G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Looking great man. I’ll bet you get some small pre-flowers popping up on your veg plants any time now over the next couple weeks. Keep eyes on that node right above the topping.

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1 or 2 of em that were the quickest growing from seed and suspected males looked like they had tiny lil preflowers starting to show above where i topped so i dont expect it to be too long!
I wont be flowering them until about the 23rd of next month to line up harvest with a vacation.
Im thinking transplanting to half gallons are probably the move, especially so they arent drying every day once they get a bit bigger, just need to order some.
Also the fungus gnats are raging in the veg tent despite BTI being in my feeds/waterings every other day… :man_facepalming:

Double update tonight on both tents :v:

5150 Tk x chem 91 at day 66 flower, I was aiming for 11 weeks but 10.5ish might be as long as I can let them go with humidity creeping up




And the bodhi boys n girls, Divine intervention and midnight cowboy
I need to start doing the solar rain foliars for these, that stuff makes a difference super quick!


Very nice bro. Super chunky flowers.

Your veg tent is going nuts. That girl in the back left looks like she might be starting to ask for some cal-mag. One of my midnight Cowboys was always super hungry, looked alot like that one in color.

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Yah they’re all getting medium feed of the rooted leaf right now which has a calmag component but there’s an extra foliar only Mg bottle that I just haven’t had the time to use. I’m sure they’d all love a little of that and the calmag bottle as a foliar, planning on hitting them tomorrow.
I did a little leaf tucking today to let some lower branches come up, normally don’t like to take any leaves so early but it’s so dense in there they’re all fighting for light!
A bigger tray to spread the containers out a bit more would help too

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Nice job bro Those buds are thick!

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I’m just realizing it’s interesting how the biggest bud pheno was apparently the least hungry of the 3, although they all took some pretty heavy synganic feeding of rooted leaf nutes and top dressings of extra wollastonite, Dr earth, kelp, etc.
Tomorrow is day 70, trying to wait another 5-7 but I don’t want to let the sugar leafs that are already dying die back into the buds.
Might be smart to hang those colas separate honestly

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The seeded branch I hit with Yogi pollen from @Pigeonman on #1 was looking especially unhappy so I pulled it lastnight and couldn’t even wait for it it dry to see how well the pollen took :sweat_smile:
13 mature and 4 immature that passed the finger crush test, super cool to have been able to do my own chuck, thanks @Pigeonman!


Congrats @Growgrassblowglass !!!


Veg tent is going wild! Couple suspected males confirmed

And 5150 TK x Chem 91 at 72 days today, planning on chopping at 77 on Wednesday.
I roasted a wet bud from a branch I clipped Wednesday and that’s the best damn smoke I’ve tasted in a long time, even totally wet still!
Nice high too, it crept up for a few minutes and surprised me how much of an effect I got from 2 snapper bowls of wet buds

After having some bud rot in my last run, I’m super paranoid about this run so I’ve been removing any leaves with any dead tissue. Might just take a couple branches off the middle plant who’s sugar leaves are dying off the most


I’ve been extra paranoid about bud rot this run since I lost most of my last crop, airflow has been kept high, temps are in the low to mid 80s day, and lowest is like 77 at night, both higher than I’d like but that’s summer growing I guess…
Learned my lesson for next year, ac in the room or shut down for summer :grimacing:
The dying leaves on the middle plant top colas got a bit concerning so I took them lastnight, aswell as 2 tops from #1 and 1 from #3, have them all separate form where I’ll dry the rest of the plants just in case there is any bud rot in the biggest of those colas.
I found like 2-3 slightly yellowed bract calyx’s and a couple petioles that I had left an inch of after trimming a fan leaf that I didn’t like the look of, but I’ll just keep my fingers crossed…

I didn’t know until yesterday that botrytis is systemic and infects from the inside out until reading that yesterday, I knew it lived in soil pretty much all the time but I thought splashing when watering or distrubing the soil excessively when working in dry amendments or something like that was what kicked up the spores into the air and got them onto the buds, then it was just a matter of if conditions were right for it to take hold or not.

Lots of leaves looking questionable too, been pulling them as I see these dead spots start to appear


And I spread the Bodhi boys and girls out a bit more lastnight and inspected them for preflowers. I think a couple males are showing but I’ll have to let them get a bit bigger before being able to tell 100%
Hitting them with another solar rain foliar today to try to satisfy and green up a couple of the Midnight Cowboys


Looking great man. Crazy stuff about the botrytis, it’s interesting that it lives in soil yet is still a thing in hydro. Anyways man I hope to never have a run in with it.

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Yah that is interesting, I listened to a growcast episode with the people from Hygrozyme that they talked about some pathogens being waterborne and could even come from your tap or well water!
I hope you never do either my man, your grows look great!
It was absolutely devastating to cut into a forearm sized cola last harvest and realize that whole plant was a goner, and had been infected long enough to spread spores to most of the rest of the plants, or they just got infected aswell.
I’ve recycled and amended my soil since my first grow, kinda tempted to start 100% fresh with these bodhi seedlings and just buy a bag or 2 or craft blend even though it’s stupid expensive now days…
Growing in an unfinished basement in a 100+ year old house, where we also store some garden tools like the power washer etc that go outside and come back in… I try to keep any contam as low as possible and have an air purifier down there too, but between the environmental control and the cleanliness factor, it’s not ideal.

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I do keep 3 fans going in that flower tent man. I have the fear lol. One blowing down from the ceiling, one near the floor below the canopy blowing up and into it, and one just above the canopy blowing into it from above.

Very nice grow log :slight_smile: wish my plants came out this nice on my 3rd grow!!

Please share a smoke report once things are nice and dry!!


Chopped the remainder of the 5150TK x Chem 91 yesterday at 75 days, too worried about bud rot and I found a couple iffy looking branches and 1 big cola from the #3 plant that had a tiny bit of rot starting inside.
Hopefully I’ve quarantined everything well enough, and I feel good about chopping most of the top colas of the #2 plant on Friday at day 72
Wish I could have let these go 11-12 weeks but it is what it is…
First summer grow, learned some lessons for sure!

Bodhi boys n girls in veg are looking fantastic, sans 1 midnight cowboy that is a hungry monster!
Gotta wait a couple weeks to flip these to line up with a mid October vacation so I can have someone water them and not need to mix anything the last week or so while I’m away


I’m a pretty heavy smoker with a high tolerance, most of the cookies derivatives and stuff that friends around me smoke on hardly touch me even though it’s pretty good for them…

This is the 2nd day in a row my first smoke of the day was the #2 plant, looks more like a chem leaner from the darker foliage, and 2 snapper bowls has me fucking ripped! This is the first time I’ve noticed that slight sensation of “pressure” up in between my eyes on my lower forehead I hear people mention, super potent smoke and quite enjoyable!


That’s my experience with the 5150 tk x TKs1. Very good smoke. Pressure between the eyes.


I’ve heard this mentioned plenty of times and maybe I’ve experienced it but not noticed, but this is the first time I really noticed it and said to myself “woah, I get what everyone means when they say that now”
Good stuff :joy::ok_hand: