Gadarien tries again

And way less everything else lol.


I finally got a digital microscope. I can’t wait for the lights to turn on!


Hell yeah dude! Where can I find your posts?

Edit nevermind I’ve got some catching up to do on your journal.


Those clones are made to produce prodigious amounts,even in small packages. :laughing:


This thing is fun to play with, checking out hair and paper fibers are pretty easy. Snapping trichomes like yours will take some practice heh. I got a wifi similar to the one you suggested. It works with usb on the laptop too but the phone connection app is a lot easier to use. I appreciate the advice :v:


Sure thing! I typically just sort of rest the guard on the flower so I can focus with my thumb while holding my phone in my other hand to snap the pics. I played with it a bit before I figured out the best way I could get pics.


Well a small update today. Tonight the tent sees 12 hours of darkness for the first time. I moved my cloning to a closet and while I’d like to show off how redneck I am Mrs. Gadarien would probably have something to say about me showing off how trashed I made her closet :rofl:.

So the tent has space now. The plants look sad in there because I needed to give them some water.

The other cool thing in there is the high cfm kit from @VIVOSUN . They don’t sell a 32x32 kit, but with a tubing cutter you can make it work for this tent.

It worked out really well and was easier than I expected.

So no more broken hangers and now I don’t have my tent flattening the sides of my plants anymore!

I’m very excited to get a female count on these ones. I’ll be pulling them out in a couple days to cull the males and get the females opened up. I’ll get some plant pics and a better update on them then.


Looks like a nice batch. Good job buddy.


Another small update I just got home. Found my lights had dropped out for about 8 hours. So a really broken up couple days.

No pre-flowers to tell me what they are yet so I’ll wait till then before I pull them all out and do a bigger update. I’m currently at 16 rooted clones with more in the trays. I’ll cut down that number once I know which are male and which are female. I’ll keep a clone of my favorite vegging male and ditch the rest. May offer them out locally and see if anyone is interested in them.

The stretch is definitely on. When I left Tuesday the canopy was at the cfm bars.

The outdoor plants survived the heavy rains and are looking good. The LSGTK is confusing me as the colas look pretty good but they aren’t getting any trichome production. I know it went into reveg for a while so I’m assuming that has something to do with it. I did pick a rotten spot out of one of the colas so I don’t have a ton of hope for it pulling through after my neglect. The super silver looks great to me she hasn’t started building flowers yet but the stretch is impressive and I love the sativa leaves.


Looking great dude. I like seeing what you can pull off because I have the same light and a 3x3 flower tent as well. Enjoying the show.


I’m still an hour in like jail, but that’s cool! I like comparing what I am doing too. I was a one or two plants at a time grower till I joined here and saw @JustANobody s veg tent.

Now I grab inspiration from all the journals I’m following and just try to get better with each grow.

Thanks for the kind words too. It feels really good to get a pat on the back sometimes.

Edit to say I hope I can pull off a mainline next grow half as well as @supersecretjim did in his last harvest. I want to fill my tent with one plant like that!


I hear you man. Myself I’m on a variety hunt right now. I bought all of these damn seeds lol so it’s like an eternal keeper hunt.


Too kind, buddy.I have a feeling Im gonna get my ass kicked this round. :rofl:


It’s a huge pain in the ass lol


I’ll be watching. I highly doubt stan lee will let you slip.


It is :rofl: but now I get the added pleasure of filling my tiny apartment closet with clones.


I’ve stopped signing up for most of the give aways. I have so much to run. I’m going to play with the GC X BSHW for a bit but then I’ll be popping seeds from the bucket to add to my keepers. I couldn’t stay away from Johnny’s sales a couple times. I’ve updated my storage design twice lol.

My buddy gave me a ton of old AF seeds 80’s era from his dad’s grows. I’m going to make the attempt to pop some but I don’t have much hope. I floated 2 of them and one sank after 24hrs. Never popped though. The other disintegrated in my fingers when I tried to crack it.


His sales are very hard to pass up.


Just when I thought I had gotten all of his strains that I wanted he dropped a bunch of new strains this time!


Alright I got most of them to show me. The freaky blue berry cross is the only hold out.

The boys are robust and were the first snips to throw roots. May be a thing I watch for in the future and see if there’s any correlation.

The confirmed girls make me happy. I have rooted clones of all 3 already. So I’ll see what freaky does and when I have a chance later this evening or tomorrow evening I’m going to spread the girls out for flowering.

If the freak is female I’ll have 2 and 2 of the crosses. That makes me quite happy. Then next time I think I’ll f2 the GC X BSHW.