G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Took some time to sex the bodhi plants the other day, sex parts were just starting to show so I may have some corrections to make, but it’s looking like a nice M/F ratio!
Plans for flipping to flower have been moved up, gotta wrap up flowering on these by the end of October.
Ordering 5x 3gal grassroots bags today, planning to do 5 plants and flip to flower a few days after the bags get here and I transplant.


Guys I need some help… it definitely seems to me like I’m having pathogen problems, I’ve been suspecting fusarium in the past 2 runs of plants, possibly my first grow too because leaves were wilting and dying in the same odd way despite potassium supplements, and in the case of the bodhi plants they’ve been getting a medium feed of rooted leaf 3-4 times a week, and ph’d water the other days, they dry out daily in the 4 inch pots, bottom watering most of the time.
The spots show up first then leaves wilt and die.

I suspect fusarium could have snuck in on some local compost I got this spring that probably didn’t get hot enough, I suspected it in a couple tomato seedlings I used it to transplant up too… same weird yellowing dying wilted leaves on the tomatoes

I’m worried about reusing my soil and planning to transplant these up in a couple days as soon as my 3 gal grassroots pots get here Thursday or Friday. Need some opinions, can’t think of who else to tag but tagging a few that are much more knowledgeable for me to ask for help please!

Even if I don’t reuse my soil I’m worried about for my next run, I’d hate to throw it away because it has lots of good stuff in it

@Northern_Loki @JoeCrowe @DougDawson @CocoaCoir @SubzeroIceKold

Can’t think specifically of anyone on the site who’s well versed in pests and pathogens but if yall could help me out tagging anyone else I’d appreciate it!


Do you have a microscope or something to see if there is actually a pathogen developing on those spots?

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@George is usually pretty good at figuring these things out. He’s usually the first one I see helping people out in the sick plants category


No microscope, just a jewelers loupe for checking trichomes

I harvested just over a week ago and the stumps specifically have some white fuzzy mold which doesn’t usually worry me when it’s on the soil or organic amendments I added in, but having not added anything in a while it seeing it only on the stumps makes me think that whatever it is, was effecting the plants this past run as I had suspected

And right on, thanks @Jim!
Trying to flip these plants asap but would like to figure this out before I transplant


You could try taking a macro photo through the loupe. An image of the organism in question would really help to identify it. If you put everything in a stable position, then it’s easier to take a photo like that.


Are all of these sick leaves near the bottom of the plant?

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I tossed all the leaves I pulled already but I’ll get the best shots I can of the leaf damage and whatever is growing on the root stumps tomorrow when I take the soil outside to pull them and dump the soil into a tote

And yes @methodanon, they’re at the bottom

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Ok. So my armchair diagnosis is that you’re just fine, and you simply have some hungry girls. I found midnight cowboy to be an especially hungry plant. I’ve also had yellow, nitrogen depleted leaves like that eventually get crispy dry spotted wierd contorted etc etc when the plant goes ahead and consumes & drops them. Pretty much every leaf you took a picture of, I’ve had that happen to random leaves near the bottom of the plant. I don’t think you have a pathogen bro…


I hope you’re right and I’m just being paranoid!
I’d rather air on the side of caution, but also rather keep and reuse the soil if I can. I was thinking of just hitting it hard with some great white and lacto to be safe and knock anything bad out!

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That definitely looks like some type of fungus.

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Best pictures I could get of the front and back of a spot on a leaf with my loupe
If they were just yellowing and falling off I wouldn’t be concerned, I just think this looks suspicious


According to the leaves it’s a slight mag / N def, but nothing to worry about it seems.

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Hopefully you and @methodanon are right and they’re just hungry!
I finally got around to pulling the stumps and as much of the root balls as I could yesterday and for being sitting for a week and a half since harvest the roots looked surprisingly healthy in the soil so I’m leaning away from the pathogen paranoia…

Plants are looking happy and healthy otherwise, just got my 5x 3gal grassroots bags in yesterday and now I’m worried 3gal is a little too small and wondering if I should have gone with 5gal, that just seemed like I’d be super tight on space though
Might just have to run the 3gal this time and see how it goes because I’m in a rush to get them transplanted and flipped


It’s a jungle in there bro! Looking great.

Fair warning my plastic hangers snapped on me lol. Fortunately they didn’t poke through the tent or anything like that. I bit the bullet and bought some vivosun support bars on amazon.

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I need to buy bars for atleast 1 if not both tents, the veg tent I bought used and the zipper is a bit worn so I haven’t even put hangers in the front for fear of the zipper breaking on me.
The front row of plants is getting a bit smushed on the door side though

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You’ve grown it out before? Do you happen to remember flowering times?
Flipping in about a week!


Yeah, but I didn’t grow it very well. It was really stressed and deficient and I took it too long trying to get white hairs on foxtails to turn. I took it 14 weeks, but I don’t think that’s accurate at all. Sorry I don’t have a good answer for you


Welp, after closer inspection and a few more days of pre flowers developing it appears I only have 1 DI female and 3 males so it’ll be the oddball plant of the bunch, vacation planned just after Election Day which only gives me a max of like 10 weeks before pulling to dry so I’ll just have to see what I get out of her at that!


I’ve always been paranoid about harvesting too early so I’ve always taken things long. On my last run I did a staggered harvest and found that a couple of my strains were just as good at 10 weeks as they were at 12. Not all, but some. I’m guessing 10 will at least give you a good idea of the strain and whether you want to grow more, or it might be enough. I’ll be watching and waiting for your smoke report