G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Did some defoliation this morning, a bit more than planned because most of the lower leaves on #1 fell off with a slight touch, she pretty much lollipoped herself :joy:

She’s been looking a bit overwatered the past couple days, hoping fungus gnats aren’t causing root issues or something… they’re relatively under control in the flower tent but still persistent even with watering in some BTI every 2 days.
I turned that blumat down a half a triangle.

2 and 3 look pretty happy, I clipped a few fan leaves up top that were stacked and not getting good airflow, or resting on top of another cola.

Most of the leaves that dropped off #1 easily weren’t too faded, and they were soft on the browning areas. This happened my first photoperiod grow also around the same time after looking back in my notes and pictures.

Day 46 flower


5150 Triangle kush x Chem 91 Day 51 flower,
Pulled a handful more dead leaves today, before and after in the last 2 pictures, I should probably clip the couple dying sugar leaves in the middle, just needed to get some food.
Some of the leaves have spots with this weird look on the bottom side and dead tissue on top, almost looks like some insect eggs or damage… I have fungus gnats that I’m trying to control with bti, but I inspect my plants closely under and on top of the leaves daily and have never seen anything else.
I used my loupe to look at this and can’t see any better what it might be.
Just smells like super good weed I remember getting in the years around 2010, can’t wait to try this!


Looking great man, you have a nice canopy going there in that 4x2.


Where do you source your water?
Well, cistern, piped in city water?

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thanks! i just noticed in the past week or so how organized of a grid the colas are, especially the center plant. So satisfying!

and @Flower just regular ole tap water, dechlorinated. I havent used my EC meter in a while since im not using straight salts anymore now that im onto rooted leaf nutrients, but i remember my tap water was somewhere around .7-.9ec, definitely get alot of calcium scale if i put tap water in the dehumidifier so for now with my seedlings im buying gallons on sale for like $1.25 a day…

im using blumats and absolutely loving them, 5 gal bucket reservoir that i refill once every 3-5 days, and hand water in nutes 1-2x a week


Bodhi seedlings coming along nicely! 17 days since dropping in water
6x midnight cowboy (left) and 4x divine intervention (right)
Just had their first feed of rooted leaf and Hygrozyme/hyshield
I’ll do a foliar of some solar rain tomorrow.

Haven’t mentioned it yet but I’ve been using rooted leaf lineup in different combos as foliars for my vast array of veggies outside and they absolutely love it! Huge happy plants all around!


What’s going on…? Ph issue maybe?
Yesterday vs today, watered with rooted leaf lineup yesterday, more yellowing today.
Flush a bit…? Not sure what to do


You giving full strength on the nutes, and how often? I tend to think they are just hungry for something.

New growth looks good, and they are getting pretty late in flowering, so I don’t think it’s a big deal regardless.


Doing medium feed rates on the primer A/B and peak bloom, heavy feed rates for the calmag fuel, silica skin, resin bloom. Usually about 3 days apart since I’m trying to keep BTI in the soil for the damn fungus gnats that I can’t eradicate :man_facepalming:
Starting to wonder if a little carnivorous plant would get some more of the adults than the sticky traps

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Midnight cowboy and Divine intervention are growing quick, need to get another tray and spread them out a bit more
Some neat variegation on one of the DI


They are about to take off man. Topping time or all natural?

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They just got their first 2 light feeds of rooted leaf 4 days ago and another lastnight, some serious steam picking up now!
I should start the foliars because I definitely notice what a difference they make, but I’m mixing up enough nutes and sprays between the TK x Chem and 2 veggie gardens :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:
Plus side is my houseplants love the veg foliar sprays!

I’m between letting them go all natural, or a single topping to keep the height under control a bit in my short 2x4.
Id think id want to do a kind of later topping if im going for the latter?

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If I’m you, I’m topping within the next week and then letting them become bushes. That doesn’t mean I’m right or it’s the best way but that’s how I do it. The earlier you top, the bigger those main colas are going to be, they’ll have more time to get big.

Edit: I’ve also found that topping seems to help mature the plant a bit, and often times it’s not too long after that I see some pre-flowers and get an idea on sex. Completely anecdotal but…

I hadnt thought about earlier topping giving more time for the 2 main colas that come from it to grow/mature more, i kinda just figured id let em get a bit big and knock them back to a couple sets of lateral branches from the bottom which is more what i did this current run, but i didnt love the structure that gave and also think it stunted them a bit more chopping though and healing a 1/4 inch stem vs a little snip of new growth… this is why I’m always happy to have dialogue about what were all doing with people on here!
The bodhi seeds are only my third grow of photoperiod plants so im still figuring out a flow of the timing for stuff like topping, veg time, plant count in the 4x2, etc.

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Still not loving the weird discoloration on the new growth and rapidly dropping off older growth leaves that aren’t even fading before the plants drop them, just getting some burnt looking edges and other spots…
Removing all the leaves with notable portions of dead tissue, feels like I’m removing a lot though and we’re just coming up on the end of week 8 tomorrow, planning for around 11 chop


Plastic shoe trays work well as a nice cheap sturdy tray for a handful of plants
Spaced out the bodhi seedlings, they’re looking great for just 3 weeks since hitting water!


I think I figured out my issue with the CSI plants in flower listening to the newest growcast episode with Dr coco, he’s talking all about about oxygen levels in water and the concept of “overwatering” more so being “lack of oxygen”.
My lung room where the blumat res is is like 82° right now so I’m sure the dissolved oxygen level in the res is super low, especially as it’s nearing needing a refill at 3-4 days… the way he describes it and how it’s often misdiagnosed as other problems, I think that might be my issue…
The one guy at sustainable village (blumat supplier of the US) told me to put like 5ml/gal of 30% peroxide in the res and said it’s be totally fine for organics and really wouldn’t effect the bacteria population of the soil, but will help keep my lines clean. I did it a couple times with the equivalent amount of 3% peroxide and it definitely helped clean the lines out, not sure if it would help add oxygen to the water too, or does the oxygen get reacted with whatever it’s oxidizing to kill off…?

Anyways, I topped the bodhi plants today before they got away from me, some of the stems were getting pretty thick already, suspecting males for a couple of those, also saw tiny signs of pre flower on a topped cut, I’m guessing male :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


5150 TK x Chem 91 at 61 days today, planning on going around 11 weeks. Chop day can’t come soon enough!
Individual shots of #1, #2, and #3

And a quick shot of the Divine intervention and Midnight cowboy, just starting week 3 of veg. Just topped them all the other day and they’re rolling along nicely!


I’ll have to get some pictures of the Tk x Chem later or tomorrow, trichomes are starting to cloud up a bit on day 63 here.
Definitely think water temp was my issue, dumped a tray of ice into my 82° reservoir today just as the blumats were kicking on, no plant wants 82° water I’m sure! Plus the lack of oxygen it’s capable of holding at that point.
I guess mid summer grows ain’t it right now with my current circumstance/equipment

Bodhi seedlings missed water yesterday and were looking a bit wilty this morning, every other day it is for them…
I’m wondering if there will be any harm in keeping them in these 4.5in containers until I pick my females for transplant into the flower tent in about 3-4 weeks, any opinions?
I let tomatoes and peppers go like 2 months in these size containers, but I’m kind of thinking of getting some half gallon square pots to transplant up and give these girls some more soil to feed on, hold water, and some more room for their roots


Tk x Chem are looking pretty much the same as they have since about week 5 so I’ll mostly post trichome shots now :man_shrugging: day 66 today, loupe shots from Thursday (day 64)
Getting close, trying to hold out patience until atleast 11 weeks which would be next Wednesday…


