Gadarien tries again

Big photo dump. I moved the walkenstien to the middle of the tent and culled the little sapling in the random Michigan pot.

Gave them all a feeding last evening. Hit them with around 1/3 strength liquid and added a tsp of Epsom salt. Two things I didn’t do before was Epsom salt and I mix my water the day before and let it acclimate to room temp then ph balance before I water. I don’t know if that helps or not, but it doesn’t seem to hurt them either so I will continue unless you all would advise differently.

All of the plants are doing well except for the one walkenstien and I’m thinking it’s turning around :crossed_fingers:. Pretty sure I’m gonna be topping most of the plants this week and hoping to flip them shortly there after. I can’t afford to let them veg too long, but I really want to be sure I’m actually seeing female pre-flowers. Any tips?

Thank you for following along! Ki is getting rather possessive of the tent. I’m not allowed to open it without her.


Looking really nice dude


My cat Marley is the same way now. She goes crazy until I let her into one of the tents lol.

As far as pre sex determination, the plants will show whenever they’re ready in veg. You can flip them to flower early and they’ll just do their thing when they are ready.

I’d wait a week, maybe two to flip if you plan on topping. Just so that new growth has started nice.

Otherwise looking good so far!


Great plants. :grin:

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I should really not post when I’m out of likes.


Thank you! I was thinking a week, but I’ll watch if they don’t quite spring back I’ll give them extra time.


Time is, of course, the main factor in determining gender of the plant, but I find in quite a few of them, topping them will get them to tip their hand. Not always, maybe not even usually, but quite often you can see pre-flower in that topped location earlier than on non-topped plants.

But waiting or just popping them into 12/12 are the sure methods. Plants look good, you look like you’re hitting a groove, best wishes.


Question: would pulling the plants apart now be fatal?

I got some pots given to me. They have a smaller footprint and I believe I could put all of the plants in their own pot. I’d really like to separate them out but I don’t want to kill them.

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It’s tricky, but not impossible. I’d think you’d have to reach down beside the plant and see how deep the roots are.


I might try tonight. I really want those Luke’s Force to thrive.

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Worst case, you treat it like a clone and re-root the fuckers lol


Hey @Gadarien . Repotting should not be a problem. Use a large kitchen knife to cut the soil to the size you want. Pop it out ( soil and all in a plug ) and into its new pot. Water them well and keep them in low light until you see them perk up. About several days to 1 week. :grin:

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That’s a great idea! That’s how I will do it. The pots I was going to use won’t work though :sweat:. The bases are perfect, but they flare at the top and won’t fit in the footprint I have because of my fan.


Happy Friday yall. Hanging out with grand baby this weekend so I won’t have any grow updates till Monday some time. I fed my grandsnake today as my daughter calls him. Lol


Got home last night. The plants were standing tall and proud. So far Luke’s Force #2 is my clear leader in the growth side. I was able to tuck my top fans under my bottom branches.

Michigan is doing itself proud as well.

And the little runt walkenstien hasn’t caught up but it’s looking much healthier. All said I’m very happy with the state of the tent. I will be flipping the lights in a couple days. Can’t wait to see what they do.

Oh and the Gaia green showed up while I was away so I’ll be top dressing that and watering it in today. :crossed_fingers:


I’m not done yet so I’ll do an update post later after I’ve finished the process. I was enjoying the size of these fans! My hand fits snugly in an XXL nitrile glove.


Ok so I took a ton of pictures while I went about doing some pre-flower prep. I removed all of the main trunk fan leaves. They were blocking almost all of the limbs and only Luke’s Force #2 had popped above the canopy.

Michigan random before

Michigan after

Luke’s Force #1 & #2 before


Luke’s Force 3 & 4 before


I only took between 6 and 8 leaves per plant but as you can see it made a massive difference in size and shape of all but LF#2. My hands have a smell like coffee and funk from all the limbs. I didn’t notice any strong scents yet, but it’s early. Anyway here’s the pile of leaves at this point in the spa day.

I forgot to get a before pic of the Walkenstien #'s 2&3 but here are the before and after the rest.

Walkenstien #1 and OG Kush fem before

OG Kush and Walkenstien 1-3 after.

And finally the before… .

and after of the tent layout.

All said and done I trimmed and then top dressed 1 tbsp each of Gaia Green all purpose and power bloom into the soil then filled in the pots with some fresh fox farms ocean forest. They got a nice drink and I’m going to watch them a couple days. I’m hoping to flip the switch by the weekend.


Reading thru and following along @Gadarien . Looks like you have some great growth happening up there! I’ll be keeping a close eye on this since I have a lot to learn. The setup that I’m planning is very similar to what you’re doing here (soil, small/med size pots, netting, etc.). Plus I am hoping to get some Luke’s Force seeds soon as I can. Seems like our tastes are aligned :+1:

Keep up the good grow!


Thanks bud. I’m still learning a ton too. The biggest change I’m going to make for next grow is smaller pots. I’m going to get the 1 gal cloth pots so I can keep all my plants separated.


Well I get to go back to work today. It’s been a long 3 months, but at least it’s over now.

Anyway I snapped some pics last night. A couple of them greened up and responded really well to the foliar spray the other day. The runt Luke’s Force though is a weird yellow color. I’m going to be checking pre-flowers in the next day or 2 and making some cull decisions. They’re on the second 12 hour dark cycle now so should be able to be sure very soon.