Gadarien tries again

Well I figure I’m going to try again. I’ve picked up some awesome genetics from @JohnnyPotseed and I have some other seeds I want to run.

So the back 2 pots will have 4 reg Luke’s Force by JP.

The middle pot has some bag seed I got from a buddy of a buddy who grew it in Michigan in '21 I think. He confirmed one strain is og kush but there were several different strains in the bag (Mason jar) that he gave me.

The front left will hold 2 Walkenstien by JP that my son wants to grow out

And the front left pot is 1 og kush fem seed from ILGM and the 3rd Walkenstien reg seed my son started.

So far JP’s genetics are 7/7 and in under 24 hours of popped seed into soil one of the Luke’s Force has pushed out of the soil already. That’s some great genetics as far as I’m concerned!

I’m pretty excited for this grow and to continue to grow and post on this thread. I hope so.e other folks find it entertaining as well.

Feel free to ask questions or give pointers. This is my third attempt, and so far I’m 1:2 on successful grows. Thanks in advance!


Ki and I checked the plants this morning. All 4 of the Luke’s Force the early Walkenstien, og kush, and 1 random have popped out of the soil now. The 2 slower to pop Walkenstien seeds and one of the random seeds are still a little shy.

I’m excited for this grow. It is my first attempt at SOG and trying a quick turn around. I’m thinking wait for them to hit 3rd node or so the flip them to flower.

Edit: I may wait for them to show sex before I flip them but haven’t decided yet which is best. Also add pic.


Out of likes, excited to see how your grow goes!


I’m here for this brother! Looking forward to seeing your progress.

I flip whenever I decide. Plants be damned lol.

Don’t overthink it, just let them grow for the moment. :green_heart:


Thanks! I’m dry so I am itchy to flip them, but I also want to have success so don’t want to screw them up lol.

My wife says it’s obvious I’m feeling better post knee op cause I’m always looking in the tent now. I love just sitting there with the flap open and watching them do their thing.

I’m glad both of you are here BTW I’ve been following both og you for a little bit and your grows inspired this attempt.


It be like that sometimes :joy::joy: in due time man!


…Pulling up a chair to follow along. I’ve got some of those beans from @JohnnyPotseed too, but won’t be able to get to them for a while.

Good luck!


Excited to see you work! Godspeed my friend :purple_heart:


Down for the show my friend, hoping for a bountiful harvest of big beautiful bodacious buds abound!


Good luck on your pursuits! I’m hoping for a lush tent full of vibrant plants for you.


Ah yes, no shame in an early flip! Do what pleases you, you’ll learn a ton from doing, I’m excited to watch your grow!!


End of the day here. All ten have broken surface now. One of the random seeds is wearing a helmet still. I’ll give it till tomorrow then try to help it then.


Here for the show. I got some JP beans growing and some stashed. Sounds like your having fun
and really thats the best part. Well i mean the smoke, hash and dabs are cool to. :sunglasses: :v:


I decided to help the random with helmet head this morning. Ended up realizing 3 of them still had the shell stuck.

I’m not sure how everyone else does it, but I wet a q-tip and gently massage the shell from the top of the seedling.

Anyway looks like we have 10 fresh healthy seedlings started for the run.


So looking in this morning I see one of the Luke’s Force is a little slower then the rest. I’m hoping it will be ok just had a hard start.

One of the random seeds hasn’t thrown its initial leaves yet and also looks stunted.

I have the link about 12-18" away at 40% it’s a 300w led. Since the other 8 plants look good, a little stretchy, I’ll leave them ride for the time being.


Well I’m pretty sure this random seed isn’t going to make it. I’ll leave it till it shrivels or falls over, just incase.

That was the random seed that had helmet head so it won’t be a terrible surprise.

The rest are all just starting there second set of leaves today.

I’m pretty excited and since I’m off work for a bit yet I’ll probably update too often lol. But it is my favorite hobby.


I’m pretty excited by what I’m seeing so far. Most of the seedlings are around the same height and close to each other in development. There’s one of the Luke’s Force that is shorter and less developed than the rest, and (I haven’t pulled it yet because it still appears to be alive but isn’t growing leaves) the random seed. All the rest look great to me.

I did notinotice that a couple of the seedlings have dark stems and other have green stems. I don’t know if that means anything at all.

Just took a couple pics this morning. I appear to have 2 very broad leaf Luke’s Force and 2 narrower leaves.

And of course Ki will gladly hang out in the tent at any time.


Morning folks, I’m sitting on the front porch enjoying some nice warm air.

Found a hockey game in Roanoke last night. I haven’t been to a hockey game since 2017. The rail Dawgs won 7 - 3 in a blowout. Was pretty exciting to watch.

Anyway onto the plants. It’s 2 weeks to the day since we put popped seeds in soil.

As you can see we have a clear leader in aggressive growth, @JohnnyPotseed 's Luke’s Force one of the pheno’s in this pack is a beast.

The walkenstien is coming up nicely for my boy, and the og kush is on par. Of the 3 random seeds I put down to pop I have 1 left. Since I had to pluck the other one I dropped 2 more random seeds direct into the soil of that pot. I doubt it’ll do anything but who knows. It’ll be fun to watch if it works.


I’ve never been to a hockey game. Sounds like it’d be fun completely blitzed :rofl:


I took a vape cart with me and hit the smoking section a couple times lol. It is a ton of fun and we paid just under $20 per ticket after fees.

I highly recommend live hockey to anyone. Even if you don’t like sports.