers leave but I spotted a unusual one @LonelyOC

Sourkush F2 male is starting to bud up good. I’ve chosen to try the method described by @Budderton. I improvised a bit and used a bread paper bag with its little window, pretty handy if it works. Crash test style!

The “snowtower” from @santero is doing its thing. This time I won’t do like the AH and will listen to myself: day 61 of flowering, I’ve started the rinse a few days ago already. Now that the AH is done, I can smell it a bit more. It’s not really loud honestly, mostly rubber, or what people call tennis ball I guess, something like that. Fat buds still, decent frost. I get the “the white” name with its dark leaves and very bright flowers, it really shines when I open the cab. Pretty plant. That pheno would really fit for a very packed commercial SOG :smiley:

The jamnesia had two batches of pollen on lowers. ERSB and SS2. I think the later took, the former I’m not so sure yet, maybe a few. Buds are starting to be real fat, even if they stretched a bit due to the pollen. I’m pretty happy still, first pollination and it looks like I’m on the way to save something from her. Thanks @Fuel for that!

It always has a tendency to plow under its bud weight, the trash bag it had to protect it from pollen made it worth :laughing: Had to add support, she was just slowly falling. Looking like a tentacular thing. It’s still edgy but going on. Still a few weeks to go, not sure yet how I’ll manage seed maturation vs bud harvest in term of feeding, but if looks like I’ll harvest a good deal of it if mold doesn’t finish it. \o/

(Yes that’s the big format lighter :smiley: )

Well, uploading and formatting all those pics took a while. Got to get used to that new OG, but so far I like it.

Hope the week end is going good OG, see ya around!