Funniest Pot Stories, Looking Back

I was living in an old log cabin. It had once been a school and the place my stepdad was born. It had a newer added on section that doubled the footage. when I harvested my plants I just cut the branches off the main stock and hung tem inside. Growing had kept me more homebound than I liked. So after all the plants were hung inside I and my lady at that time decide to visit the coast for a couple days… Imagine how we felt upon returning to find. no locks were broken all of the pot gone except a couple tiny branches The door was the only entrance as the windows had around fifty coats of patnt sealing them forevermore as far as we were concernedI went outside looking for clues on who might have done the deed, Findin no clues to forced entry. Making another round of the cabin I saw agood size branch coming out from high on the wall. Pulling it down I saw more behind it. Leaving me the choice of taking the wall apart or leaving the pot as an expensive fragrant insulation. The wall never had a chance after cleaned out that wall we noticed more in an adjoining wall. after reving all we found We figured a third was still at large and never was retrieved. Frm what traces were found we were pretty sure that the local pack rats were to blame and war was declared. sat up the next two nights with the 22 rifle at the ready. no casualties were taken on either side So we bought some D-Con pellets placing themin any spot we thought they could find Later as I walked under a box in the rafters the box tumbled down onto my head. Saw a pacrat looking down…I walked to my grandmas house and asked to borrow her big tomkat a day or two. After telling her about the packrats we got the cat and never saw a rat return inside the house before we moved some four months later. A pacrat looks like other rats except at the end of its tail has a ball of fur usually found in the woods they re notoriu fo taing any thig they can carry.


So much weed it’s coming out of the woodwork. Literally. Hahaha.

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