G’s ongoing grow diary (Currently Midnight Cowboy and Divine Intervention from Bodhi)

Hope it got sorted out ! Lmk what it was

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I’m not sure, I upped the feed schedule to feed, feed, water, repeat. Instead of feeding and plain water alternating daily.
I think they really could have just been hungry like @methodanon suggjested, especially since they’ve gotten so big in the 4 inch containers.
Transplant day today so hopefully they’re much happier in some new shoes.
They’ve definitely outgrown the bottom level of the veg tent!


These plants looked way smaller in the veg tent all crammed together :joy:
Some nice healthy roots that I attribute to Hygrozyme, even being in those 4 inch pots for as long as they were!
They got a little sprinkle of great white and about to water in with some rooted leaf and do a foliar of solar rain
4 midnight cowboy and 1 divine intervention, the DI has 2 opposing nodes that both split into 2 tops, not much smell on the stem rub, MC stein’s are straight funky trashy candy citrus, I’m hyped about them!


Been busy with my veggie gardens and in trim jail otherwise!
Finally got my blumat carrots in, didn’t have time to dial them tonight so I’ll have to water them in again and dial them tomorrow, setting them is a bit of a pain but god damn are they nice once they’re up and running!
My 4 Midnight cowboy and lone divine intervention girls are all looking good, 4 days since transplant and they got the flip today because I’m on a tight schedule, hopefully they don’t mind such a short window of transplant to flip


Heck yeah man flower time. They look great.

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So apparently I forgot to flip my timer power strip back to timer mode from “all on” when I was up late transplanting these on Monday…… :man_facepalming:
I’ve been inching the timer down a bit a day so they should have only been getting 16h of light the past couple days and 12 for the first day yesterday, turns out they’ve been in 24h light since Monday :roll_eyes:
So I was trying to ease them into flower, and now they just have to get full on shocked and hit 12/12 tomorrow since I’ll have them on a 9pm to 9am schedule. Ugh. Really didn’t need to be put any behind, flying out of the country November 8th and planned just enough time to flip yesterday and have 2 weeks to dry, looks like we have 12 days now :man_facepalming:

Day 2 of 12/12, girls got a nice foliar of rooted leaf and I finally got around to setting the blumats. I think I messed up the preset ones by closing them before installing because I had to dial in all of them. I also forgot which 2 were my old ones and which 3 were the new preset, but I did my best to dial them all, just have to wait and see now.
They’re so nice when they’re up and running but god damn are they a pain to set


They look great man, and I’m jelous of the auto-watering setup. Something like that might just get me off of hempy buckets someday, move to coco or something.


Thanks, this is my favorite time watching the stretch and start of bud set :sunglasses:
So nice being able to leave for a long weekend and not have to worry about someone else messing up watering them! And that’s just with a 5gal reservoir.
Atleast the hempys are pretty fool proof asking someone else to add water till it spills out haha


Ohhhh man these plants are getting jerked around light schedule wise, I messed up and they just got 24h light 3 days into flower, 24h dark now to get back on schedule.
And to throw another wrench in the mix, the blumats aren’t totally dialed yet and I’ll be away for the weekend Friday morning-Sunday evening so I’ll have to try my best to adjust them tomorrow and hope for the best :grimacing:
My biggest worry is this delaying the start of flower since I’m on a tight schedule to finish these and dry them before leaving for 3 weeks in November…

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There’s a slight chance you light poisoned them so watch out for pollen sacks.

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Going away for the weekend until Sunday night, couple pictures from yesterday vs this morning and we’re definitely into the stretch!




I’ve got my work cut out for me today doing some defoliation and tuning my blumats!

Day 7 of flower today, as long as the hiccup in light on day 3/4 didn’t delay the start, doesn’t appear so though!


Males of Midnight Cowboy are about to pop, a bit ahead of the DI, going to snip them and put them upstairs in a cup of water with a saucer isolated in a bucket to collect some pollen for F2s

Having a hard time deciding how far up to take off some lateral branches here at the start of week 2, some fairly low ones are pretty much even with the top of the canopy, but I have a feeling that leaving them will leave the canopy a bit too clustered full
Some super nice structure on these MC
Opinions @methodanon? I know we’re in the same boat about lollipoping way more this run to cut out a lot of those little bullshit larfy branches, so even though these are even with the top I’m leaning towards cutting them
I’m thinking the bottom 2 sets of laterals in the last pic are gonna go


MC male snips in a cup of water with a cardboard/tinfoil catch tray, only had 2 males of 6 seeds so not a ton of diversity but figured I’d try! They’ve been pretty neglected in the 4 inch pots for a while, mostly getting plain water and some leftover nutrient mix from the girls once in a while, some really nice roots on the one! Structure wise they’re pretty much the same


That is cool as hell, I’ve not heard of this pollen gathering method! Very interested.


Got the trellis in today, just in time! Everything is stretching a nice lil bit, hopefully the shorter couple Midnight cowboys in the front fill in to just above the trellis. Back middle MC looking strong, and Divine intervention is looking good in the back left


We’re quite due for some more defoliation and a bit of lollipopping lower branches, it’s quite the jungle in here!
The divine intervention better chill out on stretching much more, and the back middle MC is getting pretty tall too
The MC are super dense with side branches and nice node stacking on the main colas, the stem rubs are so stanky funky with a bit of citrus mostly lemon smell, they’re so stanky that even the petioles of fan leaves have a resin stickiness to them and give off the same funky stank as a stem rub! First time ive ever noticed that on the handful of plants I’ve grown so far, pretty awesome! I’ve got high hopes for these!
Based on some stuff I’ve heard on podcasts I like to try to get the bulk of defoliation and branch stripping done around week 2 instead of pushing that back to week 3 because by then the plants are really focusing in on bud production, so that’ll be my task for tomorrow

Day 13 flower, Divine intervention back left, and 4 x MC


They look great man very healthy! Excited to see how your cowboys end up, lots of different phenos to be found.


Midnight cowboy male snips starting to fade a bit in color, not quite dropping pollen yet but looking close

Decided to wait to snip branches from the Divine intervention boys until they start to drop which 2/3 look super close, while 1 is seriously behind (so I definitely want to see what he has to offer!)
Now all the dudes are out of the basement and in the attic as far away from the girls as possible