Gadarien tries again

How’s it going anything new


It’s going well. I am on the road this week so won’t have a plant update till the weekend.

How are yours doing? Do they like the extra light?


I took it down peeps say I was giving to much light so ya I don’t know lol well hopefully everything goes good for u on the rd an u get home safely to ur family n ladies have a great day look forward to the update this weekend


I got a lemon affy giving to me it’s in pre-flower so I put it in my room with the other ladies it’s small but has flower so we shall see lol


That’s awesome! Love a free load of flowers.


Ya they are lol my daughter’s mom gave it to me she had it outdoor an when I stopped by yesterday I said whenever u wanna give that I’ll take it she said take it we not getting anymore sun so I snagged asked what it was an ya LEMON AFFY lol


Looks good bro great job…how do you cure your green if I may ask? Anything special?there’s various ways…my favorite is using brown paper bag method…

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Got home from work and spent some time cleaning up the little ones. They were pretty bad. I found more spidermites damage so I’m going to have to do some baptisms soon. I cleaned them up the best I could and cut away the worst leaves. Then I topped a couple of the clones as they were getting a little big. I didn’t take any clones Im not sure I’m going to be able to keep clones till I get that room cleaned of mites. Anyway they are bad but after pics they all got a nice drink and are back in the closet till I get around to bathing them.



The girls in the tent are looking so much happier with the bigger pots. They’re going through about a gallon of water each, every other day at this point. I snapped a couple tent pics and a few bud shots. There have been no more signs of herm so I really do think the stress caused it.

I’ll get an outdoor update later. I tried to post last night and the uploads kept crashing no idea what’s up with that. Mostly user error I’m sure. :laughing:


Finally got to play with the outdoor some today. Here’s the girls.


Sour diesel (AJ)

Motorbreath 15

Trimmed a bunch of bad leaves off the sour diesel. The SD and the MB15 look like they need cal mag. It’s been so dry they aren’t getting the nutes in the soil. I watered last night and they looked happier this morning. I should be able to keep up with watering them for a little bit here. Hopefully they’ll pull out of it.


Hell ya buddy those are looking absolutely beautiful :heart_eyes: those buds are gonna be dank hell ya good man keep up the excellent green thumb


Looking good, brother @Gadarien !

Whose SSH is that?


Thanks brother! I got them from @JohnnyPotseed he credits @Guitarzan .


I see you got the CDW going.

I topped mine the other day at the 5th node the other day. So far they are pretty vigorous plants! I’ve got one in particular already on the radar. It’s got a gnarly rotten cheese stem rub.


Great work in here Gad! Those outdoor plants are really chugging along. Man you’re gonna be in for a treat sooner than you know it.

Hey @CaptainRon, this is probably info you’ve already got but JP has an enormous for sale list. Currently still has the SSH fems available


Yeah I’m pretty excited. The tent is at 6 weeks flower right now. So I’ve got probably 4 weeks left till harvest then in they go to see who is male and who is female. Pretty stoked!


Thanks emerald! I’m pretty anxious to not screw it up too bad. :laughing:


Thank you, brother @emeraldbullfrog :purple_heart: and also thank you @Gadarien !

I’m unsure if I want to grow SSH or mango haze next spring/summer. I just know I want to grow one of them. Good to know JP has some fems of the SSH. I’m eyeing Shantibaba’s as he’s the breeder but not sold on anything yet.

Can’t wait to see yours finished and get a smoke report!

Hope the sun is shining wherever everyone is!

Cheers :potted_plant:


So far I’m very happy with this SSH. But I understand wanting to go to the source too. Once it’s done flowering outside I’ll let you know how she smokes. I have 2 clones that if they survive their current hell will be in my tent next grow.


That’s one batch a seeds on my list I want to try my hand at some kind of HAZE I really like that shit also lol excited to see or girls grow out


I’ll look when I get home I don’t remember what I’ve got left in haze. If I’ve got a couple to spare I don’t mind sharing. I think I’ve got a couple of Nirvana’s amnesia haze left and a couple SSH. Let me check and if I do I’ll hit you up for an address.