Fx additives

So goin to town on some f2 additives
I guess i muffed introduction
n 1st off chose poorly near got run off…
lol aint fake, just buried.
so am an old school stoner…
had no documented, i thought…
turns out i have somethin …fallbrook from the 70>s flower n seed i guess say n will whatever.
lol looks gold to me. to be sure according to best of truths this is the same as was in 76,
considerin my recolection of then would say had to be fallbrook folks growin rainbow or gold.

surfers shared it up coast round bicentenial…it was funny, 1k situps or pushups pretty norm yeah?
just no knock to kanuk i saaid i have no barter, least that…
still like to procure a seed or two… if somethin interestin n no clue what to offer just yet
, in my mind by march
if i am gifted… a nuff bodhi charm, or better the white n appa to see sea effect i duno if right to set that yet… either …i will get there …

just to petition my way of goin eh?
yaya i will hire translator and play if forced >=)

and no clue if such things are easy to figure yet either yeah?


Saddle racks… now there’s something you don’t see in the city… :+1: :smile:
Are you composting that manure before using it?

Oh yeah… and welcome to Overgrow!
