Gadarien tries again

Here’s another chance at some great genetics. I’ve followed through his thread and these sound pretty awesome.

Not sure if you will post to the UK but thanks for the chance @JustANobody - a Gentleman and a Scholar :partying_face:


All giveaways are global unless stated otherwise.

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If you ever need a shipper hit me up. You can get beans sent to me and I’ll forward them along.


Still cannot work out how to add my name to the list :frowning: Any help would be appreciated - thanks again

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Here is a write up by @DougDawson. You may not be at a high enough level to participate yet. Stick around and post and itll open up to you.


Thanks again @JustANobody - Will stick around and hope :slight_smile:


You won’t be able to post or edit a wiki in the trading post section or the seed run co-op section until you reach TL2/member status. That takes 15 days visiting OG and you have visited 12. Once you get the notification that you received your member badge, you will be good to go. :v:


Thanks DougDawson - still a Noob I guess - have learned so much already from OG. Cheers Nick

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Well the mystery sapling appears to have died. I was away for work and it didn’t get watered till tonight. So I’ll see if it pops back but really have no hope.

The VBBXBBM X BSHW beside the dead are doing ok. A little off in color and not looking too terribly happy, but still growing. I’m interested to see how they continue if I’ll be able to pull them back or not. I’m pretty sure my light is set to high and so have backed it down again. I’m pretty sure that’s what they are complaining about aside from being planted in the desert for a week.

The 4 GC X BSHW are looking good. The smaller one was popped later so I expect it’ll catch back up. The other three are looking really good.

The outside plants I’ll have to update tomorrow. I looked at the SSH and it’s pretty much doubled again. I’ll try and grab pics tomorrow after work.


Outdoor update. I snapped a limb off on the motorbreath doing some training. So now I’m making a clone attempt with 2 of the AJ’s SD and 1 of the Motorbreath. Like I said last night the Super Silver Haze is growing like crazy and the LSGTK is still flowering. The bud sites really are starting to stand out and man am I excited.

With the heat and the full moon I figure some night fishing is in order. I haven’t decided on bass or catfish yet. Both are gonna be epic I believe


Not truly epic no but I caught both a catfish and a bass so there’s that, and my buddy caught his first ever catfish. So a good night was had by all.

Another note. I was going to edit the above post with this but I think it’s important to be confidently wrong as long as you’re open minded enough to catch on and learn. I saw a pot earlier today and I had never seen a plant do that before. I read through the thread and they were told their plant was revegging and showing it by throwing single finger leaves. Well the LSGTK is officially revegging not continuing to flower nicely. Oh well. That just means she gets to grow larger!


Cool! I haven’t had any do that yet, but you’ve got a lot more going on than I do. (I won’t attempt an outdoor grow, since I’m in suburbia.)

We live and learn. Thanks for sharing!


@JustANobody all the plants in the tent are officially your crosses. The Green Crack X Big Sur Holy Weed are looking awesome with good vigor. The Blueberry cross is lagging a little bit but I think they’ll turn the corner before I flip.

Forgot pics oops lol.


Looking good. Hopefully those blueberries pick it up!


I think they will. They’ve perked up since I reduced the light some.


Blueberries are picking up steam now!

It’s been 5 days since my last pictures. They’ve all been busy. I’ve got 2 GC crosses that I think may be male but won’t know for a while. I have no evidence for the assumption aside from they are the most vigorous. The leaves are thicker on the one closer to the fan.

The clones are still looking healthy but but no roots yet.


I don’t believe there is any shared lineage between the GC so it could have some nice hybrid vigor. Very cool to watch, thank you for running them.


You’re welcome. I’m impressed with the way they e shot up over the last 10 days or so. But in the last 5 days they have started really showing off the vigor.


Outdoors today. I bent over (super crop or HST I’m not sure what you’d call it) and opened up the 3 clones more. The ssh I topped just above the 5th node. It hasn’t shot any real side branches yet so hopefully it’ll redirect its energies a little.