Gadarien tries again

Well the boys met their doom today. The root ball on the GC was twice the size of the BB. I like the structure on both. I have clones in the closet.




If I drop the GC male clone in with 2 or 3 weeks left on my flowers this time it shouldn’t drop pollen before I get my girls cut right? I’m trying to think of the best way to maximize tent time and I think if I just have a couple weeks of pollen collecting between runs I should be able to f2 the GC cross and get a couple others flowered out without all the bud being seeded.


first one ever? if so many congrats are in order! thats a good feeling of accomplishment. i do root riots with good success but ive been wanting a cloner.


Yes my first ever. I finally felt as if I had become a real grower. :joy: Thank you for the congrats! Now I can’t stop I have so many clones right now.


Just getting into range to catch up here. Good growing.


Thanks brother!


High, it’s me again. Another update. But first a pic.

It’s been banished to the outside. Gonna give it some time to figure out if it wants to flower enough for me to tell. There’s some microscopic growths.

Since I pulled it out of the tent that made room for some bad training.

I defoliated under the net last night and got them splayed out.

The bad news is I’ve found spider mites on my clones. No signs on the tent plants but I’m sure they’re there. I’m gonna order the stuff to make the MTA @JohnnyPotseed suggested in this thread.

So anyway gonna push through. I got roots on three of the super silver haze cuts. Going to try and save the clones from the horde.


Oh man, that’s rough on the spider mites brother, hopefully that JP recipe works for you. Hopefully it’s just your clones? Gonna have to stay vigilant everywhere now!


Best wishes on your war with those buggers!


You’ve got a lot of healthy looking plants, both indoors and out. I hope the spider mites don’t drag them down.

I’ve got that recipe for the “one and done” tagged. It looks like a very useful tool – especially for oudoor growers, or those taking in clones.

Keep up the good work! :+1:


I’m finally caught up after being away most of the summer. Looking great here, Gad!

My little clone factory has been chugging along all summer, but I still need to set up the flowering area. It’s been a couple months behind schedule. Once I get through a first harvest with this setup I’ll be right with you in that “real grower’s club” my friend!

PS - Spider mites & pest mgmt are a pain, but you’re handling it with a positivity that I hope to achieve when the same issues come to my garden. What’s that old phrase? “You aren’t a real New Yorker until you’ve been mugged on the subway?” I think some similar logic applies here as another aspect of being a “real grower!”


Thank you all for the encouragement. I did hit the clones with an alcohol spray yesterday before work. When I got home I didn’t see any new activity. I will probably pull out the microscope at some point and see my enemy up close.

Exactly. First I got roots now I’ve got pests. I think I get to drop the new grower moniker and start calling myself a beginner. :rofl: But for real it’s just another step on the journey to being the best I can be.


Ok I can’t help but post pics all the time. The hot weather has the outdoor girls looking pretty droopy. They all got water and I went ahead and threw some micro and bloom in the water to give them some help. The SSH is really eating up here lower leaves. I trimmed the sour diesel and motorbreath of some of their fans to allow for better air flow. The LSGTK is getting thick and has some nice funky smell to it, but the trichome production is still minimal.

The three in the tent are all splayed out nicely and looking happy after last night’s watering. I figure I’ll be every day watering till they get much further into flower. Next run will be in 5 gal pots so I can have a day or 2 between watering. @JustANobody these plants are super resilient. I’m going to pop some of the mango hash plant cross you sent for next run too.


Looking good my friend, hopefully the heat gets out of the way so the girls out there aren’t staying sad for long. How’s the mite treatment going?


I haven’t ordered the supplies for the MTA yet, but I hit them with an alcohol mixture and pointed the fan across the top of the soil. I haven’t looked super close but they are definitely super reduced.


Citric acid powder at around 2-3 tsp per gallon will wipe them and their eggs out quickly and it’s cheap. You can get it in the canning section of most Walmarts and grocery stores. Johnny’s one and done is great but plain citric acid will wipeout spider mites easily. You can dunk the clones in and just soak em for 45-60 seconds to get good coverage then let em dry under low light. Hope this helps, they’re a pain.


Oh awesome, thank you so much! I’ll pick some up and kill them bastard tonight!


Awesome stuff here! Man, I am j-e-l-ous of your backyard space. The outdoor plants are looking really happy


:seedling: :smiley: :herb:

Were they all given LST before they went outside?


No. The super silver haze I topped once from seed but haven’t trained it otherwise. The other three I got as rooted clone from @hashpants garden. So I bent and twisted them outside. I am going to mention now this is my first outdoor grow and I have been learning through error lol.


Super Silver looks a lot better this morning before work. She really needed that drink I suppose. I’m going to have to be a little more intentional with watering them through the end of flowering.