Gadarien tries again

How do u know that is a hermy was there a seed in it when u pinched it


The white pistils on some of the flowers started turning brown. It is too early in flower for that unless they were pollinated.

Edit. I’ll try to grab a couple pics to show what sent me hunting for balls.


Its a herm if it has sacks and pistils. Males have pollen sacks and Females have pistils.


Bummer on the herms, but it seems like you spotted and took care of things quickly :+1:
Hopefully the buds from those plants will still turn out plenty potent! Most of em anyway

I’m loving this Corndog Walker gang that I see forming in this thread haha. Just received some myself from ol boss @hoss8455 and I can’t wait to see what happens with it. Just wish I had unlimited space to grow everything I want at the same time haha


Thank u for the picture an ok I see what u talking about


Looks like I missed some flowers. Oh well I’m gonna wash them for hash.

I removed these clones from the closet to make room for what’s next.

On a much more exciting note I dropped some seeds this evening.

I dropped:

2x Vietnam Black X Bubblegum I got from @Cannabi5

2x Green Crack X Mango Hash plant from @JustANobody

2x Long Time (Vietnam Black X devil’s tit) X (Vietnam Black X devil’s tit) by @Guitarzan from @JohnnyPotseed

3x Corndog Walker (Dog walker og X Cheddar Skunk 11) by @hoss8455

And I dropped a small handful of what I’ll call Pa random for now. My buddy gave me some 80’s seeds from his dad’s old grows. Last attempt yielded 0|2 I’ll see if any of these pop.

The outdoor plants are kicking along. They got a heavy salts feeding the other day and all of them seemed to appreciate it. Much less yellowing leaves. The SSH is the only one still not super green so I’ll probably hit her with extra again and see if I can pull her out of it.

The sour diesel cut is showing tip burn. From that heavy feed. I’ll have to dose the SSH heavy and the SD light I suppose.

One last edit to add teichome pics. The lsgtk is really close.

I’m pretty excited for this next run. I’m hoping to find a couple moms. Maybe I’ll do it right and not create a bunch of seeds this time :joy:.


Real update another time but all these little ones got into solos this evening.


So I’ll have to do the outdoor plants tomorrow, but I figured I’d do the indoor now.

The batch of clones waiting for the tent are all staying alive if not well.

The new seedlings are all recovering from the first week of neglect well. They are all under the bags. The clones all got a shot of GG all purpose so hoping they’ll be nice and happy soon. I think next tent run will be all of the plants iin the closet but keeping one of each strain in the closet as a reserve till I decide which smoke I want to keep around.

I up potted the GC X BSHW tonight and fed them heavily with a nice drink. They have eaten most of the fans leaves that they had left. So they got a stiff dose of GG power bloom and fresh ffof.


Pretty excited for my first outdoor harvest.

LSGTK is probably getting cut down either this weekend or next. The main stock split. I didn’t notice it till today.

Sour diesel


Super silver haze

So that is the outdoor. Not a lot of fast change happening there, but fun for me to look at. Oh I did give SSH SD and MB water last night. They were dry AF.


Looking good man real good actually here’s couple pics of my 2 ladies what u think about em



Looking gorgeous bud. Man all that frost too. What strains are they?


I wish I knew man I really wish I knew lol all I know is that it’s a sativa an it’s from an older grow he actually said it’s a heirloom I’m asking everyone n anyone to see what it is I’m growing but I know it’s just gonna be a guessing game lol who knows maybe someone could identify it for me


Ya it’s a beautiful too look at all ur frost too bud I love just looking at these close up pics it’s just BEAUTIFUL :heart_eyes:


That’s pretty cool though. I’ve got some mystery seeds from a jar full of bud. I got one out a while ago but it was male. After I get through this next run I may have to revisit them.


I took clones of my ladies but I’d like to identify them so I can tell people what they getting lol anywho I can’t wait for my next grow I’m excited an I’m a little worried cause 15 is a lot bigger than just 2 an I know what I got for my 2nd grow I got 5 Red Delicious 5 Afghan an 5 White Widow I’ve haven’t heard of a Red Delicious before have u if so is it delicious lol


Yes u definitely should revisit those older seeds cause they could be something :fire::fire::fire::fire: NEVER KNOW


I get what you mean. Yeah 15 is a lot lol. I haven’t heard of it I’m gonna go look it up and see what I can find. It does sound interesting. Maybe some Mexican red hair in it.


There was a strain in that jar my buddy calls poof weed. Everytime we’d get into one of those buds you’d lose your train of thought mid sentence and it wouldn’t come back. We would have so many half conversations :sweat_smile:.


“offers a complex and satisfying flavor profile that combines grape, licorice, and kush.”

From Leafly for red delicious. Damn bro I’m jealous.


Heck ya thank u for the info I’m excited I got some supplies to get n stuff but I can’t wait also have u ever shipped cuttings I never have just wondering if so what’s the process etc might have send u few cuts lol once they get bigger of course there lil guys now oh also I have a question have u ever heard of someone running a 600 watt HPS bulb with a 1,000 watt ballast im thinking of throwing this red n orange PAR super flowering bulb in there to finish flower but i just don’t know