Gadarien tries again

Well done sir! Happy to see it all fall into place! I’m excited to see how everything turns out bud! :fist:


Looking great @Gadarien, I got excited for you when I saw the first roots on the clone, the latest pics are fantastic - so many roots, they will make great plants I am sure - Good luck and keep sharing - Thank you!! :smiley: :smiley:


Thank you @Nick I appreciate the words of support!


Im not very good at waiting lol. I was going to wait till next week hoping the plants would drop their modesty a little. But I got to sitting in front of the tent just admiring @JustANobody s genetics and how I figure o got 3 beautiful green crack crosses. And how all 3 of the blueberry crosses are unique and I thought well hell I might as well give the tall ones a haircut. So I topped the 4 tall plants. Gonna take a chance at clones on them. Hopefully I get a couple of each female that I find. I’ll take cuts of the shorter blueberry plants when I flip to flower. Hoping they’ll grow a little bit more.


Well another wild work week. It’s been long but I’m pretty sure one more week of travel and I get to be home for a while. Anyway I messed up @JustANobody 's crosses some more this morning. I did a major defoliation on all of them. Topped the tops of the taller GC X BSHW to get the canopy more even and get some more tops. They also got some Gaia Green mixed in and a drink.

A photo dump is next but I’ll put some thoughts on them first. The BB marked freaky is the self topped wild branching runty one. It doesn’t drink water nearly as quickly as the other plants. It was well damp under the surface and it’s been since Tuesday. The rest were all pretty dry.

The clones are really pumping their roots out. I’m probably going to have to do something with the SD clone I can’t decide on up-potting or just trying to take more cuts and see if anyone wants them. The motorbreath is super happy too, but it’s just waiting for my buddy’s tent to clear out and it’ll live a new life of hydro.

All said I’m super impressed with these crosses I’ve got. They are super resilient and have really been easy to deal with so far.

Thank you all for stopping by. As always any input is appreciated. I still don’t know sex and honestly I kind of have myself set on just playing for a while and seeing what happens here. I’ll eventually be overwhelmed I’m sure but it’s been a lot of fun just playing with these plants.


Looking great brother :+1:

Im right there with you on just playing around/experimenting, just to continue to learn everything you can. Practical experience can only make us better growers :sunglasses:


They drink way less when defoliated , no worries. They all look good. I won’t comment on you not knowing sex! :laughing:


Looks amazing @Gadarien and enjoying tagging along.
Did you never get the ‘Birds and Bee’s’ talk - if not there are plenty of books - lol :smiley: :blush:


Hey guys I’m cool for real. I know sex I swear. On one of GC plants anyway. I have one definite female GC cross. A couple suspected males but will wait and see. My buddy will chop his plant and be ready for the clone I promised him in the next week or two and then I’ll be able to flip my tent.

GC (b) is the female. It is also the first one to have roots on the cuts I took.

My heavy handed defoliation last weekend has obviously been taken in stride. These plants are impressive to me for sure. I can’t wait to flower them out. I’m going to keep the clones of all of them and decide after I flower them out which I want to try and keep.

Anyway here’s a quick photo dump.


Looking great dude.


Thanks brother. I’m getting excited to flower them out. You did a good job on the cross. They’ve been super easy to work with, especially since I’ve only been home on weekends the whole time they’ve been in the tent.


I appreciate it but I can’t take any credit for it. I didn’t do any selections or anything. Just took good pollen and made it do the sex with known cuts.
100% a chuck.

My hope is, for myself and others, this will be good starting stock where people can find good plants and use them from there for breeding, smoking whatever.


That’s makes sense. There’s definitely some gems in there. The GC b has super red/purple stems and is definitely not floppy at all. Going to make a good mom I think.


That’s bad ass. The GC mom was a floppy bitch.


I’m not familiar with the BSHW at all but it definitely gave her spine. I can’t wait to see how the buds stack. I’ve never smoked the original green crack so it won’t be the best comparison from me for smoke report but the bud structure should show where it leans.


Green Crack X BSHW c is super easy to root. 2 of 3 cuts have rooted while a and b haven’t yet. The stretchy VBBXBBM X BSHW has also rooted like crazy. Waiting on the rest to root still. I’ll be flipping to flower by Saturday hopefully.


Hell ya! Looking great man


Root master over here! Great job!!


I must petition the court. @JustANobody has unfairly claimed my title to “worst outdoor grow 2024”. Evidence follows.

These poor plants, I must apologize to @Hashpants for what I’ve done to these clones he gave me.

But more seriously the 3 clones hashpants gifted to me are all in flower and looking like they’re going to give me more back than I put into them. The SSH is just stretching I think so I’m going to grab a couple cuts this weekend when I get a chance.


Yours get way more sun!