G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Is your tent Vivosun?


Nope it’s a spider farmer.


Yeah, cuz there is not a MarsHydro high CFM kit for a 2×4. Like wtf? Lol.

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Nice! good to know they work with SF tents. Same size poles i guess?


I cant believe that! with all the top notch grow equipment they make thats definitely something missing


Yeah I looked for a spider farmer one naturally. I could only find 2 options, vivosun and ac-infinity.

Edit: went with vivosun because the bars telescope. I have a 4x2 and a 3x3. It comes with 4 telescoping poles. I didn’t want a bar across the door making it harder to water, so I use 3 of the bars in the flower tent, and 1 for the back wall of the veg tent.


5/6 Midnight Cowboy and 4/6 Divine Intervention above the soil, soaked them in a shot glass overnight then to a paper towel starting Tuesday night, 1 even had a tail poking out the shell after under 24h!


Day 39 today, looking like they want a little potassium…?
The most effected leaves are of the couple colas that are highest in the middle of the tent that gets hit with the fan the most, I figure more transpiration is depleting the K?
Couple lowers showing some symptoms too, again mostly ones that get hit the most with the oscillating fan on the floor that I turn on at night

I added 1.2g/gal of solution grade potassium sulfate to my reservoir about a week ago when I noticed this starting, haven’t seen any improvement, it’s only progressed a little more :thinking:


I agree with your assessment. If I was in your shoes, I would probably just bump up the bloom food part of the trio by a couple ml/gal. Mind you I’m not super experienced.

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I’m doing a bit of a synganic grow here, started with a loose coots mix soil mix, and have top dressed a few rounds every 2-3 weeks of Dr earth, wollastonite, kelp, and castings.
Feeding rooted leaf nutrients 1-2x a week and I’m more worried of overfeeding than under feeding, but this keeps progressing even with a couple heavy feed rate feedings in the past week, and some potassium sulfate in the reservoir.
Starting to wonder if I could be experiencing some lockout due to ph or something like that…
My favorite expression in gardening is “just throw a little moron” and I don’t want to play into that, although I feel like I already have by adding the potassium sulfate at the first sign of this a week ago

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Veg tent is looking quite colorful and full with some microgreens, a couple clones of the TK x Chem, and the new bodhi seeds. Looks like still just 4/6 of the divine intervention 2 days later. Nothing poking out of the soil and there were 2-3 of them that didn’t have a tap root after the time in the paper towel with the rest, so maybe we’ll see them, maybe we won’t :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crossed_fingers:

I think I’ll have to add the humidifier back into the veg tent once I transplant the bodhi plants to 4 inch containers in the next few days and they lose their humidity domes. It’s like 80° and 40-45% humidity in there because the dehumidifier keeps the lung room at about 40% to maintain around 50% or under in the flower tent

Throw in a heat wave and this is a real circus of climate control :joy:


@LzBoy i saw you asking about keeping track of the grow in @JustANobody’s thread and didn’t want to clog it up with my own pictures and chat, but here’s what I’ve found that works well for me running 2 small tents. I suppose I could use little colored sticky tabs to keep track of which set of plants I’m writing about, but currently I’ll just write “bodhi plants” for any notes on their feedings starting this week, and any unannotated mix/larger batch I know is for my girls in flower just by what’s in it etc, or I write in days of flower once in a while randomly in the margin. Not the most organized, but good enough for me for now. I’ll write a little detail about days I’m noticing deficiencies, exceptional growth, etc,

This notebook I found at staples works really well for me with the way it’s laid out


Hey bud for the future feel free to clog away.


haha thanks! a plant picture wouldn’t feel too out of place but a picture of my grow journal didnt seem too relevant :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


It’s all good dude

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Day 41, end of week 6
Blumat reservoir has 1.2g/gal Epsom salt and Potassium sulfate, been running with that the past 10 days ish and still #1 looking a little Mg hungry, #2 K, and #3 is justttttt right!
#3 is also my favorite bud structure, can’t quite put my finger on the combination of smells… gotta give it another few days or week to develop, but besides the piney earthy, there’s like a weird musky incense…? If that makes sense :joy: like I said, hard to describe so we’ll check back on that one
So far a little sugar leaf rub of #1 smells best, smells like the super good top shelf stuff I got through a friend who had connections in NYC back around 2011-2012ish
And I’ll have to edit tomorrow for notes on #2 because I wiped my fingers off with iso and made sure they didn’t smell like resin to get a rub of her and totally forgot




#3 again


Hey GGBG! Thanks for the tips :ok_hand:
My handwriting is gawd awful so I’m might look into something with Google docs on my tablet to do an end of day tally on stuff.
I keep it pretty simple with megacrop epsom and just got some sweet candy. It’s easy to dial in or weaken the flower batch for the ones in veg, or a separate 2g water can.
Im literally a year into growing, and haven’t figured out what routes to take. Clones, keep mothers, just pop beans cus I’ve gotten so many and probably won’t run out for decades, all OGs fault, and I’m ok with that :grin:
Seeing incredible peeps grows going like @JustANobody, yourself and other around here :blush:
I have to think got way more experience than lill ol me :blush:
I’d like to try and keep a nice balance feeding the flower tent but can also see how easy it can get away from ya.
1st world grow problems eh?


Just noticed how stacked my backup nutrient/amendment shelf is and thought it was worth a picture :sweat_smile:
More hiding behind like wollastonite, agsil, photo+, great white, masterblend tomato/veg, and micro nutrients for my outdoor CoF (complete organic fertilizer, as per steve Solomon’s recipe)
I feel like I’m prepared for my plants to undergo an apocalypse :rofl:


Absolutely exhausted but these midnight cowboys (hopefully mostly cowgirls :sweat_smile:) needed to be transplanted, I don’t love these seed cells with slits when the temps are warm and humidity isn’t super high, they just dry out a bit quick like mini fabric pots
Looks like DI #5 is about to poke through the soil a bit late to the party, we’ll see tomorrow!
All these plants are looking super happy, I’ll start some foliars of rooted leaf nutes soon, otherwise the soil they’re in plus the little Dr earth I added should be plenty good for a few weeks!

And some updated pictures of the TK x chem, tried to get each individual plant in a picture. 1 and 2 are looking like they need a little something but it’s the end of week 7 and I top dressed 2 weeks ago, pro just ride it out with some rooted leaf feeds 1-2x a week and some K sulfate in the blumat reservoir. #3 is just peachy!
Makes me want to try to take a clone or try to reveg, but I’ll be away for 2 weeks in October and won’t have anyone who I can trust to do more than fill the blumat reservoir with water :grimacing:
Planning on flipping to flower so the timing works out that these bodhi seeds are around 8-9 weeks of flower when I leave. Weird to be planning life so far ahead around my plants/grow plans…

TK x Chem # 1, 2 and 3 in order. Day 44 flower


DI #5 had a tail the other day and was going the wrong direction in the soil so I flipped it and gently replanted, since then the fungus gnats have only gotten worse in the veg tent and I wasn’t using bti in there, poked at the seed cell today and found an empty shell with gnat larvae inside :man_facepalming:
The transplants got watered in with liquid bti in the mix lastnight so should be alright there but fuck these things are annoying!
I’ve got sticky traps all over and have had to hand water in a bit of bti every other day on my 3 plants in flower to keep the gnats down in there and still not fully eliminated. Pantyhose on my intake ducting, everything all sealed up and the fuckers just won’t relent
I even shopvac as many adults as I can out of the air when I open either tent :joy: