Gadarien tries again

Saplings are looking healthy. Not much going on aside from just waiting on them to mature. Got to go fishing for a bit this morning. Caught 3 one was on the frog so that was exciting.


Got home from the work trip today. Saplings are starting to progress. A couple are jumping out ahead. Very excited for these ones!

The outdoor plants are humming along. The motorbreath and Aj’s SD are springing back. The LSGTK is flowering! I’m high but I feel as though I remember @THCeed saying one of his plants flowered early but took long to flower.


The LSGTK is an early flowerer, and takes about 8 weeks.


You’ve got a promising batch.


Hell yeah. I will be happy to pull some bud for the head stash.


Thank you! I’m pretty excited about these 2 crosses.


Smoke report. Luke’s force.

Nose per Mrs gadarien: smells like pinesol, lemon pledge, and mop water. Her nose is better than mine I get hints of lemon pine and fuel but generally just funky.

I put the buds from each plant in separate grove bags so from plant 1 the high is different from the highs I’ve experienced in the past. I don’t have a long history of smoking so I will say that with most new strains that I smoke. With plant one it feels as if there’s no ceiling. Like I smoke and get high and with each hit I get a little higher but it seems as though I never get too high. Like I could smoke it bowl after bowl for hours. I didn’t but it sure felt like I could’ve. It was nice and euphoric with more of a heady high. I expected to be locked in the couch but honestly it’s not that kind of high at all. Until the end of the high. I smoked during the day and when the high ended I got super tired and took a nap.

From the #4 plant the high is similar but there is definitely a ceiling. Last night I slammed up against it on my second bowl last night. I suddenly was super high and it felt as though the was a pool of water at the top of my neck and my head was just bobbing around in it. That lasted about 5 to 10 minutes then it was just a clear heady high. I am smoking the last of what I ground last night now and it is nice. The back of my head feels heavy but I’m able to carry on conversation with Mrs. Gadarien.

It’s not done curing so I won’t speak to the smoke itself except to say the flavor profile is nice. As I hit it I get a kind of vanilla and toasted wood flavor. It’s definitely not unpleasant.


Just had a thought. I’ve been blending a couple strains that I have together in varying blends. The effects have been pleasurable to be sure and I think I’m able to experience different effects based on different blends.

The thought I had is, when do the dispensaries hit the bottom price wise then start selling boutique blends to draw customers?


Update time. I have officially run short of soil. I’ve not had that happen yet, but it’s ok this run won’t need up potted until I get another bag.

So anyway here’s the plants currently outside.

The LSGTK with her flowers got GG power bloom and some fresh soil on top then a nice watering.

The AJ SD and the motorbreath got GG all purpose and top soil and water.

The super silver haze got up potted and watered. She is now outside in her new home.

The tester run in the tent is doing pretty good. Looks like the GC cross has a couple stars. The BB cross is doing well too. They’ll all get an up pot once I can see sex. If I get a GC leaning male I’m keeping it. Other than that I’ll cull males and go for flower.

Thanks for checking it out.


Adding some more pics. The blue cups have the GC cross except the one marked mystery. The red cups are the BB crosses. The BB crosses have some neat coloring to the leaves.


Bruh is your shed floating or am I that stoned? :rofl::rofl:


:rofl::rofl: a little of both?

The yard is on the side of a hill so they have the shed on block in the far corners. It does look like it’s floating though.


I zoomed in like, where’s the ground? Where’d it go? :rofl::rofl:

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:rofl::joy: that’s hilarious I didn’t even notice till you asked.

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I just scrolled down to ask the same thing! What’s going on with the shed lmao forget more soil it looks like you need a footing. Is it the angle or is that sliding down the hill?

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:rofl: there’s blocks there. Technically it’s the neighbors shed but I can attest that in the 8 years or so I’ve been here it hasn’t shifted down the hill!

I bent over the tops on the three clones last night. They’re all reaching skyward again this morning.

The SSH is reaching for the sky beautifully after the transplant yesterday.


So I decided to go ahead and up-pot the saplings. The SSH that I put outside is twice the size of anything in the tent. Also with travelling for work it’s easier for my wife or kid to keep them alive and happy since they’ll need less watering.

EDIT: the 4 on the bottom right of the tent pic are the GC X BSHW and the 3 without tag on top left are VBBXBBM X BSHW. The one with a tag is the random survivor of my give up.

The GC X BSHW three biggest had decent roots like in the pic above. The others were much further behind. I’m hoping the new soil will give them some good nutes to chew on and will help them spring ahead.

I’m not in a huge rush for flower like I was last time, so they’re all going to get a decent veg.

The outside plants are looking good too!


MB15 starting to make a move !


It is. I’ve had to water them a couple times cause it just won’t rain, but it definitely helped her take off.

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