Gadarien tries again

Ok, so I know this is common and super elementary, but I’m super excited. I finally got a cutting to root! Both of the SD cuts have roots. I’m gonna put them in solos tomorrow unless someone would advise differently. @Hashpants have you cloned her yet? If not do you want one?

For real though I feel like I graduated kindergarten today and can finally say I’m a grower. :joy:


Congrats ! Those and the Motorbreath and the Frankenstein were easy cloners . The Heavenly Hashplant took a month for me and very few rooted. I will wait another month at least before I take cuts, thanks for the offer and good growing.


Woo! Grats on the successful clones my friend :sunglasses:


Tent is happy today. Gave them a a nice watering. I’m waiting for the to show sex before topping. I’ll top the females and cull the males. At least that’s the current plan.

I increased the light intensity to 60%. Honestly I think the two strains prefer different settings. The higher intensity was keeping the GC X BSHW short but was cooking the VBBXBBM X BSHW. Then with lower intensity the GC X is stretching towards the light and the VBBXBBM is looking happier. Hopefully 60% will be the sweet spot of enough but not too much light.


Congrats! That’s awesome


With the thickness of the stems on the GC crosses I’m seriously considering up potting one to a 5 gal and putting it outside. Just to see how big it can get. Haven’t decided yet.


That’s great news because the green crack mom was a floppy bitch, even in veg.


These have some thick ass stems. Thickest I’ve gotten out of seeds. At least this early in veg.

Pretty sure the thickest is right at 1/4" diameter.


They are looking great!

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Hey y’all if you haven’t seen the sale @JohnnyPotseed has some :fire: genetics and is selling them at bargain basement prices. Plus it’ll help him with his AC in the middle of summer! Check it out and throw him some love if you can.


Well it’s Tuesday and I’m home so why not update!

The first I want to point out is this freaky little blueberry cross. I don’t know sex on any of them and I have no idea if I want it to be male or female. I think it’s cool looking. It self topped then made a lower limb a top but I don’t know if that’s right or not. So anyway enjoy it I think it’s cool.

Then the other 2 blueberry crosses. They look great but they are so much smaller than the green crack crosses.

Then there’s the GC crosses. 2 are monsters. They’re starting 7th node growth. There’s no sign of sex but :crossed_fingers: they are girls. I was curious if anyone knows if it’d be a terrible idea to top them above the second node when I do. I figure it’ll shorten them a ton but also allow for 4 tops per plant. Any thoughts?

These two GC are smaller. The one is probably cull fodder, but I am going to let it go for a while since all of them started slowly for me previously so until it dies I’ll give it every chance to pull out of its slump. The other looks good just not as leggy as the two big ones.

So another pic of the tent. I moved one of the GC to the other side of the tent because the tent walls wouldn’t quit touching it. May open a vent to offset the negative pressure.

Then the outdoor in order. SSH, LSGTK, SD, and motorbreath. All looking hot and summery. The LSGTK is still revegging but I’m seeing some 3 finger leaves so it may pull out of it before the flowering happens. I don’t know how all this works but hopefully it is a positive experience.


Really nice job Gadarien.

Looks like you’ve dialed it in :wink:


Thank you! I feel like I’m hitting my stride with growing.


So I did put these in grove bags. I also will never burp jars again! I swear they smell stronger Everytime I open the bag.


I’ve definitely had some plants react poorly to topping that aggressively. Some plants can take the abuse though. Out of curiosity, why not top at the 4th node and remove the growth tips on the lower nodes?

Everything looks great, BTW!


I don’t see why I couldn’t. My initial thought behind topping at 2 is to get a more even canopy with the BB cross.


@Gadarien they look great and the BB cross definitely look to be BB leaning! I’d expect them to be slower than the GC as they seem to be much more indica leaning.


Asked the landlord about putting in a garden next spring. And that’s how I found out my landlord is 420 friendly and growing their own. So next year I get to do the raised bed thing and see if I can grow some giants!


Got home from a shit week of work and the GC crosses were out of control. They’ve been eating the fans so I decided to give them all a haircut. I still can’t see sex on any of them yet.

I love the freaky little BB cross. It’s such a bush and I didn’t do anything to top it.

The clones are looking really happy too. They were pretty dry when I got home but the roots were hunting!

Editing in a tent shot.


Everyone’s looking good brother :sunglasses:, those roots are really going on the clones!