Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

Yeah, I’ve seen those before but they never seems to get bigger. It’s going to be interesting to see it being grown out in different environments and how it behaves.

Pz :v:t2:


Damn buddy i see in the photos that you got exactly the same strain of piece of shit systemic fungi that i have here since the end of Spring. Fucking fucked weather, can’t wait the winter now. We are the Oregon of France in our locations lmao, all predators look like inbred like in the Galapagos ^^ I recognize the pattern and the specific stains …

Part of the game, let’s say. But the modern genetics being quite packed with herms of all kind, well … it’s now a real pressure in considerations.

The AK47 i’ve repro this year is an herm line at a point to have hard times to produce true males. Like 0% for now. I’ve made a shit ton of seeds, maybe 10K. Because the first thing i will do to get back the torque of the weed … is to industrially kill its triggered herms, with all the specialized sadism i’m able to generate. I consider that the strain still worth it in its last iteration. But the grade not worth the price, it’s another subject.

The SD … when you’re not hiding behind your fingers, you know that it’s a pure herm cut. Whatever the “genuine version”, even the ECSD. Like many others. I will operate a BX program on it. It mean that i will re-inject and consolidate at each BX stage the hermaphroditism. It imply to use only suppressive males to balance the price of the weed. It mean quite a ride and a bunch of failed parralel lines, breeding elite cuts anyway is a rat race model or you pass your entire life at it. Most of them are ultra recessive genetic errors for their own genotype … it’s not starting with a stable IBL with a genotype working like uniformed trained soldiers.

So yeah, i say this it’s put some relative gears in the equation with two concrete examples you had the opportunity to follow. You know it’s assumed plainly, not a vent.

Beside the tactical matter with the evaluation of the “what is worth” part, there is some rules of thumb with herms in this specific context : to maintain the reference not triggered. It’s why i reveg only in last resort as well. It’s also why the SD here will never veg more than 30-50 days whatever is the state (clone to smoke, clone to seed, clone to propagate …).

So it’s becoming Kushy over there ^^ I’m burning inside to get a clone of TK, just to compare with the OGK reference. For the “strain science”, Kush aren’t my poison generally.

Agreed, nice floral activity and ratios ^^

Happy to have been able to send an emergency package, we bulletproofed the logistic line ^^

Take care about the experimental ERSB side, it can take an insane time to reach the ovula. In the NL5H i’m smoking atm, one stem took 3 weeks to present signs with the same pollen batch.

It’s due to the weird tests on drying process / freezing. The SS2 one was like you owned the male lol, extra fresh ^^ Reliable baseline to gauge the timing, aggressive pollen in bonus.

I got the syndrom quite bad with the fat SD motherplant flowered, the tall JH resist more ofc. This bastard of fungi look like to ruin the Si uptake. Not a joke.

Full priority for seeds, it’s not important that you smoke some harsh cones on this one. It’s temporary. Not the potential of the seeds, it’s exponential. Make it die naturally the most you can, don’t forget that you can operate a partial harvest (only the weed) then put back the remaining seeded stems under lights with a strong regime. Even under 24/0, less prone to have fungi worries due to the constant activity of the plant. When already formed, reveg don’t affect seed’s grade.


Damn funky you are cranking right along.

Excited to see how the bag works out. Nice work despite the difficulties. :+1::+1::sunglasses:


Right on @funkyfunk ! Looking nice over here! Best of luck with your seed making endeavors!


Hey thanks FE and Budderton, I’m pretty happy, I was expecting way more problems :smiley: And first smoke from that cab at last, party time!

Now we’ll see if I won’t pollinate the whole cab with the bag test lol

That’s exactly what I thought when I saw some of your pictures, very similar shit. It’s here, I hope it won’t become much more active. Weather next week will be sporty.

Yeah, though I have to admit I didn’t expect that from such parents.Thought this lines were clean and Kerala would have cleaned it further. But well… I did not have much project for it apart being a toy to practice the green thumb and have some night time smoke. It’s good, but I want to find even better. I’ll probably seed one of the clone with the SK pollen, more because I can than because I have a a real intention. Not willing to de-herm a line right now, more so by adding more with the ECSD :laughing:

Sounds like a long hunt.

That’s great to have that documented somewhere. Makes sense to keep an untriggered ref. I’ll see in the next grow if I can avoid that trigger. It’s still good to have found the leverage to show it still.

Uhuh yeah, never tried a full kush yet. Want to smell that famous terps, and also have a taste of that TK high. :slight_smile: Just adding references in my brain.

If you can’t refrain anymore, just say, I have a bunch of snips that should be ready in 10-15 days, maybe before. That way we’d bulltetproof the line the other way around :wink:

It was really clear. With the SS2 pollen the bud shape and pistils changed in 24H, in 48H it was pretty obvious. It looks like what you say for the ERSB one, some calixes seems to change too, but slower indeed. We’ll see. The ERSB pollen was much more gooey compared to the SS2, harder to apply.

Yeah I thought about your SD when I added support. Same not so optimized pruning :laughing:

That’s probably how it’ll end up honestly.


Little morning update, cause the male is doing its (easy) part pretty well. There will be some pollen, if I don’t mess my (harder) part , collection, storage and use :smiley: Day 20 of flowering.

Never seen it full flower in fact, so that’s pretty interesting (and fun). Don’t know what to think about it yet :thinking:


What is your process on storing the pollen, long term and short term.


Pretty basic I think, I don’t have a vacuum machine or such things :slight_smile: First time I store some too.

Maybe I’ll mix with dehydrated flour if I have the time to make some. But that’ll probably be dry a few days, put in folded paper in small zip bags with a few rice grain. In the fridge for short term, in the freezer for long term. Crash test again.


And it’s a good thing. Grains are sensible to pressure, even dry.
Like an egg. But that germinate ^^


Egg is a good metaphor :slight_smile: There’s some people using vacuum to seal their pollen with success though. But yeah, doesn’t seem mandatory to do it anyway, so I won’t waste money.

A few pics from this morning while I checked for the snowthrower trichs maturity (and nanners :face_with_hand_over_mouth: ) Day 77 of flowering, getting closer.

I call it “shining star” now, it’s not turning you blind by looking at it, but it’s certainly bright. Putting good weight , the stem is strong, but dangerously bending when I handle it. :laughing: Still smelling rubber/tennis ball, sometimes pretty loud.

Meanwhile the jamnesiaxSS2 beans are aging

P.S This new grid is so awesome!


The new functions are an absolute banger compared to the old messy interface ^^
I’m re-organizing the wikis now because of this evolution lol

I must say that i love the floral grade. I understand the will to preserve this.

I’m super happy.

Don’t hesitate to ring the bell for the BX1, i know this line quite well and i’m using it for the most complicated out crosses generally. The SS2 was initially planned for an hell : Chem 91 S1 stabilization (sexual + terps) ^^ The floral will become a bit more leafy globally but the leads are super clear even in F1. She even have the tendance to produce pure RR directly in F1 with sativas (tested on NL5H/C5 base hazes only).

It will be amazing if within 2 weeks you get the ERSB stem fertile too ^^ More destructive i guess, she’s more complementary that the SS2 clash, but on potency you can be sure to have a funny bump ^^


Ah that’s great you think about doing that.

That’s a shared joy :smiley:

I certainly will. I have not much knowledge of SS2. I’ll do my homework, but a bit of guidance can help a lot.

Yeah ERSB is getting me a bit excited too. :slight_smile: I’ve spotted one swollen calix on the ERSB branch, but it’s not far from the SS2 branch. It might very well be contamination given it seems at the same stage than the SS2 branch beans. We’ll see. You bet it’s under careful watch.

After trying your bazooka, I’m not against a little bump in potency in the jamnesia, it’s lacking a bit on that department. But with the high ceiling it’s just a matter of joint fatness anyway :laughing: What matters to me in this line is the very clear high and no comedown.


I’m seeing the goal, SS2 is an intimidating outcross in F1 but a breeze to manage you will see. Its printfoot is mostly on explosive F1s (expressions) and resistance/SAR vigor.

As far as i can see, seeds will not be enough numerous to reduce the hell to only auxin freaks from the first transplantation / generation. You will have to deal with the natural diversity VS the artificial segregation of a panel.

For one time, these cases are pure maths decision in breeding. I’ve the same case with some AK47 x Shishka progeny and the Giger#1 phenomenom by example. The base of the equation is different, but the output mechanically depend on the same constraint. Vicious right ?

Being in a BX program, it’s at your advantage to don’t really care much about the F1s but about a massive F2 seed’s increase on the best auxin producer of this limited pack. Even if you’re frightened by the floral at F1. Focus on the backbone only, and push it the first gen the time to get rid of the heterosis.

Take in count that a SS2 aside a Jam/AH is quite distant. It mean a lot in term of heterosis potential, the reason of my whole digression + “SS2 strain science”.

Bazooka is unfortunately weaker that the usual reference. Strain wounded. At the minute i’m writing these words, i’m sipping a blunt of JH#7, the coffeeshop bitch. Same shit, but the double-flowering helped to mature rightly. So it’s fakely more potent than the bazooka … it’s why i share my weed now only with people that involve their hobby in breeding. Not a joke.

At personal level, it’s the will to know if you’re a “JH receptor guy” before i kill the stash, even if it was straight “breeding weed” not specially dialed.

Not to put pressure on the smoke report, but yeah … the more comparisons you can do inside, even with external ref, the more helpfull for decisions. It’s always with the lines you know the most that it’s the more complicated to dodge bullets.

You read enough my shit to know that potency isn’t a fixed constraint in the timeline of any breeding project. Catching any opportunity to improve it yes, but if it’s included in the first priority : stabilizing this cut in seeds. A BX3 can do this quite fast with these ladies i think, with a very decent fidelity and a resistance more compliant with our lands as well.

Don’t chase the dragon so close to a landrace-state-heterosis, inject it in a weak genotype and let it “bonifie” and age during the process. Even if the phenotype is brute-forced, the line is evolving (it’s the big advantage over starting with a S1) and take torque. Just saying, potency is really a detail in cannabis breeding.


LOL again we have similar timing with things, you smartly have gotten the bags already.

FWIW my plan for the pollen was to dry the flowers with silica dessicant, grind with a “kief catcher” type grinder, individually package small amounts of pollen in parchment paper folded envelopes, and vacuum seal with a small dessicant pack. Then into the back of the fridge in opaque bags. I’ve been doing that successfully with pollen both reversed myself and pollen received from here.

Was unaware vacuum could potentially damage the pollen grains.

The new interface has been frustrating to me but I’ve just not been online enough to learn to use it yet. I’ll be online more again, so I’ll figure it out.

My favorite :cowboy_hat_face:

Nice to catch up a bit, things are looking good


Thought the same reading your update!

Honestly that was complete improvisation. I was removing older pods for a few days thinking it was too soon to put the stems in a glass when I remembered the bag technique. I’ve seen pictures of it being used industrially in some unis as well as budderton’s posts. Searched the house, found the bread bag. Good enough after a few tests. :laughing:

I needed the room for the incoming clones, and so I harvested it. Day 24, could have gone longer but it already spited a fair amount. Still have a clone of it anyway and there will be enough for the two I’m targeting. Maybe I’ll be able to stock some. Low maintenance no feeding no care. Easy so far :smiley:

Silica seems nice but I can’t find a place where it’s cheap enough.

I tested rice grains in a jar straight from the package, it’s steady 61-62% RH (interesting). I had some other I’ve dried while I decarbed some weed, steady 10% RH :scream: A bit too much maybe, I’ve mixed a bit of both to get a steady 40% or something.

Gloves, mask, temporary clothes, ready for a slaughtering in the bathroom with minimal air movement and a ton of water sprayed. It got downed in the sink with cement on its stem. Ugly.

I’ve cut the stem, agitated the whole holding it in a way to put everything in a place, removed the plant taking care to press everything around the stem to extract as much flowers as possible. Group everything a bit again. Cut a corner of the bag and pour on a parchment paper. Well that was a bit more adventurous, but I got this:

Could have gone better I think. I see a few ways to ameliorate the bag idea. That can be really handy (pun intended).

In the dark for a couple days, mixing it from time to time, then sieved and mixed with dried flour maybe. Won’t have to store it for too long, the first clone batch is at 16 days and buds are starting to tease. :slight_smile: I’ll take a few pic asap.


As promised, sneaked at “dusk” in the cab to shoot them

Let’s start with the oldest: jamnesia day 81

She’s entering her other round of flowering after the little rest it (finally) took, taking a bit of time to throw trichomes. It has been throwing pistils without mercy since the beginning. Very tiny calixes, but so many! They’ll fatten up later, as for the trichomes.

I’m thinking at that’s stage that’s a 100ish or something, so there’s 20ish days left. That would bring the seeds to 35 days since pollination. I can still leave the pollinated branches anyway. Fungi also seems to have taken a rest, crossing fingers.

Took good notes on the BX advices @Fuel :smiley:
I surely am alredy tricked by the heterosis on this one, I’ll try to keep that in mind with the F1s.

You and a buncher of others here give me hope with americans when it comes to sativa high :laughing:

@santero snowthrower, day 70, still a star

Difficult to shoot it correctly.

It’ll be tight, I’ve planned it for around 70 days harvest, but it looks like it will be more 80. Trichs ask for a bit more time. I’ve assumed it would be all “the white” alike, but it seems at this stage the SD is kicking in. The flower formation changed a bit like a SD would do at that stage.

So I’ve started the flush a bit early and it already has eaten itself quite a bit. Well, that’s life, I’ll maintain it as much as I can. Less weight, but well rinced one at least.

The TK and 2 AH clones, day 17, bloom is starting:

Hit by the “clones-don’t-stretch-much” syndrome :smiley: But they’re going pretty well.

A few closer shots of @LonelyOC TK:

Leaves get this shape when they age:

And finally the 3 newcomers, 2 TK and 1 AH

The AH is corner took a beating, I think because this precise spot is not so well aerated and not good for plants of that height. I moved it, we’ll see.

That’s all folks!


They are looking healthy and a tip for next TK grow out is to let it even get bigger. You’ll notice when she ready for flowering, when you notice that she’s starting to take off in veg. That’s because she got a sensitive root zone so when she got really established roots, she will shoot for the stars and you will be rewarded with heavy yields.

When she’s not in the right stage in veg and flipped to flowering. She won’t have the energy to stretch as much in flowering because she’s putting all the energy into the root zone. You’ll get just as quality flowers, but much less yields. So having small plant to try her out is perfect, but keep in mind that she can also be a real producer.

Pz :v:t2:


Good tips! I noticed it was a bit finicky on its roots. Still have the mother, maybe I’ll flower it after the last batch of snips.

I can tell it can produce, it’s pretty vigorous and sturdy mind the roots, even with the treatment they have now. Terpy all along too.

I don’t have much of a veg space, so I can’t really get them much bigger. That’s why I think I’ll switch to 12/12 from seeds for most of the things. Wanted to keep them one bud style too… I up potted them from solo cup when they really just seem to start to take off. But it will sure be like a solo cup run in one gal more than anything else :laughing:


You can still prune her tops, it’s the roots that need to really take “root”… Pun very much intended. This is a good way to keep her small while give her time to root properly.

You’re doing a fantastic job. Super happy that you manage to receive it and keep it alive!

Pz :v:t2:


A little update, been pretty busy lately but kept plants happy.

The jamnesia keep flowering, though a bit slower. Buds seems to reveg and stretch a bit. Starting to have some weight on the branches. Nothing new on the SS2 seeds side, still there. Day 86, still need some time, so that’s perfect. It’s starting to output its refreshing smell.

The TKs (front row) and AHs (back row) looks pretty happy, day 22 for the oldest, 7 for the newest.

The TK is a great plant. Lonely really took care of choosing one with good roots. It colonized faster and better the soil than the AH (even the mother), is much more thirsty. Good metabolism. Can’t wait to smoke it.

I’ll throw the sourkush pollen on them this week.

And the snowtower is still here at day 75. Still needs a bit of time and paying the early flush. The apical bud is quite massive now. The scent has completely shifted to something herbal/floral, much less interesting than the previous tennis ball smell.

Just cloned all the 4 plants remaining in veg to cycle them. Was able to take 4 snips from the poor jamnesia mother, which is something given its state. Crossing fingers.

That’s all for today folks!